Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity


There was nothing intended to be hateful, nor was it about smearing an entire community. I totally appreciated you asking “hey - what’s up with this line of discussion?” And I’m glad to hear you accepted my response at face value.

I sincerely am baffled as to why a 70 something year old guy from NJ, who has had a white collar job his whole life (from what I can tell), would scare multiple people the way he apparently does. And why RG would have told more than one person. He was afraid of being “disappeared.”



As I recall we asked you for your evidence of MH being served and I don’t recall you giving that evidence. Maybe I’m mistaken so maybe someone else will provide that proof.


To quote a classic movie line: “Even should that happen to be true…”

According to LK’s sworn testimony on the witness stand, it’s all “just social media.”

So there’s that.


Must look this product up. I love french toast (am I allowed to call it french toast?) but have no idea what challah is.


I found them this morning. JH’s name was misspelled and MHG’s last name was listed with both Haskins Gray instead of as last and middle.


Thank you @Sdel, I stand corrected. Were they cited for contempt too?


a sweet bread (bread kind) with ceremonial significance.


No, I’m pointing out that when he voluntarily permitted her to return to the Long Valley farm in spring 2019, he had already had a client and tenant relationship with them for about a year and would have been well aware of her SM addiction, her “dangerous” dog, whether she failed to show up for lessons, and how much he was bothered by RGs drug habit, etc. He didn’t need a crystal ball; he’d lived the arrangement for a year.

He had all the information he needed to make a business decision as to whether he wanted them as clients, flaws and all.

The thing about not knowing what he was getting into might have applied in spring 2018, but not 2019.


Challah is a special bread of Ashkenazi Jewish origin, usually braided and typically eaten on ceremonial occasions such as Shabbat and major Jewish holidays. Ritually acceptable challah is made of dough from which a small portion has been set aside as an offering. Challah may also refer to the dough offering.

It is very much like a brioche.


That line is really a perfect description of a few of the posters here.


I sincerely hope I will not give offense by describing challah as Jewish Brioche.

The key difference between brioche and challah is that challah is traditionally braided. They are both rich, delicious, egg breads that are wonderful for french toast. (If we can say french toast. Or should we use the British term, Eggy Bread? Or would that be weird - Eggy Bread made with egg bread?)

Sorry, I’m getting punchy.

ETA: @eggbutt and @BrendaJane beat me to it.


I thought I would post Mr. B’s summation here in case anyone missed it. It was really quite remarkable, especially now that we know the verdict.

If you don’t have time to watch the whole thing, the first and last 10-15 minutes are well worth a look.


In case anyone else wonders, I looked up why french toast is called french toast and according to the internet it is named after an inn keeper whose last name was French.


What exactly is inappropriate and reportable about that? Are you trying to suggest that people expressing their support should result in a negative impact at the May 17 hearing? That is just cruel.


Sorry, but neither MB nor LK have claimed this. MB claims he was threatened and LK said she he had to “force him” to let her stay when they came back from FL. It was in her manifesto….and all that “contract” BS she kept going on about….

LK might lie on SM…but I doubt MB’s attorney was lying.


Yea. That’s it.

And by “in the area” it was meant NJ, NY, and I mentioned direct experience with relatives who actually work for a ‘connected’ business in Philadelphia.

And offense was taken beyond the Jewish issue. Apparently me mentioning some Italian businesses have connections in that very specific area of the country have ties to organized crime was PROFOUNDLY OFFENSIVE. And I have been advised concerning rules of thumb I should apply in order to appropriately censor myself when speaking about any of this in the future.


I can find George Morris, but I can’t find Mary Haskins’s.

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“he’d lived the arrangement for a year”

Except that he didn’t. Everybody testified that she was there in the spring of 2018 for a couple months or a few months depending on the witness. They went their separate ways, ran into each other in FL at some point after the pipe burst in Jan 2019 and agreed to continue training again that year. Unless you’re referring to some of LaLa’s posts where she said they lived together for 2 years. But I’m gonna go with the consistent under oath statements, not the BB posts.

That’s the one single point they were all consistent on in testimony from LK, RG, MHG, JH.

We don’t know if they had Rosie in spring of 2018. We don’t know if he knew of RG’s addiction issues until he found the Suboxone/hired a PI, or anything else. We also don’t know how much he really interacted with her in Spring of 2018. We do know all parties were happy enough to restart training in Spring 2019.


I must interject to say that I am still scratching my head over what anyone expects the judge in this case to do about alleged hate speech here on the Chronicle BB. :woman_shrugging:


Believe it or not, I’m glad you looked it up! Next time I make it for the nephews I’m going to share that with them. They love stuff like that.