Bush opens up a can of whoop a$$

Remember, DMK they claim that Muslims and Osama bin Laden aren’t responsible for Sept 11. They are claiming that the Jews are behind the suicide plot. (That claim seems odd now that OBL ha essentially taken responsibilty for the attacks on Al-Jezeera tv)

BEQS clique. With elbows in!

But why on earth would the man thank everyone in the world except the Canadians?

Not only are we forced to watch his televised speeches, but Canada has lent military support, donated blood, sent doctors, ME’s and rescue workers to NYC amongst many other things.

Yes his speech was good. But frankly I’m a bit insulted by this.

BTW - Terra is my dogs name. Everytime Dubya said the word, my dog looked at the television. Good thing he never said the word “park” in the same sentence.

Is a donkey and a jack-ass the same thing? Is the only difference that a jack-ass is sterile? I wonder if that’s why they picked the donkey as their animal?

The elephant on the other hand is intelligent very strong has loyal ties to the herd and a fantastic memory. Hmm! could it just be a coincidence?

Pacificsolo, stranger things have happened. Once pt and I agreed about something.

The reason people are leery of aiding resistance groups is that this is precisely the strategy that helped bring the Taleban to power in the first place. This is a quote from a Pentagon employee friend of David Corn’s, and I think this military guy sums it up nicely:

“The night of the attacks I saw Bud McFarland [who was a national security adviser to President Reagan] being interviewed. I wanted to reach through the TV and choke the living [censored by hobson] out of that [censored by hobson], after his Afghan mujahadeen buddies tried to blow up my ass that day. Whatever weenie was interviewing him asked for his expert views on international terrorism, but never had the balls to ask what his evaluation was now of the 1980s policy of supporting those psychos in order to stick it to the Soviets. I knew that idiocy would produce a blowback, but I never dreamed it would be this monstrous.”

(hobson again) In the 80’s who thought to ask whether helping a band of right-wing lunatics would lead to the loss of thousands of lives in 2001? I mean, they were right-wing and that’s what was important. I think it’s appropriate now to be careful of supporting resistance movements for the same reason: will these guys come to power, mature as leaders and blow up 15,000 americans in 2019?

It’s a subliminable moment.

Well, halfhalt, I dunno - shoot the next hijacked plane out of the sky before it crashes into the nuclear reactor in the next town?

Personal attacks are the hobgoblin of small minds.

Carry on - I have thoroughly enjoyed this thread.

And if I may suggest three absolutely wonderful books – Riddley Walker by Russell Hobin, The March of Folly and the Guns of August by Barbara Tuchman. Very different, very wonderful.

I have new hope for the youth of America.

Viney - YEAH! MOLLY IVINS! MY HEROINE - a Texan who tells it like it REALLY is!!

As for Bubba Clinton - a VERY bright man (a Rhodes Scholar - not a “Gentleman’s Cee”) . But I have yet to understand the Republican/conservative obsession with those flaws, which I feel had little bearing on his performance as a President. It’s certainly their right to trash him for his divergence from their POLITICAL views, but as for the rest…

Well, if EVERY President had endured the media scrutiny he did regarding his personal pecadillos, and EVERY President were subject to impeachment therefor, we would have had very few Presidents in the late 19th and 20th Centuries. Cleveland (or was it Arthur - I’m a little fuzzy here?) had an illegitimate child; Harding had MANY mistresses; Roosevelt had a mistress; Eisenhower had a mistress; Kennedy fooled around - don’t know if it reached the formality of a mistress, but there was the one with Mafia connections; LBJ - same thing; Nixon - probably not, but then, who would want to with RMN? G At least he nearly got impeached for legitimate, political issues - and oh my did the GOP kvetch and moan he was being persecuted!); Ford, Reagan and Carter were most probably blameless in the personal misbehavior regard, but in another time - back in the 50s, a divorced man could never have been elected President, as was Reagan.

Then we have the pot calling the kettle black with the many Republican Congressmen and Senators whose own little “lapses” were somehow not relevant (“youthful mistakes” - gimmeabreak, the guy was in his 40s!); the charming Mr. Gingrich serving divorce papers on his wife as she recovered from cancer surgery in the hospital, etc.

Nope, I may have issues with Bubba, but I just can’t get THAT incensed over Ms. Lewinski. Rueful, disappointed - all sorts of things, but not outraged to the truly incendiary degree Mr. Star and the GOP were (and apparently still are), nor that concerned about his POLITICAL Presidential performance.

Originally posted by Snowbird:
<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> A chocolate cookie is a chocolate cookie, afterall.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You can insult my politics, refer to me as childish and immature, or call me tasteless and uneducated, but you must never, never insult my tasty snack food items!!!

A Hydrox is an Oreo is a generic cream-filled cookie, my a**.

I was watching Nightline last night and they actually explained the contents of the food rations. Each ration contains 2200 calories (sufficient for a ‘moderately starving’ person), is meat-free (not to offend Muslim diets) and is comprised of rice, beans, crackers, and peanut butter.

Yes, there has been criticism of the effectiveness of the food drops - I also watched an interview with the head of Doctors Without Borders who thinks the food should be distributed on the ground on Afghani soil.

Senator Hobson, I am not now, nor have I ever been a Fabiocrat.
As to soy milk, I plead a quart.
Would you reduce my sentence if I pointed you to a band of Peepophiles?

Brilyn, I think dubya went to Yale… I know his father did.

I am a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat who thought Bush gave an excellent speach last night.

For all those of you who voted for George Bush, huzzah, you can blindly follow the leader you voted for, but please recall current history and remember almost exactly 1/2 the country did not. And up until this president-making event, George W. had approval ratings that were going DOWN despite the “tax cut”. side note: you can kiss that Social Security surplus goodbye and aren’t you glad Bush hadn’t forced through allowing SS funds to be self-invested in the stock market?

Furthermore, IMHO, ANY person elected faced with this crisis would have the same support saying the same thing. Do you honestly believe Gore would’ve said in the aftermath of 9/11 “We’ll have the Taliban over for a chat to discuss this.”??? Get real. You applauded a speech that WAS WRITTEN FOR DUBYA BY SPEECHWRITERS. Like ANY and EVERY speech written by a president (with I believe a partial exception of Clinton’s first inaugural address) it is the speechwriter’s rhetoric you hear. Yes it is blessed by the President. Yes, the writers DO write in the ‘voice’ of their man. MG they’re professionals! If that speech hadn’t been soundly endored by 86% of the listeners, the writers should’ve been fired.

I certainly want terrorism stamped out (I’d’ve said that BEFORE 9/11 if anyone had thought to ask BTW). But I don’t want it to take a 10 year military action, either. At least his father got his mess cleaned up inside a month start to finish.

And finally, Snowbird, I don’t know if you meant your 1st paragraph to paint with so wide a brush:
<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> OK! let’s take your premise

The USA is a corrupt power with no legitimate agencies chasing oil. We have rotten legislation and no brains because we’re going to follow into an endless battle after the British and the Russians.

WHAT THEN? We roll over and spend the next 10 years buying peace by accepting that these poor guys have been abused aand persecuted by the world powers at large. They’re just defending themselves right?

That is not my premise, nor do I think it is the premise of most of the people posting here. Some began reading this not knowing that who and what the Taliban is, or that many Afghani’s don’t recognize them as their governing bodies. Would you deny that there are innocent Afghanis who are suffering now under the Taliban, precisely because of our aid to Osama bin Laden during your precious Republican presidencys? You have an excellant grasp of world religions, but even elephants forget things from time to time.

And speaking of pachaderms, I believe the GOP chose the elephant as it’s symbol because it was BIG. The democrats chose the donkey because it was the ‘workhorse’ of the majority of the people who didn’t have the riches common to the GOP members. It wasn’t called “Grand” for nothing!

“Always look on the bright side of life, de doo, de doo de doo de doo”

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by IlonaE:

Regarding what goes on in WASH DC - well the majority of the people in this country feel we would all be better off if we cleaned house their, took you egomaniacs OUT OF THE BELTWAY and told you to get a REAL JOB for a couple of years. POLITICIANS AND THEIR LITTLE PILOT FISH MAKE THE WORST LEADERS!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

IlonaE, wasn’t the president elected through our political system?

NY Times: 9/29

Be quick, unfortunately, I think it will only be available for a couple days before it becomes archived/available for a fee

Well, my gosh - I always thought Harlequin Romances tried to be quite tit-illating.

Those of you who felt obliged to make direct negative comments about me - while standing back and saying you are the open minded ones… I guess this is an EST approach that I’ll never understand. Standing up for what you believe in is o.k…as long as it’s YOUR opinion. Anyone else who does the same - and disagrees with you - well that’s not o.k.

The thread started with what I believe were sophomoric and critical comments about a our President at a time when it was hard to believe anyone could take that route.

BTW for Magnolia - putting a smiley face after making a slam at me was a bit childish but I’ll wonder why those who make direct comments at others don’t have enough strength in their own convictions to sign their own names.

It’s an open BB - if someone leaves it’s an option. I hope this debate isn’t the center of anyone’s universe.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Like having a higher-than-usual vocabulary or IQ is some kind of handicap…and that being average and mediocre are the new national goals. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Man, Kellybird, you are very perceptive in your youth. Good call!

The witchy witch witch of south central NC.

Mis-prescribed prescription medications.
Guess why pot isn’t “medicinal”?
You can’t get a patent on it. So a drug company can’t make money off of it.
Guess what Ritalin is?
Legal cocaine in a different form.
Guess how Afghanistan mkes money?
Because heroin is illegal, which means they can get more $$$ for it than if it was a crop like say, wheat.
I do think our govt tells us to much about what to do and what not to do, but I think most people tune them out. It just stinks when they make something you enjoy illegal. I would never smoke a cigarette, but I’d feel really bad if people went to jail because the grew some nicotene to smoke.

The witchy witch witch of south central NC.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SLW:

From news accounts of how the Talaban has treated the citizens of Afganastan for nearly 6 years, I have a hunch some of those desparate people fleeing will be greatful for the food we are dropping. Meatless rations no less, out of respect for their religion.



Well of course they would like to have the food, but logistically, it’s like dropping a can of beans in Shenandoah National Forest…except a really rugged, dry and mountainous Shenandoah Forest and without the trees. LOL, OK I’m making that up, but it is VERY difficult for these refugees to get this food. Imagine if you had to cross the Grand Canyon and you had to find a box of food in it on the way, let me tell you, that would be hard. I still think it’s better than doing nothing. And I’m sure the US and other nations will do much more as soon as possible. I don’t think anyone is necessarily critisizing the gesture, just noting that it sounds a little better than it really is.
Betsy (in Md.)