Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

They just rebranded the Mexican banks and kept rolling along.


I think that was a reference to a meme I posted. image

ETA: apparently I havenā€™t learned how to quote properly.


The pizza connection case involved mobsters actually walking into EF Huttonā€™s NY office, with cash in bags, money that came from drug trafficking, and the cash was then laundered and eventually transferred to Swiss bank accounts.

The reason people remember the case is that it was actually quite colorful and crazyā€¦ and not another run of the mill, borderline financial practice at a big brokerage house.

But you can conflate it with routine white collar crime by other NYC brokerage firms if you want to.


LMAO a fan of LK questions MY credibility rating??

Thatā€™s rich!! Thank you for the belly laugh!!!


Yes, EF Hutton itself and one broker from the Providence office were convicted (actually, they probably plead guilty). The other broker, Landrau, died before he could be charged.

Yes. CH completely smeared you and implied you have no credibility.

But no one is allowed to say anything about LKs behavior online, speculate that it might indicate a personality disorder, or ask any questions about what is up with JK intimidating people, etc etc.

That is all totally out of bounds. Butā€¦ itā€™s fine to smear you. :wink:


Itā€™s not the first time Iā€™ve been smeared but thatā€™s OK as I know Iā€™ve been pretty much correct all along. Iā€™ve just been a pain in the a$$ for them all along when I tell of things like treble damages, etc.


I assess credibility on a case by case basis. At this point in time, the number of posters I find not credible is more than just you and LK.

Iā€™m skeptical of most of what I read from anonymous posters on the internet.

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Right back at ya babe.


Hereā€™s his - both his and LKā€™s are listed as misdemeanors with palm beach county.

you can search them here:

I donā€™t see them for JH or MHG. Not sure if they are both Florida residents though.


Youā€™re not allowed to talk about treble damages either. CH already decided the elderly folks that are the other parties involved in the SGF llc will indeed be paying RG whatever it is that he supposedly is owed. Because IM said so, and CH actually does believe what IM says on the internet ā€¦ regardless of other protestations regarding anonymous posters having no credibility.

Anyway, this is apparently a good thing. Because if only people had shown RG more ā€œrespectā€ at various points, things might have not gotten so ugly. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

And noā€¦ you can NOT talk about extortion when anyone brings this whole line of thinking up. Thatā€™s a disgusting thing to speculate about and you are simply ā€œwrong.ā€





Iā€™ve been an inconvenient truth.



KMs pronouncements are not credible to me. If you believe everything she says, thatā€™s your prerogative.

LK has admitted under oath that she lies on SM; I have seen evidence that she has lied in her posts on COTH.

Itā€™s a discussion forum, and Iā€™ve never understood how JK could ā€œforceā€ or ā€œintimidateā€ MB into accepting LK as a client or offering her the apartment. I think MB voluntarily accepted her as a continuing client and voluntarily permitted her to live in the apartment because as a business decision he just wanted the business.

I think itā€™s ridiculous to claim that MB was forced or intimidated by JK to keep LK as a client and tenant when they returned from Florida in 2019, and not only ridiculous but extremely offensive to ā€œexplainā€ that he came by his powers of intimidation by being associated with the NJ branch of the Jewish mob.

BTW, I greatly respected your contributions to the SS threads, which I followed as a lurker before creating an account.

Schmooze 101.


As far as mob activity.

Historically organized crime seems to attach to new immigrant groups that are shut out of mainstream activities, and also to groups that have strong international networks or crim families in the old country.

Jewish gangsters were certainly a thing in the early 20th century in NY/NJ and central to starting Los Vegas and Atlantic City gambling. Before that there were Irish thugs and Tammsny Hall. I feel though that Italian crime families substantially took over that territory in the 2nd half of the 20th century. Of course any individual could get involved in anything, and there was money being sent clandestinely to the IRA long after the Irish were no longer major organized crime. Where I live is a major drug entrepot and control has battled out between the very white Hells Angles, and newer South and East Asian groups. One of the big players called itself the United Nations and enrolled young men from different communities. Most membership data comes from the names of victims of drive by shootings.

Anyhow, an individual can exhibit thug like behavior without being part of any organized crime group. And financial institutions can have bad actors without everyone being in on it.


I have communicated my concerns about the anti-Semitic hate speech and the on going threats to LK and Bilinkasā€™ facilitating communication with Barisone to the Morris County prosecutor in hopes the judge will consider it at the May 17 hearing.
It is
Morris County Prosecutors Office
Po Box 900 - Court Street
Morristown NJ


I suggest others with the same concerns do the same.

I am also going to share them and my concerns with USEF and SafeSport, and I suggest others of a like mind do the same.

I have contacted the Congregation Shaā€™are Shalom to urge them to contact the Chronicle and discuss the harm from these anti-Semitic comnents. Their contacts are:
19357 Evergreen Mills Road
Leesburg VS 20173


I havenā€™t seen threats made to LK. Just opinions that sheā€™s a loose cannon. I would like to believe most people on this forum know better than to make threats via social media like her.


ask a pigeonā€¦

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LUL wut?