Bush opens up a can of whoop a$$

It’s 3.5, almost half of the US rate. That’s impressive.

But, we do know the locations of many of these terrorist camps in Afghanistan… and they need to go! For the safety of everyone on the planet!

You know, stuff like flinging tea into Boston Harbor, declaring independence without making nice to the king first.

And, you guessed it, of COURSE Jim Jeffords is a personal hero of mine!

But let’s celebrate our differences instead of carp over them-- we are all flesh and blood, after all.

Now what I REALLY want to know is, who is more likely to use a crest release, a Republican or a Democrat???

Better to keep an eye to our backs…

Snowbird, “no serious problem?”

Respectfully, I disagree!! We are in it deep, and will be stepping in it for a long time…and don’t assume everything you see on the news is true!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>And Snowbird, if you’d rather not have people call names, why don’t you please set a good example and not refer to any Dem. elected officials as “liars” and “cheats?” Us younguns need good role models. [wink]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

But you weren’t listening child! I said there have been flaws on both sides and great on both sides of the issue. You took it that I meant only democrats.
My point is that our politicians will rise to the goal if we set the standards high. And they give us back what we expect. “If you have the name, may as well play the game”.

Well it’s all perspective, my mother is 96 and still alive and healthy thank you! Yes! she too grew up in Europe during the first War to end all Wars. She came here alone without any money, unable to speak or read english. And, to them of that age this is a better place for sure, and to me it is the best place in the world with a flawed government sometimes but with the greatest opportunities to fix it.

YEP! and when she moved to her retirement home we found in her apartment a case of lamp oil, a case of oil lamps, a case of Baby Ben wind up clocks, two cases of clean jars for water, lots of soap, toilet paper and salt. She remembers what the world was like when it stopped working. My Mom is twice as feisty in her old age as I am. She lived under socialism, her town was occupied by the Bolsheviks and she had 5 nationalities before she graduated grade school. She had their cupboards raided so that they had no food but potatoes, she lived with a government who took what they wanted to give to others that they liked.

Your grandmother and my mother were the rocks that are the foundation of this world. We owe them an obligation to protect this world. We all believe in helping people, we all believe in being a good neighbor, we all agreed and sacrificed for the Marshall plan to rebuild Europe. We are right now the largest supplier of food to the people of Afghanistan.

So let’s work on what we agree to make it better and not spin our wheels finding fault, whining, complaining and criticizing. Bet you never heard your grandmother complain, not once, nor did my mother ever.

try the Germs, guns and steel thing that DMK mentioned, it’s very much at the interface between ecology and sociology IMHO…

and Hobson, you read your hubbie’s academic articles, that is true love…!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>My point is that oral sex has absolutely nothing to do with anything. So why is it that it keeps coming up? Hmm?

Frankly, I’m sick of hearing about Clinton. I don’t know why people who claim to despise him and his actions so much can’t stop talking about them.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Proving yet again that all people posess different sensabilities, I’m sick of hearing vicious attacks of the political views of other people.

To be frank, I’m sick of politics surrounding this travesty. One of my best friends died at the WTC. As Weatherford pointed out here or elsewhere, that’s one friend who brings you soup when you’re sick, one friend who picks you up when your car breaks down, one friend who pet sits while you’re at a horseshow, one friend who listens when you need an ear/shoulder, one friend who tells you sincerely that you are pretty okay no matter how low you’re feeling DEAD 6500 times over.

In the face of such a loss, are political affiliations really important? I don’t care what it is that you believe in, the fact that you all believe in something and care about the blow struck, below the belt, against a nation and its people mean far more than which talking head you favor.

The freedom to choose a party to support is not something many people, and even fewer women, have. Perhaps many of us, and the U.S. at large, would be better served if we all meditated over such thoughts instead of drawing derisive lines of sub-categories of government.

but didn’t complete the third year in order to enjoy the right to be called a “Rhodes Scholar” means he is NOT intelligent (and more intelligent than Dubya)? Well, THAT’s logical!

And your rather vulgar expression of distaste for Mr. Clinton’s personal pecadillos seems to come down to a moral stand that Presidential illicit sex is OKAY as long as it is the type of sex of which you approve (presumably missionary position only) and doesn’t happen within the precincts of the White House? That is, a succession of presidential mistresses over the last 100 years is just fine, - since you obviously must have information regarding the when and where and what kind of relationship all those other presidents had and it’s okay with you - but Bubba, unlike them is particularly reprehensible. Talking about splitting hairs~! ROFLOL

I think you need to do more research. I think there are other presidents than Clinton about whom you can become outraged. Seems I recall that FDR’s mistress was once his “social secretary” or some equivalent thereof, and there definitely were tales of women being smuggled into the White House for JFK. Why save all the vituperation for Bubba?G

In the 1940’s after having been totally involved in a war and at that level of sophistication, I don’t think there was such a thing as a counselor, there was your religious advisor, perhaps a psychiatrist and some newly conceived psycho-analyists, mostly based on the Freudian school.

Even if there were such people they certainly were not what was commonly accepted as they are today.

Oh no, halfhalt, wasn’t referring to you at all!

It’s become a ladies tea party and the conversation drifts. Wouldn’t you rather we played nice than were calling each other awful things at war?

There really is sort of a link because we’re worried about all the anthrax costs related to the terrorist attacks. It also reflect the fact that since war has been declared the HMO can get off the hook with the act of war exemption, if they dare.

And, how much more will insurance cost next year when they figure in all the costs from these terrorist attacks. Really it’s not really off course, the horse is just wandering a little around the corners.

The food thing works on ants as well.
You must kill them with kindness. Ewe. This is gross.
1/4 cup of honey, one disposable plate. Ants crawl in, can’t crawl out!

Ride it Like You Stole It…

That’s my point exactly. We can justify and we can rationalize but in essence the battle is between the extremes we must keep in balance like lady Justice with her scale.

Kryswyn exactly…<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>I’m much more comfortable leaving God out of it and saying, You attacked us; we choose not to let you live to do it again; prepare to die.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It is when we become engaged in excuses, alibis and extentuating circumstances that we get into trouble. It is a simple fact which both you and Hobson stated they killed our children in our house and there is no excuse that is permitted.

As those in the “center position” we need only to look at the facts. Now, we must also demand the proof that in reality the proposed action satisfies the crime. And, that the action is properly justified, then we must live with the results.

There is literal justification for almost anything and there are excuses and extenuating circumstances to avoid the truth. We still have the right to make the choices. In today’s climate because of “security” we may not be informed as much as we would like but at some point we must have faith in the “government” and the people.

My point is that when we were the guerillas it was a victory for freedom of religion, among other freedoms and what we face is the loss of that freedom already won by many lives. Do we have the right to concede now? Should we let our desire for total equality defeat us against those who would insist that we be their kind of Muslim.

Our forefathers left England because they wanted the right to be Protestant. It was not accepted in Europe or England. Can we disappoint our forefathers?

Allah is the same God who gives them some justification as well as us. We have free choice and if this person or persons comes to our place and kills 6300 of our children, there is no excuse or alibi. By every code of humanity that is wrong. If the perpetrators are the heroes and martyers of a people then those people are also perpetrators.

So we can mitigate the circumstances but if there is no choice we must come down on what we all agree.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Using fear and terror and a twisted notion of “What God Wants” to keep citizens cowed is cowardly and evil, not to mention un-Christian, un-Islam and un-everything-else-that-is-civilized.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ironic, is it not, that the Bush administration is using basically all the groundwork laid by Clinton? The only real difference being the greater International leeway and $$ support Bush has due to the tragedy itself…

Uh… whatever, IlonaE… I’m sure you are correct…

Now back to the COTH Arab Studies group as M.O’C would say… Interesting background on the formation and structure of Al Qa’edah from Janes.

Inside Al Qa’edah

Yes Midge, that is TR Pearson indeed… Never read a funnier, more heartwarming book than Short History. Still get the giggles when I think of “Pinky Throckmorton and the pigeons”.

I think it’d be a fine time to re-broadcast the film, “Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media”.

I’m going to start reading the companion book tonight (in bed, where very little happens but the turning of pages ) and would be happy to pass it on should my fellow intellectual snobs-and-good-for-nothings wish to read it.

HYN, aw shucks, girlie, that’s the nicest things anyone’s called me all day.

So long as we’re successful in freezing his/her funds so he/she can’t go have the surgery reversed!

…did we work for the same company???
We had a new CEO come in and do the same thing.
Closed offices and plants nationwide and the ones left, working 60 hour weeks.
I find myself to be one of the fortunate ones who was laid off. Kind of enjoying it too!

Why does this topic always somehow end up about food? First peeps, now soymilk.
Fabio… there, I said it. Now we’ve digressed to sexy men and food. Give us a few more pages, we’ll be on to Scott Baio and cheetos before you know it.
I have our solution - Fabio can go to Afghanistan and blind the Taliban with his rugged good looks and golden locks. (We can have David Hasselhof and Richard Dean Anderson as back ups.) While they are mystified by the western gods, we can spray them with I can’t believe it’s not butter spray, and stuff peeps in their guns. That should take care of things. Doesn’t everyone wish I was the world leader now?

The witchy witch witch of south central NC.

No way!!!