CA Clique Redux

Is there a d) Vanna? They’re looking for that perfect spot, oops missed!!

Now did you by any chance glimpse the article in the corner. It seems they weren’t pleased with the judging even then

It has already gotten really tarnished! I mean, like a yucky brass faucet! Then I read the blurb in the catalog and it says that the bit “oxidizes”, so I assume that means that it becomes grayish/blackish/gross with time.

Do you guys think they’ll make “Seabiscuit” into a movie? Horse films are notoriously bad box office earners, but perhaps with big stars this could be a winner. Who should have the starring roles? Is there a place for a swarthy Eqyptian fellow?

Very nice picture! And article.
(Especially item #5!) Every hair on the
horse is gleaming, including the white

LOL Merry…so is that sort of like James and the Giant Peach???

Suave, no offense, darling, but judging by your many typos, have you been partaking of rusty’s margaritas this evening?

So that I’m not confusing my Danish princes, wasn’t K. Branaugh’s Hamlet the one sort of set in a Nazi regime? Sort of an “updated” version?

Perhaps Merry failed to share the knowledge that guilt can, and should be, a two-way street, Beezer. It has been my experience that I can as easily guilt my mother as she can me. We take turns and it’s all very civilized - not to mention a great relief for over-worked credit cards.

My latest project has been to opine, “oh dear, I really do think we need a 8,000 sq. foot house so that your precious grandchildren can ride their bikes indoors during the miserable, and yes, cold inducing, winter months”.

Tried with horses, and well, let’s just say she didn’t bite down on the eggbutt.

Maggi, thanks. I think you have a great point about my recoil, and its effects on his willingness to process with caution.

Wty, after polling my two close guy friends at the office, I have come to the following conclusion. Are you all sitting down? Brace yourself: If David does not take my hand, I am going to gracefully take David’s hand and hold it as we watch the season finale of Survivor this Thursday.

My guy friends feel that if I can gracefully - not forcefully, Maggi - do it, if the opportunity presents itself, he will be relieved that I have taken the step and will not see it as too forward. So, there we have it.

<< elizabeth truimphantly fluffs her bob and smoothes her poodle skirt. she shyly straightens the cuffs on her socks and smiles, thinking of Thursday night.>>

So, to keep this horse related, my sister, who is a non-horsie person, came up with the following phrase when describing why she is going to her graduation (for her Ph.D.) even though she doesn’t want to: Sometimes you just have to take the salt block your trainer gives you and lick it.

Tux try Flying Changes. The classifieds are great with many lower level event horses. Lots of photos

[This message was edited by Bumpkin on May. 04, 2001 at 11:58 AM.]

Ahem, Suave, it’s a PINTO warmblood MARE!

She’s just gorgeous. And she knows it. Remember: many have admired her from afar, and desired to possess her. But alas, once they climb aboard… they want off!

Beezer and I find this amazing, because we do not find the Lovely Spot difficult to ride, just amusing and a tad challenging.

Some of my favorite moments at shows have been watching Beezer negotiate jumper courses on spotted beast horse. The mare jumps so cute and earnestly, and she’s totally honest. But Beezer… well, Lovely Spot just isn’t quite sure exactly what Beezer’s job is.

Did you notice what’s happened to Merry?? She’s been demoted! She’s lost her crown!! As in, she’s just a “member” now, NOT the February Posting Queen. We cannot allow this injustice to stand! Start jangling those curb bracelets. Start flooding Erin with our chant: We want our queen back!!

Chef: There’s a thread question for you at the Hunter/Jumper Forum. Someone wants to know more about Jade. Your horse has a fan club, apparently!

Chef that is too funny. I have never actually heard someone SCREAM as they were about to eat dirt! Jade was a very good girl!

Trust me, the rain thing was a blast! It was my 6 year old’s first show, and there were no expectations - we were out there to have fun and we did. Ironically enough, that was our best round of the entire show. Go figure. Here is another fabulously far away and fuzzy pic…

Sheez, I don’t know when you guys post! I turn on my computer at a reasonable hour and all these writings have appeared!

Okay, yes, Wtywmn, in that particular photo I am stylishly looking for the right lead as I land after that interesting jump (actually those are MY red standards that I loaned to this charity show!). But notice my lovely leg position and how my shirt cuffs are appropriately exposed beneath my coat’s sleeves, and how they then meet my gloves, so that absolutely NO wrist skin is revealed. Now, I get points for that, don’t I?

I think I wrote just about every H/J article that’s posted on that site right now.

Taryn: The Lovely Spot is sired by Art Deco out of an Irish TB mare. She is indeed a hot tamale! The Hall of Fames (those that I’ve been around, which are several) are a bit more sedate, even though Hall of Fame was 1/2 TB. And the Hall of Fames have more of a hunter style to them.

Hammie is by Hall of Fame, out of QHSM’s Trakehner mare (R.I.P.)

I guess I shall have to learn to use my dad’s scanner and post a jumping photo of myself that has me A) jumping a sizeable fence, and B) has me NOT ducking off to the side! As for the Hambola photos, I only have some slides that were taken about 6 months ago for a magazine article, and I have to make them into prints first.

MHM: Love the idea of the Golf Cart leadline class! Isn’t that a special stakes class offered at Indio each year?

I’ll be jangling my curb chain for you

Wtny: I didn’t believe what the weatherman (er…weatherperson?) said about rain on Saturday.

Remeber the Santa Barbara where everytime they would hold the darn thing it would rain. I wonder if I could wear my darling yellow boots instead of my show boots

Seriously, AAJumper and Suave Reno, that outline is just about perfect!

Be sure to sit down in a quiet corner and give some thought to filling in the “blah” spots so that the script flows while in the interview. Nothing is worse than trying to dredge up coherent answers to unexpected questions.

Then, being prepared, good luck to both of you!

Cheers, Maggi

The afflicted brother-in-law I was referring to is NOT, I repeat, NOT Mr. Beezer!

It’s my husband’s loser of a brother.

AAJumper, that’s a great story! I can just imagine the sense of panic your friend must’ve been feeling. And then her husband, who does not want his wife to be fired, gets dragged into the ride!

elizabeth: What, you’re not an opera fan? What other plans could you possibly have? Once you have him hooked, you must reel him in alongside the boat close enough to snare him in your net. Then haul him aboard! Remember: “He’s a giant sea bass.” Just keep envisioning him in this manner.

All this bed & breakfast talk has me longing for a vacation. We didn’t go hiking in Arizona last summer because our house was all torn up with remodeling. When Mr. Merry returns from Honduras we shall have to go somewhere together… well, once I’m sure he’s not carrying malaria or some exotic rainforest parasite!

And now, onto today’s horsey adventure: long-lining Beezer’s 4yr. old who is officially out of lay-up and cleared to go back to work. Let’s see, I haven’t ridden him for oh, about 7 months. Yes, I believe I shall indeed long-line him a few times, especially since he’d never graduated from doing figure 8’s in a western saddle the last time he was ridden… I think he was ridden a total of maybe a dozen times in his life before he got hurt!

AA, this must make us twins!

Bumpkin - my theory behind the blanket this is this: Willem gets turned out. Rolls in mud. Coreene doesn’t feel like brushing it all off, so puts on blanket [I]which knocks the mud off.[/I]

Then you shake the blanket out the next day!

You’ve basically described the Pro Finals class at CC. (Which I believe John French has done quite successfully.)

They don’t get to change the tack, but the rotation system really shows who can ride some of the horses and who can ride all of them!

We just need to get a host who will give it mass appeal- maybe that color commentator from “Best in Show”!

[This message was edited by MHM on Apr. 28, 2001 at 09:15 AM.]

Great story, Merry! My Linda Hough encounter (actually Larimer, at that time) was at the Oregon State Fair one year, when I beat she and Instant Trouble out for the 2nd year Green Working Championship with my OTTTB Talkalot, when I was 16. (Not to brag, but one of my show career highlights…). I remember the look on her face as she went into the ring behind me as Reserve Champion, probably thinking who IS this person??? LOL Anyone else remember Instant Trouble??

Maggi, as you probably can guess, I am a major Dennis Miller fan!! I noticed someone else is using that as a signature line…hrrumph

Beezer, my husband is a UCLA alum, so we have the LA Times sports section bookmarked. I will definitely be reading your hubby’s coverage of the Derby. I really like Millenium Wind as well - he has overcome some significant medical problems to get where he is, and certainly looked good in his last race!!

“Of course, that’s only my opinion. I could be wrong.” - Dennis Miller