CA Clique Redux

Good for you rusty - good luck with the new property. curb chains are jingling!

and who needs a plan B??

I wish I was where you are…I’m well into the 41 & over category and I’m with Merry, my eq days are long gone.

You’re right you know, only I just woke up one morning physically older, my brain still thinks 20-something!

I can top the purse story. My mother-in-law actually returned a Christmas present that she asked for! Yep, about Halloween said “You know, I’ve always wanted _________, wouldn’t it be nice to have that.” She couldn’t afford it, hubby and I thought it the perfect present 'cause she returned everything and really wanted this. Opened it on Christmas, smiled politely, and day- after- Christmas sales it went back.

In-laws…can’t live with 'em, can’t kill ‘em! (just jokin’)

On the way to go when the time comes…

True story: There was this old lady in Ireland that had been hunting her horses for years. She was a mean old nast b*tch. She had 3 sons who hunted with her and she constantly told them how gutless they were because they could never keep up with her, and each time they tried, they would would have a nasty spill and their horses would run off. They would walk the several miles back to the homestead where they would get a ripe chewing out from the old lady. If per chance they were ahead of her when the fall occured, she would steer her horse to run right over the top of them.

Well one day, after a big rain, they were out hunting and jumping everything in their way as usual. The old lady was in front, as usual. Her horse uncharacteristically refused a jump and the lady falls face first into a bog. Her sons come galloping up behind her and continue on, laughing at her misfortune, for once…and feeling vindicated for years of verbal abuse. Hours after the hunt is over, the old lady has not returned so they go out searching for her. There in the bog they find her - dead. She drowned in 2 inches of water.

rusty, tooooo funny!!!

Okay, so we all know NOT to take Merry and feed her a $100 meal. Or, as a cult/clique we should carry her medicine constantly. Which would be a much better idea. Truly sorry Merry. Thats the pits… Been there, lived on Lomotil, iccch. Finally decided just to try and eat better, so far so good. Still, it will raise it’s ugly head periodicaly. Makes you a believer in the “stay on the back of a horse” rather than being squashed from retrainees.

AA Jumper: Your picture looks wonderful and Cypress is clearing the fence by quite a bit. Love your girth BTW. Which class was that???

Also good luck on the job front. It sounds like thy are really interested in you. WTG!

Dublin: I am so glad tha your Maggie beat Instant Trouble. They were always winning most everything. I wonder what happened to Instant Trouble?? I loved your picture…You picture looks George Morris perfect!

Regarding all the horses that we have known and loved and who have gone on to “Greener Pastures”. I certainly hope there are horses in heaven because I am fully expecting to ride when I get up there

Rusty, it means you will succeed. The plans of a new barn will happen!! This is only a little hiccup in the long drink of life.

Wty goes back to thinking up prose for Merry’s quality ride on saturday. Knowing full well, one’s tiara needs to be firmly in place, she reaches into her show bag of tricks. Hmmm lets see, bee’s wax? Nah, nail glue? YES! This will do it. Now if the little show off, Hambonie mahloney, behaves, we just may have a winner! Thats one for the cult. Manolo’s on! Curbs, jingling, we are off…

Viney: Hmmmm… didn’t the Germans have that idea oh, a few decades ago? The Uber Race???

I’d heard that the An. Rights folks really thought that getting dogs back to their feral state, ala coyotes and wolves, was kind of their ideal. Taken a step further, I suppose we should all be on Spanish Barbs and mustangs?

coreene, glad the Willmster is doing better. A voracious appetite is always a good sign.

Suave, I have yet to see the issue or the photos. All I know is that the photos were shot over 2 days, I was really sick and not thrilled about having to bathe/braid/clip a 4yr. old who’d been in lay-up for 6 months. Hence, the amount of braids was dramatically reduced from what is desired for the show ring. Sort of a “Don’t do this at home” moment. But for the purposes of the article, I think it got the point across.

Yes, Beezer, your Tigger was perfect…

Yeah, I like the In Writing the best.

But let’s drop all pretense of being ladies for a second … aren’t there times like these where you’d really like to just give 'em the finger?

Those chaps sound great. I have been wanting to get a pair of customs for a couple of years now. Maybe for my birthday, then again maybe not. Since it is today.

You got it!!! The show i believe was Del Mar.

I’ll post another one tonight!!

My cap arrived in today’s USPS mail! So, if a package hit here in the boonies, the rest have to be close behind. Keep your eyes open.

Cheers, Maggi

OMG Suave…that is TOO freaky…how does that work??? Now I’m going to be trying to figure it out all night!

NO show bow, please. Otherwise I’m sure you’ll look just gorgeous - make sure to get plenty of photos!

That is really exciting TuxWink…good luck!

We be rained out for the weekend as the weatherman says “no show for you!” So we are sitting around wondering what to do with ourselves. The mustang auction???a possibility

A movie and Neiman Marcus…even a greater possibilty

sigh…now what I suspose i could write a white paper on the environmental marketplace like I have been asked to do…Nah I rather play Donkey Kong

Thanks for the rattling curb chains anyway

TuxWink…I think you’ve surpassed me with the “Most Disgusting Coworker/Boss” story! Anyone else out there with a story that can beat “Exacto-Man”??? Oh, wait a minute, I forgot about the feces in my office. See, a person just starts to get immune to this sort of stuff!!!

Great pics Chef! Grace is a real cutie! Will you be taking her to any shows, so I get to meet her in person? Are you (or is anyone else) planning on going to LAEC for Memorial Day Classic?

So Elizabeth, Chef brought up a good point…how are you going to explain this new beau to Bill???

My boss shot your resume off to a big muckety muck re a hotshot muckety muck job!

How can anyone say we are expensive in Calif. after that break down??? Yikes elizabeth, now are those regular ole wines for $175? Inquiring minds want to know.

DMJ is that your horse’s first show or the trainers? Hopefully you mean your horse’s. But in this day and age, well you get my drift…

Everyone, on the count of 2, JINGLE JINGLE JINGLE…rusty can we make you a margarita too? We have those positive thoughts headed your way!!