Bush opens up a can of whoop a$$

She made me beat her to death because she wouldn’t stop crying.

I shot the guy because he stepped on my foot and didn’t say excuse me!

I ran the guy over with my car and it was not my fault I ate a Twinkie just before the incident and wasn’t responsible

My kid wouldn’t eat his supper so I threw him on the floor, I didn’t know he was going to die!

It was a good speech, and it had to be a good speech. Does anyone know who wrote it? Or did he wing it? He sounded much more composed this time.
Still gotta disagree with the warrin’ though… Methinks the can of whoopa$$ will mostly hurt the innocent. I bet 70% of the Afghanistan population has no clue bout what is going on. Ouch, terraism, no matter how ya say it is one tough enemy to fight. They say Bin Laden has people in over 50 countries including the good ol’ USA…

Ride it Like You Stole It…

Some intellectual banter at last!!! God take care of those brave men & women who serve in our government and military who will be at risk to eliminate the scurge of maniacs to protect our freedom - yes even that of those who fail to know how lucky they are and when bad behavior (including nit picking our President) is inappropriate in a crisis.

Pacificsolo, we assisted Afghan rebels against The Soviet Union when they invaded Afghanistan. One of those rebel leaders was Osama Bin Laden. Almost all of Al-Qaeda were participants in the rebellion. Essentially, we created terrorists who became ‘unemployed’ when the rebellion succeeded, which sent them looking for other fights and created the vaccuum into which the Taliban stepped.


<<Yup, we were too busy fighting the War on Drugs to pay a heck of a lot of attention to the war that countries like Great Britain, Armenia, Azarbaijan, Egypt, Isreal and countless African and Eastern Europe nations were fighting. The NIMBY principle at it’s finest. But hindsight is gloriously 20-20, ain’t it?>>

Ironic to note that a significant portion of the income of terrorist groups is financed by trading in illegal drugs…perhaps if the war on drugs had been more successful…

just a wee bit off tangent!!

This is a subject near and dear to my heart, especially given the crisis state the health care system is in.

While I don’t believe this country would/could/should ever have socialized medicine - it’s just not our cup of tea, so to speak, I can’t ignore the fact that the US per capita spending on health care is the highest in the world, but yet our life expectancy ranks well below most of the so called developed world. And our IMR? That is shameful - barely above some of the undeveloped countries.

Without question, most of the socialized medicine programs are rife with problems, but by any measure, we haven’t solved the problem either.

Wish I had an answer. I spent the last decade listening to some of our most gifted minds from both parties trying to think of ways to start to address this problem. And while there has definitely been the usual partisan positioning around some issues, believe me, no one has any real grasp about how to fix it in a way that is win-win for all parties. Every solution has a big loser, and nobody wants to address that.

Arab studies, anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

There have been so many intelligent, insightful, and well-thought posts on this thread. I have learned so much, thanks to some very well-read, educated posters. It’s a shame that just a couple of posters want to spoil it for the rest of us.

Disagreement is an excellent way to learn and grow, but it won’t happen if one’s opinions are couched in rude, condescending language that persists in insulting the reader.

Heidi, don’t you dare leave! The world needs grammer and spelling police!

Maybe if I right sum stuff really bad and refuse to punctueat and include sum runon sentences she’l half to come back! Let’s see - tittillate? titilate? titilatte?

Bill Clinton had a Rhodes scholarship - he did not complete the program - ergo he is not a Rhodes Scholar.

Hey! If you think Bill Clinton using a cigar to do gynecological exam on a young intern in the OVAL OFFICE is on par with your long list…well you and I use a different yardstick to measure stupidity and lack of self respect.


A chocolate cookie is a chocolate cookie, afterall.

Yes, but wouldn’t it have been even worse had she said a chocolate chip cookie is a chocolate chip cookie…Can you IMAGINE comparing Toll House cookies with Chips Ahoy???

Hmmmm, on second thought, her actual quote is just as bad. Shuddering

according to the dude I was just listening to on NPR (sorry for being so vague) dropping food out of airplanes is very ineffective for various reasons. It needs to be distributed on the ground from trucks. I think it’s better than doing nothing. Wonder what we could do to befriend the Afganis? I can’t imagine Russia has done anything for them; they kind of left them in a big mess.
Betsy (in MD)

Muslims believe that if they are buried with a pig, they will go to hell as the pig is unclean. One potbelly on each flight ought to do the trick.

Lead, follow, or get out of the way…

Speaking of accents . . .

I’m not really sure how many American women south of Mason - Dixon are aware of this but we Canadian males are often absolutely enchanted by American Girl southern accents . . .

A few years ago at the SM Masters, I was talking to this girl from Virginia . . . (she was with one of the breed associations or possibly a breed farm, I’ really not sure, I can’t remember . . .)

Anyway, she was really good looking, but when I heard her speak, I just melted on the spot . . .
I must have stood there for half an hour or so, encouraging her to talk just so I could listen in totally enchanted silence.

Beautiful Virginia girls with southern accents - America’s secret weapon when negotiating with intransigent Canadian males (U.S. State Department take note . . .)

David G./Seoul

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by IlonaE:

If you want to see up close and personal BAD BEHAVIOR - play back the film of Hillary Clinton on Thursday night during the speech. She not only disgraced herself she was an embarassment to the people she represents in New York - where the worst terrorist action took place!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Whew! Glad to see I’m not the only one who thought Ms Clinton was making an arse out of herself and generally being a disgrace to the whole country. Please yes Mr Terrorists take us seriously, even though our elected officials don’t?

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Now - little minds with typing fingers take shots at the pronounciation. How low!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

(and I can see you’re really above the pot shots? but I digress)I don’t think anyone was trying to insult the president. Erin has stated so many times that she thought the speech was terrific, moderator does not mean the loss of the right to an opinion.

Some little minds normally read others’ posts before being rude…It would be my guess that those who commented on the speech patterns (myself included) were trying to add a bit of levity to a very tense situation, which I personally don’t see anything wrong with


Lordy, IlonaE, every time I read one of your posts, I find myself blinking my eyes, lest some spittle fly out of the screen and into my face. Settle down, will ya? We were having such a nice discussion here… And please don’t take it upon yourself to speak for the majority of the country.

I live outside the Beltway (umm, not “out of the Beltway”, since that’s a highway!) I have worked for the federal government. I can’t begin to tell you how tiresome the bashing of government employees sounds. Government employees are such a convenient target for people like you. Having seen the stuff the private sector would like to foist off on the unsuspecting public during my tenure at the FDA, I sure as heck wouldn’t want to see it privatized. (Of course, I didn’t hold a “real job”, huh?) And having worked in the private sector as well, I honestly don’t see any difference between federal and private employees. Some are good, some are not, and in roughly equal proportions.

And silly me for following your very tangential tangent. You started ragging on Rockstar for working for the govt., and I suspect she actually works for a non-profit! (Uhh, that would be a non-government job…)

Oh, and have you noticed that both sides of the political aisle are now saying that airport security needs to be a federal responsibility, to the tune of about 3 billion dollars? The private sector pays airline security personnel so badly that they can’t train and retain employees. And the privatized airline industry can’t afford to upgrade the program. What’s up with that?

Bump…I feel like the teacher…“quiz on Monday, anyone?!”

I don’t really have a retort… I never do read in bed either, I tend to fall asleep.
I’m glad you are proud of your values and lifestyle. I don’t really know what they are, but I’m sure you are a fine person. For me, I can often tell a lot about a person by what they read.
Personally, I like when people share their latest readings with me, as I may find something of interest in them. Perhaps you read something that may interest me? Or, perhaps not. You don’t need to be rude to somebody because their booklist differs from yours.

Ride it Like You Stole It…

Childish, Ilona? And how would you categorize addressing someone as “witchy witchy witch”? Yelling in all caps about “snotty retorts”? I for one am not offended in the least by your posts - that kind of stuff gives me a good laugh, and I just skip over the rest.

Now, who has a comment about the Jane’s article that DMK posted?

horseluvr, I had no problem with the phrase/terminology: “gynecological exam” in IlonaE’s post. It was what went along with it that I had a problem with.

Just been checking in occasionally -I was in Turkey Sept 11 and didn’t get home until the end of the month - but just have to add to the chorus “Go Kellybird, go Hobson, go Magnolia, go Heidi” Thanks for all your well-put points and thoughts, and thanks also to folks who’ve been posting links to relevant articles and such!

here in Canada on the CBC. He was vigorously defending the need to have correspondents in the field to provide the public with information not filtered through government agencies, and also for Congress to continue to be informed about the ongoing events as they happen despite the risk of leaks…said something about how a political debate at home - even during war - was healthy for a democracy.

What an impressive individual…at 85, totally lucid and articulate and intelligent. If you guys elected an ex-actor like Reagan to be prez, how come you never went for Cronkite? Oh, i know, he probably never put his name forward, but still…