Bush opens up a can of whoop a$$

The fam and I were watching just now, and boy oh boy, I got goosebumps! When Bush issued the ultimatum to the Taliban, when he spoke about the state of the Union, when he mentioned the badge of the police officer that he now carries around with him . . . What a great speech. As a sidenote, my mom mentioned that British Prime Minister Tony Blair reminds her a little of Kevin Costner .


“Laugh at yourself first, before anyone else can.” ~Elsa Maxwell

We tried to build a windmill here on the mountain where I’m sure there is enough wind to provide electricity for all of Morris County. I could not find an engineer who could tell me exactly what kind of a windmill I needed, and how much electricity it would produce if the wind was – miles per hour. So we dumped the idea since it would cost about $25,000.

What I find a pity is that in the “olden” days every little backwater farmer seemed to know exactly what to do and how to build a windmill.

I am on your side, I favor the new cartridge system for the cars which I heard about 25 years ago that let you fill the tank with water and have oxygen as the exhaust fume.

I realize that would put a lot of service stations out of business but like the rest of us I am also sure they can learn a new trade besides pumping gasoline. I think it is really odd that we make out of corn I think a special additive to keep dowm emissions and we don’t just adapt the cars to use that corn fuel completely.

I am like you, very opposed to special interests that control associations and keep them in the dark ages. I do believe there are no problems we can’t solve if we are turned lose to get it done.

oh nooooo rockstar! I am getting quite fond of Real President Cheney (to quote another redheaded Texan )…

Still, loved the updates on that Wacky Wierd World Inside the Beltway, and even more, LOVED the little tidbits on the oddities of People In Positions of Serious Power

JParkes, I can’t speak for anyone else, but my big fear is that declaring war will cause MORE buildings and innocent lives to be lost. And I’m not talking about in Afghanistan…

Personally speaking, I am NOT advocating sitting back and doing nothing, or letting terrorists do as they please. I am just wondering out loud if the “something” we should be doing is declaring war.

When someone hits you, hitting them back is the first gut instinct. But it isn’t always the right instinct.

Just a reminder for those who aren’t familiar with the Onion. It’s not real… just a very funny website full of parody “news” stories.


<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>If I had to place bets on who wins the war against terrorism, I’d put my money on terrorism - it’s not going anywhere. Declaring a war in this kind of situation is such a tricky thing - if we are not a war with terrorism, and not at war with any particular nation, then where do we point the cannons? So I’d contend that we (the rhetorical “we” not the BB “we”) need to rethink the 20th-century concept of “war” and try to define some new, more applicable ways of meting out justice. I’ll have to delve into my theories of justice texts and get back to you on this one…<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>The will of the American people will decide this war.
If we are to win, it will be because we have what it
takes to persevere through a few more hits, learn from
our mistakes, improvise, and adapt. If we can do that,
we will eventually prevail.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Defeat will be from the inside and not from the outside at all.

By the way I do apologize for the “children” thing but I must admit my stubborn came up and I did feel a need to retaliate, for that I apologize and for my weakness not to be committed to my own conviction and I was behaving as badly as the other children in the school yard. I should know better and have better self control.

See, I’ve been avoiding reading the speech b/c I figured it was just another speech. (I think I’m a bit news-ed out!)

Now, though, I’m going to go find it.

Thanks for the tip, SLW.

More interesting articles from today’s Post. (Washington Post, that is, not that NY rag )

U.S. May Boost Aid to Afghans

You can delete the “may” from that headline, because about an hour ago:

Bush Pledges More Aid for Afghanistan

Also, a really interesting article about the behind-the-scenes negotiations between the US and Russia:

U.S., Russia Recast Their Relationship

And an article about how Bush’s doubters overseas are changing their tune… on this issue, anyway:

Bush’s Handling of Crisis Lifts His Stature in Europe

Oh, and one more, from Post columnist Richard Cohen… an interesting commentary on how naive many of us, media included, were before 9/11:

The Terrorism Story – And How We Blew It

I’ll have to call up my mother and advise her that she failed me, dietically-speaking. To boot, it seems I failed my own children, one of whom refused to eat bread before the age of 6.

I too have been over-exposed to lawyers, bgoosewood, and agree that among the most valuable lessons learned from them was to know thine enemy.

Thank you. Although I would disagree with that assessment.

Lead, follow, or get out of the way…

Throw in Rosie O’Donnell - she can annoy them to death!

The witchy witch witch of south central NC.

Found the transcript:


Oh, yeah, and in case I forgot to say it earlier. . . . YOU GO GEORGE BUSH!!!

I agree Kryswyn. My dad’s mom had one child survive to adulthood. He graduated from college in 1941, a respectable accomplishment for some one raised by only his mom after his dad dies in 1926. In those days there was no AFDC, no welfare no nuthin’. Gramma watched 2 children die and then proudly watched her last son off to North Africa and southern Europe.
Thankfully he came home. Many didn’t.

Hobson, please do not assume that I want to carpet bomb Afghanistan. I never said it and after re-reading my post, I never implied it.

I do not like killing. I hope special forces can “smoke them out of their holes” so that no Afghanis have to suffer for one radical group’s beliefs.

Personally, I’d like for the world to empower the Afghani resistance so that they can resume living peacfully among each other without the Taliban’s rule. I also want the terrorists to get the message that we will not tolorate their crimes against humanity…ANYWHERE! That, however, does not mean I want these people to die! On first instinct, I want to rip these people to shreds. Once that anger disperses, I want these a$$holes captured and kept prisoner for the rest of their miserable lives.

As much as I hate what they did, I still hate the death penalty more. (I know…I’m not living up to the standards of my party).

Trust me, many Christians struggle with what God wants us to do. However, that doesn’t mean we should do nothing while terrorists instill fear of freedom in our hearts and minds.

Just curious, Hobson, what would you do if you had the power to make the policy? Please understand, I’m not being sarcastic…I honestly want to know.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Even Soderberg, who declined to blame the Lewinsky scandal for the failure to get bin Laden, confessed that Clinton’s war on terrorism was never the priority it should have been. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thereby sharing the mantle with the previous 50 some odd Administrations…

Yup, we were too busy fighting the War on Drugs to pay a heck of a lot of attention to the war that countries like Great Britain, Armenia, Azarbaijan, Egypt, Isreal and countless African and Eastern Europe nations were fighting. The NIMBY principle at it’s finest. But hindsight is gloriously 20-20, ain’t it?


My post was made after a practically sleepless night, caused by the fact that we have apparently lost Heidi over this disagreement. Losing a poster of her calibre is a loss to the whole BB community that cannot be measured.

I lost sight of the fact that most of the posters on this thread have been able to focus on an honest discussion, and instead concentrated on those two or three who are totally unable to see anything but their own viewpoint and have consistently insulted those who look at things differently.

Carry on, please.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by HeyYouNags:

And those sophisticated and tasteful Europeans were quite fond of our previous president, bless their hearts.


Heheeeee, even Newt Gingrich admitted to having a crush on him…

OH, re: Baxter Black, I’m not real fond of him either, but when I was living in Santa Fe I heard some cowboy poetry and really liked it.

Betsy in MD

No, unfortunatly, I don’t own a horse. I did as a child, but alas I can’t afford one yet. My prior jobs just haven’t paid very well for me to own a horse. I figure I need $600.00 of extra income a month to cover everything, and that never happened. Hopefully, after Grad school it will!
I’m lucky enough to be able to lease a horse for a portion of his expenses a few days a week. Hopefully, I’ll be teaching some lessons at that farm as well, so I can “barter” for my lease. I’m also not laid off anymore. I was back in April, but I went back to school full time recently and am a TA, which I get a small salary for. I had wanted to work full time and do school fulltime. I’m sorry you had to sell your horse. I can’t imagine having to do that!

The witchy witch witch of south central NC.

I did say that feeding the beasties helps keep me on track - that’s horse related!