Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Well technically, they don’t have to quit. But at least nobody will waste any more time or energy responding and getting drawn into their ridiculous tangents.


Well, there is one other poster who has kept raising similar points.

Coincidentally, these two posters seem to have a tendency to comment at the bottom of each other’s posts with things like, “I completely agree 100%” or what have you. :thinking:


I guess you’ve never been an Olympic trainer with tons to lose.


I dunno…can you enlighten me as to why she sent an email/text to JK/RG about being able to access the office and could forge signatures and contracts and “whatever they needed to do”?


Charming. Between this, to a person she knew, and the uploading of the video mocking the stranger, I’m guessing she can probably drop the ‘body shaming’ complaint she was making about MB to SS, right?

Conversely, seems like a ‘body shaming’ complaint to SS about LK is in order, no?

I mean, since she cares enough about this issue to make complaints to SS about it and all.


These emphatic statements (five !!! for two sentences) from someone who is in a campaign to get LK banned by SS and USEF for her SM activity, and has spent the last 2.5 years, full time, obsessing about the role LKs SM activity will play in a criminal trial.

This is undoubtedly one of the most outrageous, ridiculous posts I’ve EVER read on these forums.


UGH! It’s like everyone has a chip on their shoulder… you can’t speak facts any more with out offending someone… it is exaugsting.


Actually, it’s Hut-Ho who talks about the divorce.

Even amicable divorces are stressful. Running a training barn is stressful. Life is stressful.


I kinda want to get all my friends to throw a card in the mail too, now.


Lol, and he ate it I would imagine. Kids being kids…

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No, I’ve never ridden with an Olympic trainer.

Given that MB was an Olympic trainer, I naively thought it would be easier rather than more difficult to just decline to offer the housing LK wanted and lose her as a client.

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And yet, MB a was able to handle all of that until someone wrote a manifesto and launched a plan to “finish the bastard”.

I know you’re never going to look at it from that side, and that’s cool, you do you. But there’s a whole world of people, not just on this forum, that had no dog in this trial, knew nothing about the parties whatsoever, that were dumbfounded by the “victim” in this case. People with no knowledge whatsoever beyond what was presented in trial commenting all over a lot of other social media, legal forums, etc…that saw what the jury saw. That his breakdown was caused by her.


No kidding.

God forbid you actually mention anything personal about your own family having worked for a “connected” company in a certain region of the country that involving a specific community… and how you actually have first hand knowledge that this sort of thing actually still exists…

Because all of a sudden, the outrage police are ALL OVER YOU, claiming you are trafficking in baseless stereotypes. Sheesh.

And I didn’t even get a chance to get to my other stories about my Irish relatives from Boston, or my really tough Greek family from tough parts of Western Massachusetts… Pittsfield in particular.

Anyone willing to clutch some pearls over Pittsfield? Any outrage about that region of the country, and a specific community who have last names ending in vowels, followed by the letter s? And does first hand knowledge matter? Or is it still baseless slander if you speak about firsthand knowledge?



I’ll bet he probably did! Lol.

But he also tucked the information away in his head, and eventually turned it into a very successful commercial venture. I have proof of that in my freezer right now.


Nope, I have no intel on that.

You hinted that you could imagine how she could “threaten him” into giving her the apartment, and I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts on that.

Pretty sure I said the defense hinted at it and not that I was imagining things.


Could I get a good gyro in Pittsfield? Maybe some spanakopita? :slight_smile:


Hasn’t Dinah claimed all along on these threads that she actually is an attorney?

Or maybe I just misinterpreted all of her posts that seemed to be coming from the perspective of an attorney with firsthand knowledge of the criminal justice system.

So weird.


I have no idea. I joined recently to comment on these threads, which I’ve been reading while this is evolving (I do ride dressage, hence the interest).

However that most recent post certainly sounds like some lawyers I know, who would file a motion to get their morning coffee if they could…


Gyro is not REAL Greek food. At least according to the people I know. :rofl:

But spanakopita? Oh yeah. I can tell you who’s family makes the BEST spanakopita in all of Western Mass, and a few states to the north :wink: