CA Clique Redux

Hey, my legs are aching so badly right now, I’m the one in need of an elixir!

No, the panels were not there. Just the white PVC fencing. But there were port-o-potties lined up along one length of the arena. Fortunately, we had that battle at Ride America last summer. Now, port-o-potties are yawn boring.

is the place to see Merry’s article

Good luck Rusty with the local whiners (jangle jangle). Hopefully, the meeting will go off as planned with little interference (more jangling).

Well it’s almost time for the Soprano’s. I am now ging to drag my battered and bruised bod downstairs…I just found out my mafia name is Suave “Junior Mints” Reno

Well I made the transition today (wasn’t that diplomatic???). First of all let me thank everyone for jangling thier curb chains…I felt the power!!! )

I was in my office ever so far away, dealing with office garbage when my trainer called and said she would prefer to talk to me over the phone and not face to face. So I phoned it in. OMG!! I told her that my riding goals had changed and I was moving to another barn but would like her to keep the door open for me should I want to come back. She said NO, that is not possible over and over again and within 10 miunutes all my stuff for two horses was at my new trainers barn (they are on the same premises). I agree that I should have met with her face to face and put something in writing but unfortunately that was not the case. I can’t tell you how much I agonized over this for months but I went to my new barn today and realized life outside my old barn exists

It’s such a small world out there it’s so important not to burn bridges.

AAJumper so sorry to hear about Cypress. Hopefully everything will turn out well!!!

This was kinda like a divorce (what about the children!!!)Again so many thanks for all of you who wished me well. I felt your power. Seriously

Now I deserve Rusty’s margaritas

[This message was edited by SuaveReno on Mar. 31, 2001 at 11:09 AM.]

I just got back from a wonderful lesson on my awesome Elliot!!
On a bad note though, poor Mallory is crying because our Poncho is lame again in the same hoof that had the abcess a few weeks ago
I am waiting for the farrier to phone me, then see if he wants to check it out before the Vet.
I feel so bad, as my horse is doing so wonderful and my daughter’s horse has been unrideable now since December 29th!!!

Sorry, no guesses here…that was taken the year I was born!

rusty, just love that old arena at Heather Farms. Glad you are using it. Everything is moving in!! Can’t believe they are even thinking of a park. Like we don’t have enough already?

Ahhhh, Beezer & Merry having a good show. No arguments, no horses being patoots, this was a very goodshow!!

So Suave how did you do this weekend??? Trying to catch up on the thread is doing this all in break neck speed!! Brain is in dire need of help!

coreene, no judge should use a lame horse. Period. I consider that abuse. These poor school horses don’t deserve this either. They work hard and should not suffer. Did anyone compain about this?

Beezer thinks this spotted horse idea is just a ploy to make her relinquish the reins of the pinto wonder.

[This message was edited by Beezer, Royal Princess to Queen Merry on Apr. 11, 2001 at 05:38 PM.]

Yes, Beezer, this is the Question Of The Day. Has it arrived yet???

A friend of mine puts on a mini show once a year. They do have hunter and jumper classes I think they lead them around. I guess I’ll have to go watch it this year. It could be entertaining.

Teach him to spell “burrito” and he won’t have any problems, ha ha ha.

Had put pack up and hump six weeks worth of “things” over to my parents’ yeterday and drop them off at the airport this a.m. That’s what I like best about John Wayne - you can get in the car, drive over, drop off and be home is less than 35 minutes. Have been told that they will not buy every equestrian thing possible as a gift, like they normally do. Dunno about that one … I said “why not buy the German magazines (already to subscribe to the Dutch ones) and mail them over by surface? And the French?” After all, my French is not enchante, but I could work on it then, d’accord???

DID I EVER TELL YOU ALL - I have a huge cottage garden at the equestrian center in HB. The front and sides of Steinberg’s Tack & Feed and the two huge planters in front of Ginny Spooner’s place. Taryn and SuaveReno can attest to the beauty (I am shamelessly promoting, I know, but it is at the height of gorgeous right now). Anyhow, will confess to walking into a Pic N Save this a.m. because someone told me they had trellises for $9.99. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Now I have an excuse to go and buy all sorts of plants to train up it, too.

Because I am sure that today will be faceplant day if I ride. His Lordship does not like the wind up his royal backside.

She can hardly keep up with all the posts and news. Like many things in her life, this has gotten away from her too.

Beezer slowly wanders off, shaking her head and muttering to herself. People move out of her way. It’s so sad to see her sooooo very confused and unsettled.

Don’t worry I’d come to visit you all at the nursing home, jello, old people and hand knit shawls are my favorite things. We’ll even be able to reminise about those days that we were even caught dead in the ugly puke green riding pants, sigh… those were the days!

“Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, Darling!” JD;Heathers

Up here in the PNW where most of the electricity comes from they are not letting people use their hot tubs!!
Lucky you AA
Rainy and icky here today, I am jealous.
Think I will just lay back and visualize I am in a nice pool in the sun.

Wtywmn I will take you up on the Margarita.

WEll while working on those pesky lead changes when for no apparent reason he hopped, lept and buck three times in the air. I managed to stay on by my Francie Steinweddel-Carvin hunt cap with balck visor came flying off. I think it must have been the squeeking breaks of an approaching truck. It’s days like this that really make me feel like I am Equitation-challenged. Geeze!

Message to Coreene: Loved your barn and your boy! He’s really impressive. I like those tall big boned ones (Reno the same!). Thanks for the hospitality. Tarryn: I enjoyed meeting you too.

Where are you judging? Is there a hack & Yack Division???

[This message was edited by SuaveReno on Apr. 14, 2001 at 06:59 AM.]

Or the shortbread cookies with the chocolate center kind of like an Oreo from Nordstroms are to die for.
I always send some down to my mother in AZ when she is there for the winter.

Suave, I’m so sorry the ‘break up’ was less than civilized. Right now I’m at the point where I believe all trainers are cut from the same cloth. I’ve been burned one to many times. Of course, this idealogy is not helping me at the moment. I’m findng it hard to trust a trainer, yet I am in dire need of some guidance.

I say leave the past behind (even though that’s hard being at the same facility), and have an open mind with your new trainer. I do believe there are trustworthy people who honestly care about the welfare of your horse, and you .

Rusty: In a nut shell Pilates was the last name of a man who developed a rehabilitation program that involved isolation and stretching/strengthing of different muscle groups for WWI Vetrans if I am not mistaken. The class I took was a mat class, so all the exercises were done on the floor with large rubber bans and a thing that looked Suzanne Sommer’s Thigh Master as interpreted by Quzimoto.
I have been doing this along with Yoga about 3 times a week. The rest of the time I’m in traction

Elizabeth: You are going to one of my favorite places. Hopefully you can go to their spa! I pronounce Niguel like Na Guell which is probably not right but I have done it for years. I didn’t know you were planning to go. Maybe the OC group could surprise you there Opps! Maybe I have gone too far I think my testing went well except for the math Have a great time

AA Jumper, I can sympathize…My trainer just keeps getting further and further away
She started out in Palos Verdes Where I grew up and we met. Then moved to Bell Canyon (but I was living at school then so it wasn’t that far. Then we went to Malibu (1 block from the beach, it was heaven despite the postage stamp sized ring.) then to Malibu Valley - heaven again except for the ring that remained locked for 2 weeks after a sprinkle of rain. Then to Southland, and now we are going to Hidden Valley Ranch. I shouldn’t complain, I hear Hidden Valley Ranch is amazing…we are taking over the barn that the Gondas had their horses in. Maybe Jade can soak up some of Doubletakes greatness…training by osmosis??? I’ll try anything with her at this point!

See you Sunday! (If it doesn’t rain!)

Well have a blast! It’s such a nice place to show.

I hear that these caps were sent via “media mail” (bad COTH, very against the Post Office Rules), which would explain why we’re still without.

You know, these caps - when we DO get them - can cause all sorts of new meet & greets at shows. Like, “Oh, I see your COTH cap … hmmm … and do you perhaps ever visit their web site?” This would be accompanied by much shuffling and such, because it would be too forward to run up and scream “HEY, LOOK AT THE HAT, WHAT’S YOUR BB NAME?!?!?!?!?!!?”