Bush opens up a can of whoop a$$

Thanks for the sympathy. Now go buy a package of Gummi Bears or chips and support the economy any way you can.
I will be buying shares in Kraft Macaroni & Cheese dinner!

And Erin herself did say “rein”…I wasn’t trying to stop or quash this discussion but only to encourage discussion of the war separately…sorry guys!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> I ran the guy over with my car and it was not my fault I ate a Twinkie just before the incident and wasn’t responsible <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, Snowbird, that funky white stuff they put in twinkies can cause hallucinations if you eat enough of it. So, technically, that could have been the fault of the twinkie.
First soy milk, now twinkies, which food shall be kicked around next?

The witchy witch witch of south central NC.

I noticed that Canada was not mentioned last night. I really do think that it was just an oversight, I can’t think of any reason that your Nation would be deliberately overlooked.

Anyway, as an individual citizen of the United States of America, let me extend my apologies and my sincere gratitude that Canada and the US have always stood side by side, in the face of any adversity. Living as close to the border as I do, I really appreciate the fact that we have a strong and stalwart friend to our north.

The 6300 dead and missing, the 20,000 that survived and many of whom were seriously injured and permanently traumatized were denied their civil rights and human rights under all humanitarian laws.

I believe that voids any necessity to apply those laws to the culprits. It was their choice to ignore all restrictions ever placed on any type of war attack for every human convention. Since they all have violated their own professed religion they do not have recourse to that clergy. In my opinion their only fair recourse is a judgment by Allah and I would not be unhappy if they go there quickly without due process so that Allah can judge their treatment of all those others under the protaction of Allah through Islam who may have charges against them.

I think the only kind and fair thing is that they return to Allah as quickly and unceremoniously as possible as an act of kindness to end their state of sin against Islam. Surely it is more humanitarian to strip them of their illgotten money and give it to the Afghans who have earned it and spare the villains years of the pain of staying in a state of sin and not with Allah.

Even all of our do gooders would have to agree with this offer of kindness and quick resolution.

Afghan Recent History in 60 words or less…

Once upon a time there was a country that was a little pile of rock that abutted a BIG communist country (USSR). This was back during the Cold War (a different type of war altogether) when all the countries took sides. Occasionally when one of them didn’t choose a side, either the USSR or the big capitalist country (USA) would throw large sums of aid and/or weapons at the country to woo them to their side. They usually did this when it would really irritate the other country.

For various reasons, none very clear to most Russian citizens today, the Soviet Government decided to invade the little rock country. Apparently someone felt this would more clearly show them the virtues of communism. Apparently the little rock people felt differently. The USA was righteously indignant. So indignant we chose to not go to the 1980 Olympics in Moscow, as a show of our support how we would not stand for the invasion of the little rock country and its plucky rock people.

In a further show of support for the indignant rock people the USA funded and trained the insurgent rebel forces that were trying to overthrow the Evil Communist Invaders. One of the people that received that money and helped train the Rock Rebels was a certain wealthy Saudi citizen who might be on the FBI’s most wanted list.

After 10 years of bombing the little rock country back into the stone ages (although it hadn’t actually progressed very far out of the stone ages before that), the USSR gave up trying to show the rock people the virtues of communism and decided that it better spend some time telling it’s own citizens why communism was a good thing (too little, too late, as it turned out).

As they left the country, there was no infrastructure, no government and no system of order. There still isn’t today. What there was, was a bunch of well trained fighting forces and a strong desire to not be invaded by any country or force that seeks to bomb you or take your right to your religion away from you.

In the aftermath, the Taliban (which basically means “religious clerics”) became more or less the only power around. Their power derives from these original rebel forces, trained and supported by Osama bin Laden, funded by the USA.

And that, my children, is the last 30 years of Afghan History and Warfare in 60 (or more) words…

…I think Dubya was just confuzzled for a moment when he missaid ‘misunderestimated’. After all, it has seven syllabubs…

Magnolia: true story. When I was interviewing for my 1st Paralegal position, one of the partners reviewed my resume (BA in Horsemanship, lots of horsey jobs) and said in a bored tone: “Can you tell me what relevence your education and experience have to working in the legal field?”

Looking him straight in the eye I said, "Well, sir, in both fields you have to be able to tell the sht from the straw!" He burst out laughing and said that there was plenty of sht to shovel at the firm, and I got the job! So I’ll answer your question by saying, there was more ca-ca at the office, but it was cleaner and smelled better!

“Always look on the bright side of life, de doo, de doo de doo de doo”

I’m not familiar with Bueller. Tell about Bueller!

Especially The March of Folly. What’s the old saying, “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it?”

That post was about THE most distasteful thing I have ever read on the BB. Would you want your children to ever read that??? I certainly wouldn’t. PLEASE give your posts a proof for at least that. I’ve learned to deal with the rest of it.

Concerning Big Brother’s interest in promoting a smoke-free American - The Tobacco Industry is classic Big Business, and has historically been subsidized in various ways by the government. And remember, this is an industry that for many years denied, despite overwhelming scientific information to the contrary, that their product was dangerous.

Why do people like me want people like you to stop smoking? Well, 'cause we think you’re wonderful, of course, but also because you’re costing me money. Your health insurance premiums don’t pay for your health care. Everyone’s health insurance premiums pays for our collective health insurance. (Umm, that’s right, isn’t it, DMK?) If you’re engaging in a risky behavior like smoking, you’re demanding more than your share of our collective health insurance resources. (Note: this analogy must never be extended to risky behavior like horseback riding!) Those of us who live relatively low-risk lives are in effect subsidizing your health care, and your husband’s. Smoking isn’t simply a matter of free choice - it indirectly affects all of us. Now, if you’re willing to foot the bill, out of pocket, for all of your and your family’s health care, then maybe I’d find it harder to complain!

Believe it or not, there are educated people of genuine good will, devoid of special-interest connections, working for the government. Federally-sponsored health and nutrition guidelines may actually be good for you. But I also agree with previous posters who noted that Big Business still manages to exert political influence in health and science. Dairy, beef, and pork industries are prime examples.

And this comment harkens back quite a few pages, to comments concerning an Ebola-like outbreak in refugee camps - apparently that was simply not true. I don’t mean any disrespect to folks who are fond of the Drudge Report, but isn’t Drudge’s philosophy to print first, and fact check later? I wouldn’t want to bet the rent on anything I read there.

Okay, is there any controversial topic that this thread hasn’t covered yet?

I think that as soon as the ground is a safe place to be again, we will be increasing the amount of food aid being distributed there … I heard on NPR this morning that a lot of wheat was being sent across the border in the east …

the ones who are doing it out of just plain nastiness would probably not care about the pig…

Wasn’t there a recent story about a pig on an airliner? As I recall, it didn’t work out so well…

in the group is a gentleman named Michael Gersten. I agree, it was a good, solid speech. Also, please remember that for the first 22+ years of GW’s life he was brought up and educated solidly in New England, so there’s bound to be a dropping of the r now and then. If you listen carefully to him when he gets mad, the Texas drawl drops clear away, and the New England speech patterns take over. And don’t be insulted, dear Canada. We’re thrilled you are with us!

…“intellectual banter” when it’s former-Democratic-president bashing, but try making one tongue-in-cheek remark about a current Republican President’s accent and what, it’s as if someone’s advertised a webcam for flag-burning.

Just trying to clarify for myself

Go out and get a real job, willya?

I understand the frustration HYN, I myself have resorted to swaddling my head in gauze lest I injure my fragile and unpatriotic brain when I hit it against the computer screen in bafflement.

I read it, but I think it missed the mark. They’re talking to intellectuals and sophisticated people.

I do agree that when people are down and out they want to blame somebody. I don’t agree that it was our job to know who was democratically inspired.

I believe we tried to help those who seemed to be the majority and I can tell you I heard and interview from the old king and he made more sense than most of the youngsters that are running off at the mouth.

Look we supported Castro because he made the right noises and we were wrong, it’s human to make errors out of honest good intentions. Hindsight is always 20/20.

Ilona, what you read may not determine your worth, but it is indicative of your interests and values in much the same way as what you spend your money on.

BTW, are you always in a snit or you just playing devil’s advocate today?

BTW, IlonaE, I was slamming both of us! and I like being called a Witchy Witch witch. It is kind of cute, and it is almost Halloween.
Hobson, I’m suspicious of you… are you playing alter-egos again. You seem to pop up everytime our conservative friends do!!

[This message was edited by magnolia on Oct. 03, 2001 at 03:14 PM.]

Golly sakes, IlonaE! You sure do stir things up–gotta say, that the first few times I missed out on seeing how–I guess I have to confess to not reading each and EVERY post on all 29 pages of this otherwise stimulating and informative thread…but I have to say, I did see the one where you lit into brilyntrip, and took her to task for not signing her NAME??? and I’m wondering where exactly it is we are supposed to be looking for YOUR name out there for all to see??? I must’ve missed seeing it???

Now, back on topic–hobson, great post!!

I was wondering, exactly, what it is they want me to buy, that I don’t already have, anyway? I mean, I really can’t complain–new truck, trailer, horse…I’m buying lots of hay, shavings, feed…food…and new turnouts for the critters…but, I already have a computer, a CD player, a TV, a VCR, a scanner…0% financing is drawing alot of people I know to the car dealerships this week, but I dont’ need a car…I guess if I was being really greedy, I could do with a digital camera, but truthfully, I’m not that greedy I guess…so the economy is going to have to recover without me…