CA Clique Redux

SuaveReno, I wish some people at my barn could make a decision about what shows we are going to!!! My ideal schedule is Showpark Tournament of Champions Apr 26-29, Memorial Day Classic at LAEC, Blenheim/Oaks 3rd week of July, Jumping Festival at LAEC in September, and the LA Preview/National at LAEC in November. And then all the Gold Coast shows in between. But who knows? I’d love to meet up with people at the shows…hopefully something will work out!

AA, I would have just given them the finger! But then I’m in that kind of mood today. Or stood up, puffed out your chest and barked “Where is it printed on my forehead that I was here to waste my time?!” Gawd, I just hate stuff like that.

I forgot to comment on the tourist notion - it made me laugh out loud! I can just picture Hammie, mindlessly ignoring your thumping legs, trying to get him to change, and he does a tight-lipped smile and the Queen’s wave.

Well hello, little child, so glad you could attend this show. Oh, look, is that a ‘Good Year Blimp’ over there? Hmmmmm, what a lovely starter they have at the in-gate. . . . .


See - our dances and jingles DO work!

wtywmn: Sorry to hear about your old mare. Beezer’s 3 yr. old colt put a hairline fracture in his hock by just screwing around, playing while turned out. Six months later, we’re awaiting the final xray to see if it’s healed totally.

Hand position: Look at the AHSA: over and in front of the withers. If your hands are in your lap (me) the reins are too long. If your hands are up by the martingale strap, too short.

Once, when I was taking lessons with Ed Marcy he kept after me to shorten my reins. Then I rode in my first George Morris clinic, and George tells me, “Your reins are too short!”

Hey Coreene. The place for Pilates is called Shape Up in Cornoa del Mar where the old Bank of Newport Building used to be. It’s really aelped my back a lot and the place is really reasonable. It’s not the gym of the young and svelte which i really appreciate. Iused to goto the Sports Club in Irvine but all the silicone bounced me right otta there

Beezer: Do you have the matching wraps too? Cosmo the horse fairy has (poor guy) yellow and pink and cow print and Reno has Leopard print. I like you idea of boy colors and girl colors. Fortunately poor Cosmo isn’t having any gender confusion

So do I get Merry’s scepter, via Beezer??? I’ll happily pass it on to the next winner of ‘Name that Horse and Rider’…

Catholic or not, I really want to avoid ever reading anything like those threads about past boyfriend.

Call me a prude at almost 50, but that is way more than I ever want to know even about close friends lives.
No FLAMES please JMHO!!

Ah, yes, Wtywmn, Come Monday is a song by Jimmy Buffet. It’s good…but I like Margaritaville better…

[I]I blew out my flip flop
Stepped on a pop top
Cut my heel, had to cruise on back home
But there’s booze in the blender
And soon it will render
That frozen concoction that helps me hang on

Wasted away in Margaritaville
Lookin’ for my lost shaker of salt…[/I]

Aaaahhh…that music makes me think of summer and boating trips to the Colorado River.

I called in sick today (cough cough) and took Cypress on trail. She was so good, and didn’t even jig on the way home (her only bad trail habit). Then I came home and worked on our sprinklers. Tomorrow is sod laying day…yay.

For some of you who know only too well my continuing saga here’s the postscript:
Ahem…someone very knowledgeable and learned said to me recently about my barn change, “You’ve so moved on dahling”

It finally struck me today that it doesn’t matter, I had a fabulous lesson today and I’m moving on up (sung to the tune of the Jeffersons. Bought a new tack truck today with the new barn’s logo. And we have our first show on the weekend! Up Up and away!

I shipped a horse from Southern California to Mississipp, and while granted that is half the distance to NY, the hauler stopped for two rests for the horses, one long overnight in New Mexico or Arizona, and almost a week at their home base in Texas, while they were putting together a load for Florida.

She arrived in perfect shape. Of course she was a twelve yo mare with no history of lameness.

On the man front, I’d say call the guy, thank him for a wonderful time, and invite him to do something with you. This is, after all, the 21st century. In the conversation, you might say something about not expecting such a warm goodnight after such a comfortable evening. If your recoil was obvious, I would think you have to take the next step, if you want to see this guy again.

Good luck with David.

[This message was edited by vineyridge on Apr. 22, 2001 at 01:59 PM.]

A good nights sleep and a Margarita and RUsty is doing much better.

Suave, I will be at the Oaks for at least one of those two weeks in July! We shall finally meet!

Elizabeth, we still have stalls open…or at least we will in a couple of weeks (unless someone new is moving in and I don’t know about it). The only thing that I can see as being a drawback is that you have to be in the training/lesson program. You can at least call and talk to my trainer and see if you think it will work out. I will talk to her tomorrow and explain the situation, so that if you decide to call her, she won’t be surprised.

So, who has ordered their COTH hat yet? I just ordered mine!

Thank you for the kind words Merry. Doing just fine As long as we can ride, what else is there right? Well, just a few things…like hmm maybe unlimited shopping at Nordlies

coreene, your Willem is going to do this more & more. You will just have to get him his plume That should substitute for treats.

So, elizabeth, after smoothing her skirt, which I might add, has a dynamite sequined poodle on it, have we decided what the next move is? Seems he may be a wee shy, but, and we’re all assuming here, he may take his faith literally?

What are we, all posting within the same nano second???

How do how do!!!wty is so enthusiastic about Suave’s new thread. Exhausted after raking the mud off her horse, she’s so glad to have an out!We’ll all be here shortly. weeble is just getting back, where’s rusty? Blender blender on the wall, froth them up for one and all! Coreene, leave those “boys” alone over there. We will order in, and you know what that means? Welcome Mo and chef!! Glad to see you’re here! Enjoy, we will have those margaritas shortly. A/A, can’t wait to watch you show…This will be so fun. Toodling off once again babbling, wty’s on a mission. Will Merry and Beezer honor us?

You know, I rode and jumped him in the bit today and he was really good! The eggbutt is just a tad more fixed in his mouth than the loose ring, but it doesn’t pinch him. I don’t believe I’ll jump him at a show in it unless Beezer is in need of amusement. I shall indeed buy a “normal” slow twist eggbutt for that.

I must admit, in the sunshine the bit wasn’t that golden. But, true to form, QHSM was watering the rose bushes and I asked her to look at Hammie’s new bit. I said, “Take off your sunglasses and tell me what you think.”

She stares for a minute and says, “Oh, that’s the new bit. It looks really nice on him. It’s obviously an expensive bit. (Pause)It’s kind of a soft, gold color.”

There’s no gettin’ nuthin’ past QHSM!

And to think that my friend, Andrea, the AHSA judge, is the one who told me, “Oh, Cindy, order this bit. It’s so pretty!” Hello, it’s GOLD! She’d better pin me if I show under her in that dang bit or I’ll bop her with it!

Now, onto more sedate matters: Is there really a horsey-themed store at South Coast Plaza???

AAJumper: Don’t cha love it when people are low-balling you and try to sugar coat it like you’re such a doofus that you don’t realize you’re getting dumped on? Kind of like when someone comes out to look at your $15,000 horse, rides it, vets it, then offers you $10,000 and has the audacity to tell you, “But it’ll have a great home and you can come ride it anytime!”

Vineyridge: The question WE want to know is, “But are you any good at putting up an awning at horse shows?”

I’m having a cosmic moment… I’m envisioning Jamaican Rum doing something spectacular in the Derby on Saturday…

Good luck Weeble. Pebble is such a great place. Send pics!!! Sitting here at my desk reflecting…I would like to be one of the beautiful amateurs who apparently has scads of money and can take 3 horses to all the A shows she can manage. I too would love a beautiful husband that shows his 3 equally beautiful hunters at the A shows along side of me

I am not making fun but merely hoping that in the next life I will not blow Bill Gates off as some geek when asked for a date in college. Then I too can show my string of hunters at the A shows in my next life.

Since I am a working girl, I always like to be ahead of the HS expenses (A shows especially.) But I gotta tell ya that I added some hypothetical expenses for all these folks that do the circuit with many horses based on their year end awards in Typo Circuit, and they must be spending over 100k per year and that’s a conservative estimate. I am just amazed.

You know, I read the article showing on a budget and I wish I could braid. Holy Cow (leapin lizzards is in me somewhere)thank God for Mike Cell. His braids are wonderful. Heck, I can barely manage the button on my ratcatcher let alone braid. I could wish for that too in my next life…but I am holding out for the money

Coreene my sympathties to you on the rug rats…Merry Good luck with the Hummer this weekend! Where are you showing??? Is lunch on??

Suave, what are you taking the SAT’s for, and why do you need a psych evaluation? You want to go back to college and yet you have a history of mental disorders? Or we’ve all driven you crazy?

P.S. So, Suave, what dya’ think about Swarthy Arab Man? I kinda think after we’re done with him he might just be Beezer or coreene’s type.

“Come here, my little desert flower, my little date cupcake. Climb aboard my dappled Arabian drinker-of-the-wind and we shall ride to Kofu together!”

Geez, I gotta get out more.

My new HI arrive and your article on Barn Personalities was just a hoot You must have been hanging around the ole Alma Mater huh? I loved the illustrations too

Could we have a followup on Trainers we most often see

AA Jumper: Speaking of reins, I am always amazed by Richard Spooner. With reins like that…how does he get it to work It seems like my reins end up like that unintentionally

How do you order them them? Are they putting the screen names on the back