Brain surgery is OVER! Update w/interesting surgical report notes #159

Good luck on your surgery! I had my decompression surgery 11 years ago. From what I remember they have you up and mobile within 24 hours of surgery, and after sleeping off the anesthesia, you’ll groggily be able to surf the web, watch tv and beg for more pain meds :wink:

I wish you the best, I hope your recovery is swift and you’ll be back to enjoying your horsey lifestyle ASAP.

Best wishes for a successful procedure and recovery!

Thanks everyone. :slight_smile: Surgery day is tomorrow! Eek! But honestly, at this point, I’m just ready to have it done and over with. I’ve been through such a long, drawn out mess, I’m eager to be on the other side of a major turning point.

LoriW will post an update here after my surgery–we’re friends on Facebook and she can copy and paste what my husband posts when it’s all over. :slight_smile: See you on the other side!

All the best to you!!! my thoughts will be with you tomorrow !!!

Will be thinking of you tomorrow! Lots of jingles!


I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow, jingles and positive thoughts for a total success! Stay strong and you’ll be back in the saddle in no time.

Big jingles for you tomorrow!!

Good luck Lauruffian! Glad it will be over soon!

Sending positive thoughts for your surgery tomorrow!! You’ll do great!!

Jingling for you.

Praying ya thru today!!

Good luck! It will all be over soon!

Thinking about you, Lauruffian.

She’s in surgery now so I’ll keep you all posted. I had surgery with the same doctor just 6 weeks ago and the man is a genius when it comes to chiari. Fixed up my botched surgery (at Hopkins no less!) so she’s in great skilled hands! Be back soon with an update!

Thank you, LoriW! I’m watching this thread closely!

Thank you, LoriW! I’m watching this thread closely![/QUOTE]

me too … thanks.

Thanks and jingles. :slight_smile:

Thanks LoriW… awaiting word she is safely out of surgery!

I would imagine it’s going to be another hour (ish). She went in 4 hours ago and if it’s anything like mine, it will take 5-6 hrs total. Will post the minute I hear!!

Just got word from another mutual friend/patient of the doctor that she’s out of surgery, it went great and in recovery!!!