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Best threads/trainwrecks on COTH?

Ohhh, Chanter. That was scary.

How about the Florida horse? That was last winter, right?

Seems to me the “government is taking my ______” are some good topics too ! I think some people who feel that big brother is taking over seem to like to vent on those.

Ohhh, Chanter. That was scary.

How about the Florida horse? That was last winter, right?[/QUOTE]

I actually spoke to the woman:eek: I felt sorry for her horses and almost took them in ! I am soooooooo glad that “life” on my end made it a bit hard for her.

From when I first joined COTH:



and its big brother FORGET THE SNAPS!!!


a lot of the farrier and photography threads can go that way too come to think of it.[/QUOTE]

I agree–there have been some farrier threads with trainwreck written all over them that seem to have gone under-appreciated (based on the low number of hits, relatively speaking). I especially liked the Tildren for Ringbone thread in which JSwan used one of my favorite words, “schadenfreude”.

Check out the Drool thread also, under the HorseCare folders.

As for Jetsmom’s recommendation, that will have to wait for a rainy weekend, but I’m looking forward to reading it, ALL 100 pages, sheesh.

Oh good grief.
I think her farewell thread was deleted, because it was just too over the top…

Oh good grief.
I think her farewell thread was deleted, because it was just too over the top…[/QUOTE]


here was another oldie but goodie of hers…

What about the poster (can’t remember the name) that had the horse that was “crooked in the womb” and was afraid a BNT would ruin it at a clinic?

Anything about Roulette++++++++

I also agree that lunging at Devon was classic.

I think it was finally determined to be total fiction. Not the first time on this board, nor will it be the last.

One I will never forget was from the 2008 Olympics on McLain Ward’s behavior during the gold medal awards ceremony (did not put hand over his heart during national anthem).

We had pro-hand-over-heart and that’s-ridiculous-no-hand-over-heart-required sides having a grand old tug o’ war for several pages. Fun times. :lol:

that poor lady was off her rocker.

The “Crooked in the womb” thread, I think. If it’s not this one, its one where the same poster was afraid Richard Spooner might want to get on her horse and a clinic and ruin him :lol:

I don’t know if the Musical_Jumper saga was a “trainwreck” so much as a tragedy that played out on the BB, back in the early days.
Lunging at Devon will always be a classic trainwreck to me.

No, MJ was not a trainwreck as much as a tragedy. The Florida Hose Sale Saga actually was helpful and ended very well…And Roulett+++++ IS the infamous Arabian Jumper on the thread with everything from bad advertising to exaggerated claims to a discussion of the Iraq war and outing a shamateur. Sybil, houseguests, you name it.

Anybody remember the eventer who came on the H/J board posting pics of herself…that were of recognizable top level eventers? The one who didn’t know where she lived as in one post she needed directions coming north to the KHP and the next said she was driving from British Columbia? Had a my space page holding a bottle of Jack in skimpy attire at age 16??? Now that one was a tasty mess and quite entertaining.

Crazy Crayola Trainer (if that was the title) was also a complete gem of a CCTW.

Help Plz. Tact or Education Needed. [a short novel] - Chronicle Forums

I think this the the origin of the Crayola posse. :slight_smile:

There should be a subfolder under Favorites for Parelli stuff

Wow, somehow I had missed that one. Very disappointing that she never posted a full report after the clinic. I really wanted to find out if Richard got on her horse after all. :lol:

These links should come with warnings about the length of the thread!

Yup, that’s the one. Thank you soo much for posting that link.

As far as hours (days, actually) of pleasurable reading and plenty of laughs, has no one mentioned the Stick Horsey thread yet?

Be advised that this one will require a boxcar full of popcorn and the Budweiser Clydesdale hitch loaded down with beer. At last count, there were over 750 pages and 15,000 posts.

There are some good ones in here! My stomach hurts from laughing!

The “Crooked in the womb” thread, I think. If it’s not this one, its one where the same poster was afraid Richard Spooner might want to get on her horse and a clinic and ruin him :lol:

I think it was called “I’m going to get to do a Richard Spooner clinic”.