CA Clique Redux

Beezer has just one thing to say about Merry’s defense of the pretty boy: PFFFT!

And Suave, I add my voice to the others re your downsizing. We had a “talk” today about the economy’s potential impact here. Cut through the double talk to the bottom line: yes, targeted buyouts are likely. Beezer immediately pulls out her calculator, runs the numbers and starts fantasizing. Then she realizes that Mr. Beezer, at his, uh, more advanced age and experience and benefits, would be the more likely target of any buyout. And this makes Beezer very sad. For she knows he will want to do something dumb – like pay down the mortgage – instead of doing the RIGHT thing and buying Beezer a really fancy horse so she can pummel Hammie in the hacks.

[This message was edited by Beezer, Royal Princess to Queen Merry on Apr. 09, 2001 at 10:57 PM.]

Just a Lurker: Thanks re the COTH cap. I’m thinking that if mine DOESN’T arrive before we leave for the show, I need to demand that Merry leave hers at home.

Because, honestly … do I REALLY need something else for her to lord over me about???

Suave, you deserve a bubble bath, what with your stressful move from your Ex-T to your New-T.

Ah, AAJumper, the Laying of the Sod: a California tradition this time of year! A couple of years ago we had new sod put in. The landscaper rototilled and put in new sprinklers. Then this HUGE load of soil and mulch was hauled in. I said, “Wow, that looks like fertile soil.” The landscaper says, “It is. It’s composted from the horse manure they pick up in Norco.”

So I was no doubt re-using the same poop I probably had shoveled at my mom’s! And she’d paid to have it hauled away! And now I was paying to re-use it again! Talk about recycling!

Now, about “Tigger”: Beezer’s chestnut 4yr. old is very cute and will no doubt make her an enjoyable horse to ride. Hmmm… his medical records… Let’s see, he pulled a suspensory when he was 2 1/2, so he was laid up for six months, during which time he began cribbing.
Then he was broke out (I climbed right on and he was very good) but went bonkers at Sandi Nisson’s and had to come home to become more “emotionally mature”. He couldn’t hack being away from his mommy (Beezer).
Then, I get him going, although still in a western saddle, and he was really good. I was about to start trail riding him when he injured his hock just turned out and playing: it turned out to have a hairline fracture! So, I believe 7 months and several xray exams later, it appears he’s ready for me to start again. Ah, the things I do for my sister…

Meanwhile, his half-brother (Hammie) is showing and jumping. But he’s also obnoxious and arrogant, vs. Tigger’s very congenial personality.

AAJumper the last Time I took a job that said there would be some overtime, “some” meant 2 hours a day minimum, for comp time which they hasseled you if you wanted to take it. SO beware!
Thank you for the advice and specs on the arena.

Umm…wrong! Olivier could take Jacobi in a Shakespearean mud-wrestle to the soliloqial-death any day!

Having met too many PHD’s in the course of the last year, I’d like to add that many are total doofuses, lacking common sense and anything resembling social grace. It’s been my observation that many can’t dress, they certainly can’t dance; and mostly nurture, if they’ve ‘professored’, a tawdry eccentric demeanor, ably assisted by a red woollen scarf in summer.

Whereas, in my over-educated mind, common sense, compassion, wit, and curiosity are the more important traits. So elizabeth, don’t fret, don’t worry. A man can be as great an ashhole with a PHD as he can without.

BTW, Merry, does this mean you’re not ponying up for Sumo’s tuition at Harvard-Westlake?

Insomnia, is that contagious?

Ah yes, let me just scoop my hands into that tank of octopus innards! Yummy! Now I’m geared up to catch Iron Chef. It comes on really late on my satelitte dish.

Now, about these very expensive restaurant meals… I’m sorry, but it just sounds so very ludicrous to me. See, not to be gross, but my health puts things in perspective. Hmmm… how shall I put this politely… I have bouts of ulcerative colitis. At any given time, after eating a restaurant meal, I can become violently ill if I haven’t taken my medicine. I just can’t imagine eating a $100. meal and then 15 minutes later… well, you get the idea, I’m sure!

I know, “Thank you, Merry, for that medical update.”

My goodness, I sure picked a sentimental time to try and catch up!

You’re right, wty, we never forget them, any of them. That’s one of the reasons this BB is so great, though we never met Beezer (the horse) our commonality (is that a word?) means we all know how Merry and Beezer felt on that last day.
Good thing I have Kleenex next to the keyboard…

Elizabeth, we know you can do it. T-minus 48 hours and counting to “Survivor”.

My old hunter came to me with a propensity for fried chicken. Would stand and wait for you to pull off a piece for him. My current horses love peppermints, especially the Brach’s red and white striped ones.

Beezer: “You sure that’s enough bit?”
Merry: “Oh yes. He ALWAYS goes in this.”
Hammie’s stride is getting longer…

Beezer: “I think you need more bit.”
Merry: “NO. He ALWAYS goes in this.”
Hammie has now bolted around the corner of the arena…

Beezer: “MERRY, you NEED more bit. You HAVE to be able to stop.”
Merry: “NO! He can JUST GO in this bit.”
Hammie, having realized that he is essentially loose in his little Happy Mouth snaffle, is now proceeding around the arena at Mach 3 with the skinny blonde lady on his back…

Beezer: “Any time you’d like to stop…”
Merry: “$$%%@@@@ this horse!!”
Hammie has now planted himself and Merry into the branches of the huge tree that stretches over the fence from the outside of the arena. Merry scrambles off him and marches him over to Beezer.

Merry: “Here. Hold him. I have to go get another bit.”

I have deserted my husband in the kitchen because he and his insect hunting biology scientist buddies are discussing things of nature… I prepared and cooked them dinner. I sat politely at the table and dined with them. But when one of them, who just bought a new home on several acres, starts discussing how he’ll plant selected varieties of native plants to lure butterflies and beetles onto his property, I had to leave. I mean, he’s just fascinated with how he’ll put in a couple of ponds to attract some rare species of insect… Sorry, I’m so out of there.

And I thought it was bad the night the Disney animators came over to borrow our llama skeleton… yes, we have a llama skeleton in our garage, sigh, and they used it as a model for the llamas in “The Emperor’s New Groove” cartoon feature.

If I am a queen, it is the Queen of Geekdom!

Now, Vineyridge, about that Pimpmobile… That’s sounds infinitely more interesting…

“Who’s there?”
“Uhhh, NOT ME 'cause I’m leaving your barn!”

(Sorry, Suavereno, that’s the best I can do. Good luck. (Are you trying to leave your barn?))

Well, upon some minor investigation, apparently he’s also in Texas Rangers, a movie set to come out soon. But alas, he plays a bad guy. But he will be on horseback once again!

Ok for all of you who want to take a CA Clique step back in time, this pic is an easy one

Here you go. A Tiarra for the one who correctly identifies her

Ok the first one is a gimme… But wait until you see the 2nd!

Bumpkin the arena is in Walnut Creek. it has been there for about 30 years. The main problem is the man that is now in charge of the Parks and Rec for the city dosen’t like horses. He says if it was used for some thing different more people could use it. Another idea was to turn it into a skate board park!!

I have recovered from my chicky-pippy overload, thank-you. I was on such a sugar high that I chased Peter Pan around the castle all night. Wow, that boy can really fly!

I think later today I shall call up Suave’s old trainer and see if she and her pal John French can stop by for a ride with me on the Matterhorn. You know, they’re joined at the hip. You get John, you get the other one.

What’s this? Sunshine peeking through my window? Must go ride… and then finish my sunflower garden in my backyard. My, a sunflower garden. Somehow that sounds horribly ironic after a 40-degree night and two days of rain…

I picked up the new June copy of Horse Illustrated today at Gift Horse!!
Tigger is such a cutie pie, he looks so hoohum I will do this for the magazine article, and the change is dramatic.
Big issue this month, kudos to Merry.

Oh rusty, a divining stick maybe? We will jingle our curbs respectively, and hope this works. Good grief, you are tough, on to cleaning the house after traumatising your body? You go girl!!

Thanks all of you so much for letting me work through this as stupid as it seems. SOOoooo Poooof! the bad times are gone

Now for the EQ challenge. This may sound really dumb but tomorrow is the first time I will be showing over fences using a 2 point position. before I was sitting deep and driving with my seat which presented a small problem in that I was behind the motion a lot I mean a lot Fortunately did not manage to catch SuavePoo in the mouth. He’s such a good man to take care of such a old ammie

I’ll give you a progress report tomorrow. My daughter is showing for the first time after the face-plant in the EQ class at the championship show She’s really excited that dear Cosmo is performing up to par Not long after the face-plant incident, she wanted to show dogs for the thrill. Not that there’s anything wrong with that We showed Wheatons for a few years It’s tough to go off course however if your dog breaks stride…well that’s a different matter

Rusty…I’ll take you up on the margarita! In fact, I’ll have a few before my first class

Merry: Good luck judging tomorrow. Hopefully it won’t rain

No news yet on the job front. Oh well, if I don’t hear from them then at least I don’t have to go through the torturous job of actually making a decision!!! But in the meantime, the evil boss’s last day was Friday!!! It turns out that all the clients detested him. Gee, maybe because he was a pompous a$$??? I firmly believe that women are way more intuitive about a person’s true character right off the bat…well, more intuitive than most male engineers I’ve met. What Heidi said is absolutely true. Have I ever mentioned that these people don’t wear shoes in the office? Okay, that isn’t so bad in itself, but their socks have holes in them…BIG HOLES!!! Not the size of a dime…not the size of a quarter, not even the size of a silver dollar…but 3"diameter holes!!!

Meooooowwwwwwww…sorry, just had to vent!

I think I am needed of my “riding fix”.

So yesterday I’m on the phone with a delightful client and she says “Do you know Blablabla, she’s a horse person too and in my office right now.” Then she puts us on speakerphone.

And then today I have an email and it’s from DMJ asking if I knew said client!!! Because it was her!!!

Hello, the hair on my arms is now [B]standing straight up.[/B]

And the thing was, at the time I thought “this is all too familiar … I’m sure there’s a BB link here.”

When I lived in England we would have said that I was utterly gobsmacked. How cool is this?!?