Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

You left out a straight Not Guilty. There were 2 of those too. You remember those, don’t you? Those were the charges the Prosecutor were going to offer to toss on the plea deal and I said he’s offering it because they have no case for it and he knows it.


But apparently not IM, for some reason. :thinking:


Huh? That hearing is to assess MB’s mental status and whether he needs to remain committed to a psych facility. What does that have to do with supposed anti-Semitic hate speech or threats to LK, if they are coming from someone other than MB?

And of course Bilinkas is facilitating outside communication with his client. Why wouldn’t he? How does receiving messages of support through his lawyer make MB a safety risk to himself or the public? That is what’s under consideration at the upcoming hearing.


I’m sorry, what? You’re telling the judge that MB’s lawyer is going to give him mail? What is the goal there?
I haven’t seen anyone threaten to harm LK though I will admit I skim some of the longer posts.


Yes, I know.

At some point in the saga, I believe somebody posted a Facebook quote or something from LK where she talked about being such a chess master, and I think she even mentioned it on the witness stand early on in her testimony.

That was the origin of my comment on the subject.


No, I don’t think it was about money, per se. I think it was about each side very symmetrically being determined to “win” without backing down, when each side had numerous opportunities to de escalate and avoid the conflict.

LK could have moved without the financial disputes ( plural) being resolved, but didn’t; MB could have followed the advice of his lawyer to evict her and get a restraining order and could have acknowledged a legitimate disagreement on who owed who what, but didn’t.

Interesting….RG testified to not having been happy that he had to leave NC to go to MB’s as well….


Spoiler alert: nobody here has threatened her


Confused, are you saying there has been anti Semitic speech on this BB? I haven’t seen it… Maybe I misunderstood?


I started out extremely skeptical. Over time I have seen zero discrepancies between what IM
has said and verifiable facts. That’s the reason.

He served her an eviction notice. It hadn’t been entered into court files but I’m told that’s common, especially when tensions are high.

ETA: often the first step is to serve the notice, give tenants a chance to respond, then file with the court.


If the thread goes like all the others, smearing you means you are too right so the only option is to make fun of you.

I can not figure out how this is a negative?
Tilting my head sideways and squinting, and it even still looks like something that there is no way to find a negative.

And… you know how to vacuum cool patterns in the floor! :star_struck:

And hopefully no one else does so they are not at risk of going thru the same torture. He clearly did not know ahead of time what those two were capable of. Now that their actions have been exposed we can only hope all the trainers and barn owners say no when asked if they can go there.


Hasn’t threatened her physically?

Isn’t it obvious that the plan for the indefinite future is more of the bashing that’s gone on for the past 2.5 years?

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Now that allegations of ‘anti-Semitic hate speech’ have been thrown out there, and people have gotten REALLY upset about how ‘baseless’ allegations concerning ‘accusations’ about mafia ties (uhhh… they were merely questions) have made it into the discussion on this thread, I thought I would go back to yesterday’s conversation and quote the genesis of all this drama.

At this point, I got the following response to me simply wondering why everyone was so terrified of JK… and if he had ties to organized crime in the area… (sorry - I haven’t figured out how to do the multi post quote thing on the current forum software).

“There is no outright stated reason why people are afraid of JK, but I would assume that he rants and raves about suing people like his daughter does, so that might be it. On the other hand, his only known employer (EF Hutton) was involved with the region’s organized crime and their money laundering in the heyday of the firm, when he was known to be working for them and the Jewish community in the area is rife with organized crime groups, some of whom give the Mafia a run for it’s Cannollis and who have the same structure. According to the FBI/DOJ there is also a massive money moving/laundering apparatus operating in the Jewish communities that moves funds to and from the US to Israel, Russia, the UK, and any country with a Jewish population that requires off-the-books cash, especially the ones with lots of money lenders that lend to the Orthodox Jewish communities. That’s something you can read up on elsewhere.”

Soooo… people can make of this what they will. I still am befuddled as to why people are so outraged… no one said that ALL Italian people or ALL Jewish people in NJ are involved in organized crime. Nor that ALL employees of EF Hutton were gangsters.

There’s a lot of straw men gathered on this thread at this point, who are getting righteously flogged.


“Bashing” isn’t the same thing threatening.
Bashing: you suck and I hate you.
Threatening: I’m going to make you wish you were never born.


Yes. He took the first step on Aug 6. He shot her midday on Aug 7. Is that the way a legal eviction is supposed to work?

I have a sincere question for @Seeker1…were you a warm and caring person to Joey Staagard after the vile, truly disgusting things your daughter said on social media about her? Did you sit around at family gatherings away from the home, along with family friend @Inigo-montoya, laughing and making fun of her and her desperate attempts to stop your daughter??? Always deflecting responsibility, right?


well, you know why.
Caught with their compliments down, they are throwing sand now.


You keep doing this. It really is offensive. You are speculating based on ethnicity and religion. That’s not cool.

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