CA Clique Redux

Mo, actually, my estimates are fairly accurate. About $80- 150 per person is what you would spend at a Le Cirque or Le Bernadin or a similarly nice restaurant.

(For those who are not familiar with NYC, both of those restaurants are essentially the cream of the crop, both in prices and, arguably, in quality. (They get rated well - I actually don’t like the food at Le Bernadin. I would rather eat at some no-name seafood restaurant down at the Seaport than at Le Bernadin (which is known for its seafood), but I concede that I am almost alone in that view.))

Anyway, MO, I’ll show you. For fun, we’ll use “Windows on the World,” in the World Trade Center. (I lived on downtown, so I ate downtown a lot.)

Here’s how it breaks down:

Appetizer: $15
Entree: $29
Dessert: $ 9
Coffee: $ 5


$58 x 5 people = $290 + 20 tax + 70 tip = $380

Tack on another $200 for wine. Assume three, maybe four, bottles of wine will run about $175 or so (plus tax, hence the $200). While you could spend more on wine, generally only those who are not familiar with wine will do so, since most wonderful restaurants have good wines in the $40-60 range. The wines in the excessive price range tend to be for show, though, for sure, some people really like them.

So now we are only at $580, with tax and tip.

Potentially, people could do after-dinner drinks. If so, it will run anywhere from $8-17 per cordial. My groups rarely did, however, because the kids often would go out clubbing/dancing after dinner, so they really didn’t want to fall asleep on the cab ride home.

(Before dinner cocktails were usually done at my apartment or at some random lounge along the way. I suppose if everyone had cocktails either before dinner or while ordering, we could tack on another $60.)

So there you have it. Dining in NYC for $600-700.

For the record, estimating at $80-150 a head almost always works at the fancy-fancy restaurants.

ohhhh, I love Cypress. . . in addition to looking wonderful and fun, she’s got a wonderful snout/nose!! And congrats on the job progression, AAJumper.

<<elizabeth can faintly hear the soft sounds of the curb chains beginning to jingle again. with a delighted smile, elizabeth closes her eyes, envisions AAJumper at a happy new job, and jingles along.>>

Merry and Beezer, maybe you could post a picture of Beezer the horse. . . .

coreene I am glad that your horse is doing much better. I hate it when they colic.

Suave have a Margarita and you will feel better.

I really don’t have much to say since I have been concentrating on being prepared for my planning commission meeting on Mon. Please Jingle those curb chains.

Suave, I think your comrades are giving you good advice: make your departure as diplomatic as possible (hmmm… I think I wrote this article, “How to Divorce Your Trainer” for It’s probably archived over there. Maybe I’ll find it and e-mail it to you). Write a brief, succint note. Make sure you mention at least two “good things” you’ve learned in her barn: “Thanks for re-introducing me to showing” or “I appreciate the emotional hand-holding you did for me while I was regaining my bearings in the show ring”, etc. DO NOT bring up any accusations of wrongdoing, billing, etc. Stay vague, but perhaps just say “things have gotten stressful at times, and I think for all concerned I’d be happier at a different barn.” Hand her the note with a smile and walk off! Just know we’re there in spirit with you!

Now, back to my favorite topic: Me!

Yesterday Hammie got all of his changes at my trainer’s. I went over there by myself (she went up to Rainbow Canyon to try a horse for a client). I even got him to land on the correct lead a couple of times. So now, the $64. question is: How many flying changes will I actually get on course tomorrow? Can I have just two or three out of four classes? Please??

Ironically, I wasn’t going to school down any lines, because those he’s doing really well. But at the last minute I thought, oh what the heck… Wow! It was like riding a freakin’ snake! How much more crooked and weavy could he possibly be? It was like riding an eel, LOL! But finally I fixed it.

Beezer is correct. I will not venture into the glorious AHSA-rated arenas until I’m fairly certain of being able to maintain my princess-on-horseback status. After all, I don’t want anyone yanking the crown off my head!

Hey! Happy birthday, Rusty!!!

I just got a big batch of old HORSES magazines that I am going through, and can tell I need to do some scanning to keep up with SuaveReno, and to also help keep all the clique members on their toes, trivia-wise…

Bumpkin, you are a star!! Maybe Princess Beezer will loan you her tiara in recognition of your achievement…perhaps the ‘Trivia Queen for a Day award’???

[This message was edited by dublin on Apr. 05, 2001 at 12:49 PM.]

Wow! What a lot of horse show successes this past weekend. Let’s see, where do I start.

rusty: Congratulations on the success of the show you put on. Breaking even isn’t to be sneered at. It’s pretty early in the show season for local shows and it will only get better as the summer wears on.

merry and beezer: How wonderful that you both had a wonderful show with the horses - Spot and Tigger. Tigger certainly seems to be a laid back sweetheart. I haven’t figured out from the reports whether the Virus went too, or whether he’s being saved for Ride America. And, boy, your injured rider was lucky to have “only” broken a pelvis after doing the cartwheel and lawn dart manuever! It certainly could have been worse - though I suffered through a horse related broken pelvis and it isn’t a bed of roses, believe me! A pelvis seems to take a long time to heal.

corrine: I’m sure it was fun to watch the show at your facility, but how sad that a little girl had to have her first show spoiled by falling off and breaking a wrist. It certainly will put a crimp in her riding for a while. I’m quite upset at the fact that obviously lame horses are being shown, let alone being given ribbons Perhaps the local level trainers justify this by thinking they need to use the old, retired, well-trained horses for their beginners - and they are being rewarded by the local level judges.

Everyone, keep fighting the soccer fields and skateboard parks. We’re in a losing battle here with the perceived eliteness of horse activities. I guess it’s hard to disagree with Parks & Rec for wanting to make a facility available to more of a cross section of the public, but fight we must.
I’m in the midst of a fight to prevent a skateboard park from being built in a small, quiet, village park where families now picnic and weddings are held “on the green” almost every weekend during all but the winter months. Can you imagine a skateboard park in that atmosphere? It will certainly kill all the current activities.

Cheers, Maggi

I figured it out Suave…NONE of the cards on the second page are the same as on the first page, but they are VERY similar. Like I picked the Jack of Diamonds, and on the second page that card has disappeared, but is replaced by the Jack of Hearts. It took several tries to figure it out.

Can we get “She flys without wings” on line Suave?
Am currently headed for the Amazon thingie…

Best wishes, TuxWink. Curb chains are jingling.

Gee, Suave, at this rate, the year-end championship shows for Orange and San Diego counties can’t be that big because no one can show and get qualified!

I’ll bet Ride America was cancelled, too.

wty: yes, the ex-girlfriend is still with the ex-wife trainer. Although I think she is down to just one horse – the total packer that came from somewhere on the east coast. Packer though he may be, it is still scary to watch.

weeble: you know him too? such a jerk he is.

Elizabeth: David is a fabulous name:
I married a David; my sister married a David;
I have a friend engaged to a David.

Also, you are not the only “college education” snob out there. Don’t worry – if it is right, it won’t matter. See “friend engaged to a David” above.

AAJumper – I live in Santa Rosa – lots of good eats in the area (and lots of wine too!). Watch the timing of your travels, the trip from SF to SR can be horrid at the wrong time of the day (anytime M-F between 3pm and 7pm).

Also, “my” David makes a killer margarita!

BEEZER: and Coreene rode the same rental horse in the same saddle like 30 years ago and worked in the same place for two weeks like 18 years ago and she works with one of Coreene’s coworker’s husband and …

MERRY: and Beezer and Coreene all used to ride with Bob McDonald and knew the same people then and Coreene probably bought tack from Merry and …

TARYN: picked Coreene out of BB and realized the two of them boarded at the same stable and now their horses are in love and …

WEATHERFORD: forwarded email stuff to groups before and some of the names on there were people Coreene also knew and had met through eBay and …

SUAVERENO: and Coreene have now met through BB and shared the same weirdo trainer, albeit at different times and …

DMJ: and Coreene have now “met” through one of Coreene’s clients and DMJ also used to have biz dealings with Coreene’s former place of employ, which was film biz related and …

HEIDI: and Coreene have a lot of these people and many wild bars in France in common and …


Chef and Coreene work there and SuaveReno lives there, so we must take AA Jumper under our wing! And find DMJ work in Irvine, too.

There’s more, but that’s the useless trivia for now. But fun useless trivia!!!

oy - the horse. Sorry. Re-read and was quite confusing!

Sorry … really didn’t mean to bring everyone down with the stories about the real Beezer. Heaven knows it took me days to stop crying and then took forever to be able to remember him and laugh – even though I still get teary-eyed. Funny how they twist us around their hooves, isn’t it?

And I like the idea of their souls being returned. That’s a comforting thought. Maybe I’ll ask Tigger tomorrow if Beezer is in there somewhere. He has a lot of the same qualities. (Oh, and don’t worry, Merry: I have NO DOUBT that you will come back to haunt someone. )

Rusty, my curb chain is jingling for your barn. Ditto, Elizabeth, for your big hand-holding expedition … just don’t let your own curb chain get in the way!

[This message was edited by Beezer, Royal Princess to Queen Merry on May. 02, 2001 at 06:11 PM.]

Curbs they are a jingling!!! Jingle jingle jingle, soothing sounds so the @#%^&^%% neighbors screw up!! Hang in there rusty, a margarita before you go maybe?

My my my, elizabeth… How many dates is this now in a weeks time??? Do we hear bells ringing?

WOWZER, heidi a convert? Thanks sometimes we all need a little help!!!

Hmmm… a margarita. Would that go well with the ham sandwich I’m in the process of making to take to the show tomorrow?

Oh my! I just realized I’m eating a HAM sandwich tomorrow at the show where I’m showing HAMmie!

Is that some sort of Freudian slip?

Suave, I seriously thought about you today. Phew, actually it’s kind of painless that it was done over the phone. I believe this is Reason #43 why I have no interest in being either in full training or taking on a career as a professional horse trainer: Client break-ups. I’d be a Valium addict.

Happy, happy Birthday Rusty!! Hope you had a wonderful day…

The sainted Fleet Apple?

I can just pass ideas on to you, haha, I have no idea how to get them into the magazine, hmmmm, perhaps I should look into being mailgirl for an agent??

Suave!!! You haven’t contributed to the thread “The Top Ten Reasons To Leave Your Trainer”

[This message was edited by Bumpkin on May. 15, 2001 at 12:05 PM.]