Black Friday sales

Yes, I got that free sheet once and it was not even worth what I paid for it. :rofl:

I got the halter yesterday, then regretted not waiting for today :rofl::rofl: but maybe I’m better off if the sheet is not waterproof!

And here I am wishing I had ordered yesterday to get the halter, lol! Wondering what tomorrow might be, if anything… - 20% off sitewide and free shipping to US over $50 - 15% off sitewide. Good if you need a high end or hard to find bit is offering 30% off + free shipping, and the Australian dollar is running at .67 US. Their discounts include custom Mattes products and Cavallo boots. I just went to their site and “spun the wheel” and it gave me an extra $20 gift card for a $100+ order.

I regret not ordering and getting the halter!

@Libby2563 , it looks like they are doing the same freebies as they did last year, so if my email serves me correctly, Cyber Monday will be a $50 gift card with a $200+ order and the following Tuesday is a free waffle cooler. Both still with the 15% off code.

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My annual mega-list of sales is here:


For general deals - do you guys think it’s better to shop today or Cyber Monday? I was going to use the sales for some much needed upgrades around house and farm.

Oh man, Smartpak’s giveaway today is a down vest, wish I waited for that! I’m wearing my Smartpak down jacket today, and I actually prefer it to my Ariat one!

@MsRidiculous thanks for the tip on Ride iQ, I was in the trial period so I was able to cancel and get the year for half of the month to month price!

I feel like if you’re shopping online the deals stay exactly the same from Thursday to monday.

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Uckele has 15% off sitewide.

Since Riding Warehouse isn’t doing a big sale and Valley Vet charges shipping by weight, I bought my copper and zinc directly from them. There’s also a <10% bulk discount if you buy more than 4 bags of either. Every little bit helps I guess!

Chewy’s sale still is going on, at least through today, I didn’t catch the entire commercial.

Tomorrow on Cyber Monday, there should be a lot on Amazon, Best Buy, Target, etc. on electronics, and probably a lot more items too.

Duluth Trading Company has a lot on sale. Their stuff is very nice, great quality.

I opted out of the Bucket Insulator on Wednesday (it’s just not something I would use here with my setup) but I REALLY wanted what I purchased before it went out of stock again. I would have loved the halter or vest… {sigh}

Haha yeah its a game of chicken! I held out when I saw the bucket thing, then decided the halter was good enough to not risk my things going out of stock!

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A local outdoor sports store has Mossy Oak patterned Muck brand boots on sale for $79.99. I didn’t realize the sale went through today, so when I saw it Friday night after they were already closed, I ordered online with free shipping. They arrived via FedEx 36 hrs later! Granted, I’m only a short drive away, but I’m really happy with the boots and the speed of delivery. I burn through Muck boots in months here on the farm, so I’m always looking for deals on them.

Got a good deal on a OneK MIPS helmet at Riding Warehouse. Shipping free.

Had to search around a bit for Tredstep Nero II breeches in tan, but found at Farmhouse for 20% with code HOLIDAY20 and shipping was free.

Went to the Dover near my horse on Friday and left with some tail spray to combat the effects of the Santa Ana winds plus a “free” leadrope. Their clothing lines had good sales but I know the Tredsteps work for me and I wanted to see if I could find them online.

And bought a blender from Target. Decided to live dangerously and am going to pick it up at the store tomorrow as opposed to shipping it.

Otherwise, I’ve had a series of Friendsgiving meals.


@eventammy called it: SP’s promotion today is a $50 gift card for orders over $200. I’d rather get that than any of the “gifts.” I also have $75 of gift cards I need to use already. However, the one thing I was excited about is out of stock now and I’m not sure I have the energy to shop today.

I did do the world’s most boring Black Friday shopping at the local tack shop. They were having a promotion where you spin a wheel to determine your discount and I lucked out with the maximum of 30% off. (About the right discount to make their prices comparable with online.) I bought dewormer, Animalintex, fly masks, riding gloves, a dressage whip to replace the one run over by the lawnmower, a saddle rack, stirrup pads that ended up not fitting, and a couple brushes because mine are disintegrating. SO BORING!

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That is the kind of stuff I buy when SP is doing the spend X and get a GC. Then I buy something fun with the GC. :wink: So I ought to get over there and see what sort of practical stuff I need to buy, like a year’s supply of electrolytes.

Hufglocken happened to have a set of Mattes brushing boots in stock and on clearance in my mare’s size, with another 30% off and free shipping. Got the set of four for $192 whereas they are almost $300 a pair on Dover. They are white leather and have gray sheepskin instead of natural, but somehow I will manage.

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On the topic of SmartPak’s $50 gift card w/ $200 purchase today, anyone know how that gets sent out? Will in show up in my email? I saw that I qualified before placing my order but haven’t received anything yet