Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Ok now I know you’re just trolling because you can’t possibly still believe this after having it explained to you so many times. I’ll try one more time, using very small words.

MB DID follow the advice of his lawyer and begin the eviction process. The notice of eviction letter sent to her is the first step in the formal eviction process. It has to be sent BEFORE filing with the court. In many cases that’s enough to make bad tenants leave, since many don’t want a court battle and don’t want the legal record on their file that they’ve been evicted, as it will come up in any future background check done by a prospective landlord.

Of course many tenants will simply leave when asked to do so, and when it’s clear they are unwelcome on the property. By all accounts, MB made that perfectly clear.

And don’t forget MB and his lawyer worked with JK and his lawyer on an exit plan for LK and the horses, even arranging somewhere comparable for her to go. So why would he launch a formal eviction process any earlier when there was already a plan in place?

I assume you’re being deliberately obtuse by continuing to repeat these false claims. The alternative is that you truly are that obtuse, which I guess would explain a lot, if true.


Yes, obviously. What kind of question is that?
You’re imposing rational thought onto a man who was found by a jury to be mentally incapacitated at the time of the shooting.

Edited for spelling.


One of my mother’s classic lines was: Those who cannot learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them.

Which I think is absolutely true. But I believe it’s even better to learn from the mistakes of others so you don’t have to learn all the mistakes the hard way yourself.

Hopefully there will be plenty of others who will learn from MB’s mistake in this case.


Sorry, I don’t see a major distinction between “bashing” and “threatening” as you’ve defined them.

Fat Dinah was talking about the hate speech.



See how easy it is to make accusations just using question marks as punctuation marks? No periods required.

And Virginia Horse Mom keeps coming right up to that line. It makes me very uncomfortable, and has each time she’s done it. I am (tacitly before and now explicitly) asking her to stop.

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And… shortly after the post I just quoted was made yesterday, which started discussion of organized crime in the North East, someone pointed out that a few mentions have been made on this thread concerning the K family’s ties to the local Jewish community groups. And I replied to that comment with the following statement :

Soooo… now we have someone seriously taking these two posts, and going to a judge and reporting it as “Anti-Semitic Hate Speech”

Talk about bizarre. I guess they willfully chose to ignore the crystal clear statement that nothing in those posts was meant to be a general smear of any community.


Wait, now there is more than one? I thought there was only the RG thing? What are the other disputes? Please enlighten us.

I know this has been explained to you…well, lots of times…Step one of filing an eviction is giving them notice to leave, which is what MB’s lawyer and MB had done here. Something organized thru her father.
Why are you ignoring this step? Even the defense says this step happened.

Bashing: “You are too fat for that horse” (don’t remember LK’s actual words but that is close to what she said to one of the posters here, screen shot to prove it)
Threatening: “Finish the Bastard”


I don’t know how to make that more clear.
You feel threatened when someone says they hate you? That must be tough.


LOL, great way to waste their time. There have been no threats.

ETA: No, sorry. You are right. There have been threats. To others members of the BB made by LK. Almost slipped my mind.


Not following you as nobody partook in such endeavors as hate speech.
And VHM was herself wondering where this malarky came from.

I might misread her post, true. I just saw the bewilderment in the sudden care of a certain poster who took it upon herself to become the self appointed hall monitor.


Discussing LK’s own words and actions is not threatening, nor is it bashing. If you don’t want to participate in said discussions, feel free to abstain. But FTR you “bashing” those who choose to discuss the topic at hand is getting rather tiresome.


At this point I have no choice but to think you are well beyond simple bias to the point of being ridiculous.


You know that is a disingenuous comment.
You know there was far more going on that just the eviction formalities - and yet seem bound and determined to ignore all that as well as LK’s admitted plot to finish the bastard.
You know that CPS (or whatever the acronym is for NJ) had shown up the morning of the final altercation and shooting.
And yet you post as if the eviction was the only issue and shooting was MB’s only solution - and it was planned in some way.

If only everything was as simple and neat and tidy and tied up in pretty satin bows… as you seem to think it is.

As far as IM credibility goes… that is most definitely not a hill to die on or a banner to be waving. It may be best to go back and review his posts now that all is said and done and the trial is over… especially that last condescending, sneering, arrogant one…


I am the queen of typing errors so I hope you do not take this wrong.
This made me laugh so hard.
Not sure why, because clearly it makes no sense. But darn, it is funny to me.


Clearly not. Because, you know, the complete mental breakdown happened. The one which the jury found to be true.


It is a funny typo - and in the end, quite ironic :face_with_raised_eyebrow: … going back to fix it! :laughing:


A good rule of thumb: if you are going to use the word “the” followed by a race, religion, or other group (maybe not the Shriners or the Elk’s Club, but idk), you should probably think hard about what comes next. If nothing else, if someone says, “that makes me uncomfortable,” believe them.


or “Finish the Bastard”