Bush opens up a can of whoop a$$

Actually, I think I’m going to have to rein in this topic a bit… while discussion of every contentious issue under the sun is nice and all, we are still a horsey forum. I’m allowing leeway for Sept. 11/war-related discussion, but I think debating the merits of psychotherapy is probably a wee bit too far off the path.

I’m not entirely sure what the topic is, but do try to stay on it, please.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M. O’Connor:
NY Times, Sunday, 10/14


Reading this gave me the creeps!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It is so messy and YES creepy.


My landlords took me out to an Irish pub last night, and when I got home I searched and searched for a radio station that carried it live - FINALLY got an old AM Station out of Scotland (BBC) with some excellent comentators. Sound left a lot to be desired, but I heard most of it!

Wonderful speech (I did notice the accent, but given I can only understand half what my Irish friends say, it was a pleasure!) And it got surprisingly GREAT reviews from the very, very liberal BBC - I didn’t sit up for too much analysis, as it started at 2 in the morning, and I need to close my eyes!

God bless the USA - and good going, President Bush!

Excellent speech by a true leader who has placed the most qualified people into key positions in our government. It’s so interesting that individuals can’t fathom the concept that superior people with more qualifications than all of you nay sayers put together were willing to serve in George Bush’s Administration because he is a man they respect and believe in as a leader. I am so confident My President Bush has the courage and ability to handle this crisis and will enjoy when all of you smart A**'s with the snipey remarks will be a bit pink cheeked when it’s all over.

With the number of people murdered last week and the sadness and fear running through the hearts of most Americans - (obviously not you gals)- we needed a leader to give us assurances that we are strong and steadfast in our democracy. Now - little minds with typing fingers take shots at the pronounciation. How low!

Oh and Erin!! You didn’t know what he was saying with Terrorist being the main word on TV and in print for a week - nice try at being coy but it didn’t work. Bad behavior for a moderator as well. JMHO

teach me to go away from the boards for a few days–there is so much intelligent conversation going on here that I can’t even begin to catch up, let alone keep up.

And to think that in some corners, horse people are accused of being one-dimensional…not this corner, obviously!

SLW, I would never misunderestimate you and will attempt not to misunderstand you. We’re in agreement, I think, which kinda misoverwhelms me.

Thanks, I was looking for Nader, but yes, in general there always seem to be a few Libertarians on the ballot. I often vote for them on a more local level!

Ride it Like You Stole It…

I think Heidi will be back.

For so many, this bb seems to be an irresistible platform from which to launch passionate opinions.

Time will tell.

Magnolia: I gotta tell ya I han not even seen the article regarding the brownies…I thought you were making some kinda smartass remark about my screen name. But yeah I guess it is true: some kids. So where did the Magnolia name come from?

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Snowbird:
In an effort to be politically correct I think the majority of Republicans are not extreme right, that is off in the rain gutter so they choose the path of least resistence which is silence. They depend on others to vocalize their opinions.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

See, I have LOTS of Republican friends, and actually knew this. And amazingly enough, not all democrats hang by their toenails to the cliff to your left… Just gotta actually listen to what they are saying to discern that though… Just food for thought, mind you…

My goodness how this thread has grown whilst I was away doing “family stuff” (a parental unit is in town)!

Connection to this thread: was at Chimney Rock, NC yesterday, and learned “Anthrax-Lady” from FL was there before being admitted to NC hospital… I have heard this is pneumonic (?) anthrax and not at all the same variety that one would worry about in the normal scope of things.

I sort of agree that it is kind of symbolic, not practical. I wonder how the people are getting it? I have a feeling the Taliban military is consuming it. But it is nice to know that something is being attempted to at least help the innocent people.

The witchy witch witch of south central NC.

Actually Magnolia -
The “Twinkie defense” was first used - successfully - in the 80’s. When Dan White, a San Francisco supervisor, shot Harvey Milk, the (openly gay) Mayor of SF to death, when it came to trial he claimed that the twinkies he had been eating affected him. He was acquitted of murder, convicted of manslaughter. Riots ensued.
What has soy milk been blamed for? (Or am I again exposing my highly intermittent reading of this thread???)

What are the other options, Flash?

Every day at lunch, my colleagues discuss how a land war is going to be tough. But an air strike will kill many innocents. I always want to say “well, which is the lesser of two evils. . . or is there a third option?”

I, however, am to ashamed of my ignorance to ask THEM that, so I will ask you.

Flash, which is the lesser of two evils or do you see a third way to do it?

Thanks in advance for any insight you have!!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>
And if any of you are so naive that you don’t believe that most of what is visible to us poor old taxpayers is pure politics, then I am truly amazed. Democrat, Republican, Independent, whatever: It’s ALL politics, all the time.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes, I agree about the “it’s ALL politics”, BUT, there’s politics, then there’s politics, and the same goes for politicians.

If you ask me, the truely naive are the ones who ever believed a word out of the Clintons’ mouths.

Lady Godiva - the number one (only?) cash crop in Afghanistan is opium, which makes its way out to China (and presumably on to other places) through that Afghani corridor that the British Empire “added” to Afghanistan so no part of the Russian Empire touched the Indian subcontinent (can you tell I did well in geography ).

While I doubt we could conclusively prove in a court of law that the Afghanis associated with bin Laden and bin Laden’s group were/are instrumental in facilitating that route, it is accepted that they have some involvement. And unrealistic to expect that they weren’t availing themselves of a rather lucrative business, and letting some poor itinerant poppy farmer keep all the proceeds

As for other terrorist groups, I believe a lot of the rebel factions in Columbia, Peru, and Mexico are funded through drug money. While they have no specific beef with the US (now why would you piss off your biggest customer?), the governments in their countries consider them to be terrorists.

Actually, Ilona, I was planning on taking Magnolia to task for dissing Harlequin romances…

I read lab books for fun!!! Ok, I’m a sick person.

Heidi, Lord knows I can use all the lessons you are willing to give in spelling and punctuation!!!

The Rhodes Scholarship is awarded for two years. At the end of that time, the scholar has the option of extending for a third year, if s/he wants to obtain an Oxford MA.

Clinton, and a rather large number of his Rhodes class, including Robert Reich, I believe, left after the second year to go to law school. Given that we are talking about the most politically divisive time in modern American history (1968, 69 and 70,) it’s no wonder that hopeful reformers would want to come home to start reforming.

I remember in highschool, we’d have huge pep rallies for the jocks, and announce their names on the PA when they won… but never did we give the smart students a pat on the back. No “Kellybird got a 5 on her AP test!”, or “This weekend, student’s picketed the nuclear plant and were arrested for doing something they believed in”, or “Art student gets first prize in the artshow” It’s like intelligence is a taboo or something. You’ll get to see even more when you get to the work world.
Hang in there.
BTW, Bill Clinton’s IQ was 200??? WOW, that is nuts. Is he a mensa member?

The witchy witch witch of south central NC.

jparkes, i can tell you that it was more than one Member.:eek:

heidi- I saw that Nightline piece too and thought that it was rather depressing that the food we’re dropping isn’t nrealy enough.

I wrote a whole long post and I lost it… garumph!