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Bought A Horse - Update

Agreed. But regardless, if the horse was sold as safe, while in reality having a known bucking problem “that was resolved with adequan”… that is entirely dishonest and the seller is a piece of scum.


Sorry that happened to you, it could have been worse, bad as you were injured, at least you should heal.

Private sellers are sketchy, they always have reasons to sell and some of those may be why no one else would like the horse, so they lie to get them sold.

Maybe try from a real professional running a nice barn with a good reputation next, there are some out there.

Looking for a horse we can enjoy, feel safe and love is so hard, too much involved of ourselves in horses, hard when we get one we wanted to work so much and then doesn’t, much less one we get injured by.

Hope you heal quickly, sorry that happened.

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I don’t have much to add except I wish you a speedy recovery OP and I’m sorry you crossed paths with such a rotten seller.:slightly_frowning_face: May her path cross with a very rank mule who has very good aim. I hope you don’t let this deter you. It can be intimidating getting back in the saddle after a ride like that. There’s good horses out there and I hope you find the right one for you.

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i sure don’t blame your friend. Everyone kinda knows that horses can buck, we’ve all watched movies, but to see it in person is quite another thing. Horseback riding is a very dangerous sport. Good that she discovered it the easy way. SORRY that you got hurt.
Me, i’d not have gotten back on right away.
I think there are one-person horses. Just like there are one-person dogs. Maybe this horse is one of those? They can be won over, but it takes time. Sometimes a LOT of time, like a year or more. I have an older arabian mare i adopted that took about 3 years or more to voluntarily move to be in proximity and get scritches from me. (i don’t ride her).

Obviously, the seller misrepresented this horse to you and is disreputable. Poor horse… :frowning:


WOW. As if the seller wan’t terrible enough by lying about the horse’s history, she had the audacity to not only blame you for the horse’s outburst but also say she knew the horse needed a “better rider”. Oh man, it takes a lot to make me mad and I’m absolutely fuming on your behalf.

Am I reading this right that the former owner had never heard of a french link snaffle? Uhh… what?


would a western person even know that though?


For some reason I thought the seller was a dressage rider but looking back I don’t see that specified anywhere, so maybe I was being judgmental for no reason on that front. I’ll admit the rest of the sellers actions painted her in such a bad light in my mind I was looking for things to nitpick.


and i imagined someone with poor grammar and sort of whitetrashy…
a kind of a backyard horse ‘expert’ with a lot of fast talk.


I don’t see why not. It is a pretty common bit.


This “western” person does. Not everyone keeps up with all the bits coming down the pipes regardless of the discipline.


Well… Maybe?
A friend selling a nice horse had a “Pro” bring a client of hers to testride.
Alleged Pro got on first & was so loose in the tack friend asked her to get off & said B’bye to them both - “Pro” & client.

@IdahoRider NOT saying this was the case for you.
You got a shi**y deal from that Seller 4 Sure!
Hoping you do end up finding a horse, it’s an addiction I am never gonna quit & I like to hook others :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I don’t disagree. I also seemed to miss the part about his previous bucking issue? That should have absolutely been made known from the beginning and I guess it wasn’t.



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I am not sticking up for the seller. Just saying I use 1 bit exclusively on all my horses . A full cheek snaffle and have for decades.

I can recognize a tom thumb, curb and obvious snaffles ( from my past) but there are a lot of bits out there I have never even seen. So it isn’t uncommon.


I agree that some horses don’t do well with different bits. He seemed to carry the french link well. He wasn’t fussy in the mouth. I looked at that closely when the seller was riding him the day I got dumped.

It was just a hard lesson to learn. I think I will look for a split lease situation once I can drag myself into the saddle.


I seriously doubt it was the bit. If it bothered him I do believe he would have let you know .

I am glad you aren’t giving up and hope the lease idea works well for you. I guess your friend is out of the picture 100% @IdahoRider ? She wasn’t thrown too was she?


While I get this thought, I think it’s actually really rude to turn up an hour early, both when I had my horses at home, when I might not even be there an hour before your time, because, I’m not leaving time to catch, groom and work the horse you are buying. Certainly not in a barn where people can be working around many clients.

Private sellers are sketchy, they always have reasons to sell and some of those may be why no one else would like the horse, so they lie to get them sold.

Can we change that to SOME private sellers maybe sketchy. I have never, as a private seller lied about my horses, or tried to pass them as what they are not. I actually want my horses to go to the right people.

There are honest and dishonest sellers in all areas, private and professional, buyer beware in all deals.


I agree with @KBC on the showing up an hour early thing. If you are OK being ignored for an hour then sure, feel OK being rude and showing up early. But those in the world with nothing to hide are also busy and do not have time in their day to entertain someone who is treating them like they cheat.

It is pretty easy to say if I horse has been worked to death before you get there.


True, should have said beware, plenty of private sellers are sketchy, either don’t know what they have or know if they tell some the horse does, others would not want to buy, like bucking fits this horse was known to have.

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No, she was not thrown. But she had a bad wreck about 20 years ago and I think watching me hit the dirt brought that up. Plus, she is close to 70 now and does not want to take the risk.

We are as close as sisters and it upset her greatly to see me in so much pain.