CA Clique Redux

oh it sounds so nice, except I’m doing hunters in the sand, so if i fall off… , I’ll come back and tell everyone how it went!

“Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, Darling!” JD;Heathers

[This message was edited by MO on May. 09, 2001 at 05:39 PM.]

Purple chicky peeps for wty, rusty. And here’s to us all!!! Bottoms up! Oh Beezer, you know how wrong those people are. Even tho we can’t sue their little behinds off for messing up the weather. So keep positive thoughts, you and the wonderous Pinto WB will go forth. Hmmmmmm, wty smiles, those purple chicky peeps margaritas are good. The alcohol doesn’t curdle the marshmallow, actually adds a little to it.

Wonderful news, Tux! Good luck with the news horse, the one you really wanted.

Good luck also to Beezer and Spot today. We’ll want a report on how things went.

No COTH hat arrived in Northern California yet. But, I expect mine to take a day longer than the rest of the Bay and San Jose areas. The pony express trek over the hill from San Jose usually adds another day.

I don’t know, Suave. I was on the phone with the Gateway tech until 2:00 am recently because my own father e-mailed me a cow joke with graphics that somehow screwed up the template for Microsoft Word! I couldn’t write my article! Hence, I shy away from anything remotely scary when it comes to computers.

How about I send Tinkerbelle on a fly-by? The little brat is really getting on my nerves. Just because I thought she was a fly and I took a swat at her. You know, living in this dang magic castle is getting old.

Maybe I oughta spike the Disney characters’ punch with some of rusty’s margaritas? Now that’d be a wild time! Pull up the drawbridge, it’s party time in the Magic Kingdom!

I viewed the entire Foxpointed website, by the way. I’m still just so amazed.

snide posts directed to some of us by name, as well as things being posted and then deleted before moderators could see them are also facets of the other side of the story as well…

On a much cheerier note, thanks Coreene for my laugh of the day at your description of what Willem and Dave really think of each other!!
You have just got to get a picture of Willem, mini Me and really really mini me (the shetland) - what a threesome that would be…

“Of course, that’s just my opinion. I could be wrong.” - Dennis Miller

Wow, I am just now catching up on the BB action for today. I was held captive, forced to lay sod all day. It was horrid, horrid I tell you!!! But the backyard is quite lovely now!

DMJ…I can’t believe it…all that grass at Blenheim and they confine everyone to dirt warmup areas? Oh, say it ain’t so!!! That is really, really depressing.

Wtywmn, Cypress is doing fine w/her hematoma. The vet drained it on Tuesday, although there is still some fluid built up. It doesn’t bother her though, fortunately.

Sumo toddler could return to Canada addicted to fish tacos.

Deprivation could shatter his life. No longer would he be willing to follow Korean Grandma’s prescription for a happy life (hockey playing doctor), but he would yearn only to return to the warmth and sunlight of Strawberry Fields forever

Everyone Loves Raymond??? But what about Ally McBeal??? I’m sure Elizabeth will attest to the fact that the show is very much based in reality. Right Elizabeth? I bet the whole office goes down for drinks every night and has multiple affairs with coworkers. NO? How about the random closing remarks? My lawyer friend laughs continually at that show. And just about now, she probably really hates it since she is in a real trial where she has to be in downtown LA at 7am and doesn’t get home until 2am. She lasted all of 10 minutes in her lesson on Saturday because she was so exhausted.

Just have to comment that A/A Jumper wins the prize for getting my reference to SH’s totally ratty looking faded helmet, (from a topic over on the H/J forum) which she wore for years and years until quite possibly it disintegrated!!!
Anyone else remember it??? As A/A sagely suggested, given how it looked, it HAD to be a good luck charm or something…

[I]Must stop posting and get to sleep, she mumbles to herself, knowing that she will undoubtedly look like a zombie, due to sleep deprivation, in the morning.....[/I]

Good night all!!

“Of course, that’s only my opinion. I could be wrong.” - Dennis Miller

Prior Knowledge? Of course not!! ( I rode IHSA too). But unfortunately in this world we live, there is always dishonesty and deception!! But isn’t it funny how on Iron Chef the two contestants race to the barrel/ tank for their goodies?! I do enjoy that show, honestly.

Yes, this is a group hug moment, Merry.

Sad to lose the Beezer horsie. I’ll bet you bawled as you were paying for the donuts. I was gettin’ all misty just reading about it.

But, ain’t he purdy while he’s doin’ it?

Merry simply cannot be seen astride anything other than an “oooooohh, ahhhhh” horse. If I’m going to look like a doofus amateur at times, I might as well look good doing it!

Is my tiara straight?

I guess I shouldn’t have left yesterday. I’m so sorry, glad to hear the princess is feeling better. I’ll bring Dave over to cheer him up.

Is there a positive way to leave your trainer
Here are some choices I wrestled with:

In person;
Voice mail:
Registered letter:
Have significant other leave message;
Take out ad in Typo Circuit;
Short & Sweet
Fed Ex
Your Ex
Follow a trail of grain to the new barn;
Blame someone else;
Alcohol induced (carrot margaritas)
Write note put in collar of JRT;
Note on windshield;

Just some suggestions… anyone else have any others

[This message was edited by SuaveReno on Apr. 14, 2001 at 07:02 AM.]

See if you can get a lock of his hair to divvy up among the BBers! (Maybe that should be the last question just in case he runs away screaming.)

It didn’t scan as well as I hoped for but here you go…

Perhaps that means she showed at Flintridge?

[I]<<no time to post anything meaningful, yet elizabeth wants to send the love to the CA clique.>>

Hi ladies. Good for you on leaving the barn Suave. You have no time or patience for nutcases! Beezer, send my best to Mr. Beezer. Tell him and Suave that when one door closes another opens. Oh, Merry, your eyes look a little glazed . . . . chickie-pippie cake? I thought so.

Well, I must run to work. Have a nice day ladies.[/I]

Talk about a rotten day!

I was here until noon putting together this article on the “history” of one of the magazines I write for. That meant I had to track down and interview the illusive past editors (not my sister… she was easy to snag!). Then I amble over to ride the Hambola virus and Tigger. My sister’s kid decides that perhaps turning to the right is NOT something he’d care to do, thank-you very much, so I got to re-educate him about that.

Then, in my final school on Hambone before the show, I decide not to lunge first because I jumped him yesterday and he was perfect, so I figured, eh, a light hack.Wrong!He just would not stay long and low, in a nice hunter frame as I went past the scary section of our arena (think trees, manure bin, etc.).

Do you ever have those days where you realize that you rank, oh, about 14th on your horse’s list of priorities? And I was even using the tarnished Bit of Gold! I finally got off and lunged him, bitted up to the right. Then I got on, cantered ONCE around nicely and climbed off. I think it was then that I began to cry.

I just want perfection in my four-year-old, is that too much to ask?