Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

People, people.

If we can’t all just get along, could we at least agree not to post with the endless chain quotes unless it’s really necessary? The posts that get all the way down to single characters really don’t make it easier to follow the conversation. Thanks.


Yes but for someone who says they play chess while everyone else is playing checkers I don’t understand how they did not foresee this possibility :thinking:


Out of curiosity which specific things do you consider bashing? People talking about real life experience with her? People talking about SM experience with her? Her behavior at the trial?


Yes, pray tell, WHY? Um, I’m one of the ones constantly attacked by this woman, before and after August 7, 2019. I do believe I have earned the right to be as bitter or as forgiving of the Kanarek family at any time as the mood strikes me. Get over it.


I have no idea if he actually plays chess, but if he does, I would pay good money to see Mr. B face off with LK over a chessboard. Maybe it could be a charity fundraiser for a horse rescue or something.

Maybe it could be a virtual chessboard online. Lol.


She would cheat! Can one cheat at chess?


Soooo… according to you I am not allowed to observe that MULTIPLE people have claimed MB was “terrified” of JK, felt “forced” to allow LK and RG to stay at the house in April if 2019, and ask the question

“Hey. What is that all about?”

And I am not allowed to mention that JK worked for EF Hutton, which is well known to have documented ties to the mafia in the RI, NY and NJ area, most especially during its heyday in the 1980’s when JK was working there…

And I am not allowed to wonder if there is any connection with this weird, continued allegation that MB was ‘terrified’ of JK?

It’s a discussion thread. People (self included) are trying to understand this crazy case, and how and why events unfolded the way they did. :woman_shrugging:

And really… you really are saying there is “no basis” for myself or anyone else to project any experiences we have had with cluster b people (narcissistic personality disorder or antisocial personality disorder) onto LK? You don’t think her behavior n social media, in person, and even during the case is unusual?

A lot of people… beyond just me… think her behavior is INCREDIBLY unusual. A lot of people… beyond just me… have remarked upon it and talked about NPD.

Oh well. I guess in your book no one is allowed to talk about a public trial involving a REALLY unusual situation on a discussion forum where the ‘victim’ has taken to social media and PUBLICLY put herself out there, and shared multiple details and versions of her own situation.

It’s a discussion forum hut-ho .


Why do you think this is not normal procedure for a subpoena issued to a witness who resides in a different state than where the trial is set? The attorneys must issue subpoenas for witnesses, it has to be done through the court system in the county and state where the witness resides, or you could have a very pissed off trial judge. If you notice the date, it’s several days before the beginning of trial and the date their presence would be required. The trial hadn’t even started yet, how can you say they refused to appear at the trial. The lies and misstatements to raises drama on this forum are astounding. I’m not an LK apologist or fan girl as some of you like to assert when someone points out how ridiculous some of the rumors are. Serving a subpoena on a witness is correct procedure. I would guess there are probably some sloppy attorneys out there who don’t serve subpoenas and simply hope and pray witnesses show up. If so, their career as a trial attorney is pretty short.


OMG. At first glance I read that as cheeseboard. :flushed:
LK and Bilinkas having a glass of wine over some charcuterie and discussing legal issues.



Me too! Glad I am not the only one.


Yes, it is lower case “i” on her Twitter page.


Because they had so much emotional bandwidth invested in MB being found guilty on all charges and incarcerated for decades.

Instead they got to watch their LK and RG paradigm implode. No BOMBSHELLS, no SURPRISES THAT WILL PUT HIM AWAY FOREVER. No testimony about the owners of SGF begging them to stay at the farm after the shooting. Their testimony was a sad spectacle of what happens when Karma catches up with you…both the bad kind that caught up with LK and RG and the good kind that got thrown MB’s way after a lifetime of trying to live as a decent human being despite depression and anxiety always ready to pounce.

That is why they are having such a difficult time.


I didn’t see one in Palm Beach County, FL for Mary Haskins Gray. Who was also a witness.


Thanks. I do find that somewhat alarming under the circumstances. :woman_facepalming:



I would not wish that on Mr. B.

Even for charity. Lol.


I’m genuinely curious - who exactly are these people you are talking about?

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Justin Hardin? I don’t believe there was one for him. And he’s a PBC resident and was a prosecution witness as well.

I can totally understand how this whole thing might have been a standard procedure… and people might have gotten confused about it when they first noticed the documents online…

But… I don’t know what the truth is. And no one has definitively clarified what the deal is, one way or another…


No, one wasn’t issued for him either. At least I can’t find it.


Maybe MHG and JH gave the authorities their correct addresses so that no legal action was necessary to serve them. :thinking:


I have an adorable toy sheep that the SO gave me many years ago. He’s in a pinstripe suit and came with a copy of the “Wool Street Journal”–his name tag says he is “E.F. Mutton”.