CA Clique Redux

rusty will get that barn, rusty will get that barnrusty will get that barn, rusty will get that barnrusty will get that barn, rusty will get that barnrusty will get that barn, rusty will get that barnrusty will get that barn, rusty will get that barnrusty will get that barn, rusty will get that barnrusty will get that barn, rusty will get that barnrusty will get that barn, rusty will get that barnrusty will get that barn, rusty will get that barnrusty will get that barn, rusty will get that barnrusty will get that barn, rusty will get that barnrusty will get that barn, rusty will get that barn

This is absolutely true…one of the gals that I used to ride with came out to the barn after Christmas with her new Hermes saddle from…you guessed South Coast Plaza It seems her hubby bought one there. (Gee all I got for Christmas from my hubby was a box of golf balls How did he know that’s exactly what I wanted ) Apparently, there is such terrific mark up that the saddles sell for somewhere in the 5k range as oppossed to the 3.3k range at Dover or Dominion. Coreene have you seen them there? Plus they sell hunt coats. Red Ones!

Still looking for my yellow plume

Good job Elizabeth. jangle, jangle jangle

Hey Rusty: Hope all is well with your barn and the local politics. More jangling

What is the Closest-To-Midpoint-Show that all West Coast BBers can hook up at???

We just had our like 20th Annual JRT show last weekend.
I know exactly what you are going through.
I was nervous our judge flying in from England was going to be hounded about FM, but they didn’t even ask him if he had been on any farms.
The judges are always the easiest part of the whole show, aren’t they?
I love that duty more than any others.
Of course our raffle chair never showed up for two days, but the raffle went off ok.
Just take deep breaths, keep a perpetual smile on, and say this is not life or death!!!
If you have any Prozac take two!!! hahaha
Just kidding…

Happy Birthday Merry!!!

LOL Chef…I have heard people say of trainers “oh, yeah, so and so is quite the chemist.” Do you still have your horse over here near me, or was that a short term arrangement…or do you have two horses? I’m confused! I don’t know why it didn’t dawn on me earlier, but the covered arena with the jumping arena that got swept away was the place where Tulie is, right? 6 years ago my old trainer’s big rig horse trailer was swept down that very same river and ended up at the bridge at Kanan. It started out at Pegasus Creek!!! That was one of those crazy El Nino years.

Well, I have nothing interesting to report, other than the little iceplants are adjusting to their new homes quite nicely. I get to ride tomorrow…but the forecast calls for rain!

Hi there…well, it sounds like everyone is having a great weekend thus far. The weather is kind of icky, but at least it’s not 110 degrees! But what is up with this drizzle? Weird, huh?


I am just so excited. I don’t have pictures yet, but she is wonderful. Her name is Africa and she is a TB/Hanoverian cross. She just turned 7 and is settling into her new home nicely. I don’t have pictures yet, but I will post them as soon as I do. I’m planning on having a photo session with her tomorrow since my husband will be coming to the barn with me. Thanks for all of your support…I’m sure the jingling helped. You may see me careening around a hunter/jumper schooling show in the next few months in preparation for our eventing debut!

SuaveReno, sorry to hear about the downsizing. However, as awful as my job has been lately, I almost wish I’d get downsized!

Chef, we opted not to go to LAEC on Sunday. My trainer was supposed to take a couple of people on Saturday, but they ended up staying home because of the rain. We’ve never experienced the split Equidome in person, but we’ve heard the horror stories. So we called late Saturday to see what they were going to do Sunday, and they said that the jumpers were going after everything else in the Equidome. So we bailed. We weren’t into hanging out at the show until 10:00 at night. My trainer’s friend (also a trainer) had students showing until 9:30 at night on Saturday. It just wasn’t worth going, even though I had to forfeit my $25 deposit. What time were they actually setting for the jumpers? The prediction was 3pm, but we thought that sounded pretty optimistic.

So we ended up going on a very nice trail ride on Sunday instead…we had a blast!

We call Dave Willem’s long yearling buddy. The two of them standing next to each other is a sight to behold-a full 2 1/2 hands separates them.

I told Karen to teach him how to jump, he certainly has the shoulder and uh, ample rump to do so. If they had a very small ammy division I’d be all over that. Oh yea, and if I suddenly got over my fear of jumping!!

Beezer, we never hear about the four-year-old, do we?

elizabeth gulps and gets ready to go back to the portion of the thread where Beezer defended herself for not being willing to give up her horses. Maybe we can get some information about the super-secret four-year-old from there. elizabeth hates to think that she didn’t read carefully enough the first time through. . . .

Congratulations Suave!
AA that would be tough changing jobs and trying to decide if you should be up front and honest about how much time you expect to take off for Horse Shows, etc…
I lucked out, and my employers have QH’s that they show, so they are pretty flexible.
Of course I only have to work approx 15 hours a week, Tue, Wed, Thurs

Sorry about the typos I wrote that just before I passed out then came to then passed out again

during your golden years, the younger members of CA clique have offically taken over, after years of training Daytime Drama is ready to take the wheel and be in charge of the CA clique redux thread which has amazingly outlasted the JR clique’s useless posts . Muhahaha!! or at least in my dreams I take over

“Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, Darling!” JD;Heathers

4 to 5 people and you spend $600.00 or $700.00 on dinner?! Please! In New York?! Come on! I don’t mean to sound snobby but really, where do you take them? Certainly not anywhere posh. Maybe you need a guide!!

One of my coworkers is doing the 3 PM Napster thing and downloading theme songs from all the old tv shows. And we all know the words. What a scary freaky bunch of weirdos…

May the Horse Show Force be with you. I am curious - does the QHSM set jumps? Can I borrow her? My QHSM’s favorite horse show pastime is to dote upon her can-do-no-wrong animal as I bandage the blisters on my hands from trying to hold back said horse turned freight train. I sometimes venture to shows sans trainer and can always use an impartial grounds person. Come to think of it, while we were growing up, it was just the same but with dogs. In fact, the dogs got preferential treatment over us kids to the point we named the dogs FLK’s (Funny looking kids) we should have called ourselves TLD’s (Two-Legged dogs.)

Cinco de Mayo/Derby party? I’m there. Throw in a trip to the mall and you have an almost perfect Saturday…margaritas, horses and shopping! Am I the only one this appeals to?

Wty gives out a big sigh. The Oaks, a great place to show!! Don’t forget to wear your curb.

Suave has her soap box, and we of course will crowd on it with her…A/A can we cheer you on in thought?

We really should all jingle our chains for both of them. Poor Ronnie. Dublin, could you copy and paste the story in this thread?

Bumpkin Amazing, you found something! Great!! She actually showed me that video when we first met her 2 years ago. However, the video (being so old) was in really, really bad condition, so I had my doubt’s. How many 14 year old’s do you know who ride in puissance classes? She is a very good rider, but still isn’t doing much out here, so noone know’s about her.
She did ride with Gene Lewis (I touched on that back on Merry’s thread) He was to come out here to give a clinic, but (as usual) nothing has come of that. She rode Jim Kohn also. Ooop’s I mean rode with him.
(ooooh-ooooh naughty, naught Courtney) Sorry, my finger’s slipped

Happy Mother’s Day too all!!!