Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I spoke about JK threatening people and flat out said I suspect people have bowed out of conflicts with them because he threatens lawsuits.
I don’t know where the mob, religion, etc stuff came from, I just said that people often back off when threatened with a lawyer.


I’ve stopped. It was all of two posts YESTERDAY. Then there were a bunch of posts now twisting those two posts into something that they weren’t. I have quoted BOTH of the offensive posts from yesterday to bring them forward into the current discussion, so people can decide for themselves if anyone is stretching a bit when calling these two posts “hate speech” that should be reported to a judge.

Any discussion of these issues today has only revolved around EF Hutton itself. That’s it.

I’m sorry you are offended.


I appreciate it. Both the discussion of construction in New Jersey and the EF Hutton case would have been interesting without the ethnic attributions.

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Thank you for the advice.

I will never ever ever speak about the Italian American community having ties to organized crime ever again. And in the future, I will inform anyone else who ever dares to say such an outrageously offensive thing in my presence that they shouldn’t.


Nah. How could anyone derive any malicious intent from those endearing words?! Shame on you!

/s <<< for the people in the back


Ok, so you blame him for taking a client who, to his knowledge, was just another middle-aged AA looking for training. You blame him for not having a crystal ball.

Got it.


It’s like you can’t help yourself. So organized crime is just Italians?


Maybe you should start a thread in the current events section of the forum about this topic that you want to dissect with VHM.


That’s it? That’s what started the antisemitic claim? I’m Jewish and I didn’t take any offense to that. I thought it was something else I missed since I’m now just skimming these posts.
The only statement that gave me pause was this: “the Jewish community in the area is rife with organized crime groups.” What is meant by “in the area”? NJ? NY? Where EF Hutton is located? Where JK lives?

I usually don’t cite Wikipedia but this seems to be a good summary of the topic: Jewish-American organized crime - Wikipedia

From this article, it doesn’t seem like “the area is rife” but rather it’s there a little bit around. And to me “rife” was just a figure of speech. I took no offense but it might not have been the best word choice.


The Italians and Irish should also go to the judge… sigh… facts are facts… Crime syndicates exist - doesn’t matter your race, religion, or creed. Can we get back to the subject and scroll by these people? Ick! to making something it is not.


Beyond bizarre. Looking for offense where there is none. I asked about the relevance, and you answered. There was nothing hateful or anti-Semitic in your response, at least not that I could discern.


I am assuming the Shame on you is not directed to me? It was in response to a post

And bashing MB’s head in with her phone


It was tongue in cheek and sarcasm, Danvers… that is what the /s means. :slightly_smiling_face:

You were correct and spot on with mentioning Finish the Bastard * as an example of a threat. LK did not mean it as anything but a threat and the goal of her admitted plan.

* not to be confused with Fish the Bastard


I’m seriously wondering if someone should let Mr Bilinkis know that his nefarious plan of taking cards or letters to MB has been outed to the judge and prosecutor. :thinking:



Thanks! things are getting stupid sensitive - can we please scroll by these people…?


Seriously, where are you headed with this? Organized crime groups are often affiliated with specific ethnic groups. Stating that fact does not constitute hate speech.


Yes, there was one for her, and for George Morris (who was never called to testify)


This entire antisemitic BS on this thread currently reminds me of a “huge” slam against Trader Joes’s for having the sheer gall of setting up a large challah display two days after Passover. What were they thinking? We must boycott NOW! How utterly ignorant of these stricken posters who don’t comprehend TJ’s almost always has a large display of challah as the weekend approaches because people love it for French Toast!

These people are simply trying to close the thread with their feigning of being so frigging offended! Ignore and Mute these people and scroll on by!


You said this before, but no one else has been able to find them. Can you please screen shot your findings for us?