CA Clique Redux

Where did Merry find these spotted wonders? Beezer, don’t give up those reins quite that fast. No one has seen this WAP in action yet.

Wty scratches her head, WAP? What kind of a breed is that? Sounds like something from an infomercial. So, can they jump, can they run, and most of all do they stay sound?

Since Beezer has escaped the confines of the editor’s desk at the LA Times, I can report (pun is intended!) that yes, today her cap arrived!!!She appeared at El Ranchito today waving it proudly. I then promptly made her help me pack for the show.

It shall be an adventure. After yesterday’s horrendous schooling session on Hammie, and Queen of Horse Show Moms attempting to quash my tears by saying, “He’s only 4,” I decided to just turn him out today so he could run. And boy, did he! But naturally, FATE being totally against me, he pulled off one of his brand new aluminum shoes! But aha! The farrier was already coming for his standing appointment, so I got it tacked back on.

Then, remember I re-discovered a Warner’s trunk in our tackroom whilst I was, ahem, “cleaning and sweeping”? Well, it was missing the hasp. So my dad put on a new one. So I went to buy a lock. Oh, the thoughts and visions that went through my head while I stood at Target staring at padlocks with keys. The whole scenario was fraught with danger. Nothing like rushing to the tack trunk to grab your number or a pair of spurs and you don’t have the key! So I bought a combination lock that allows me to set my own combination. I was going to use 666, but I figured that was tempting FATE once again.

Anywho, on whatever thread we meet on again, I’ll report back on our adventure.

They drive them also, there are lots of different driving classes.
Roadsters, Fancy, Team, Ladies, etc…
And of course the many different halter classes.
I went to some Mini shows with a friend and they are so tempting they are adorable.
Have you ever seen a Mini horse trailer???
Talk about cute.

Coreene dear!!!
I have two and 1/2 acres of neglected yard complete with fish ponds and wild ponds, waiting for your arrival along with an additional 60 wild acres out back.
Please let me know when you are coming!!!
I hate gardening.
I spent two hours yesterday stacking wood from a 100 foot Douglas fir to find the whole thing toppled this morning!!!
I think we either had another small quake or the coyotes got into it.
I did not cut the fir down, it toppled during a wind strom smashing Mr Bumpkin’s boat several feet into the dirt

So email me at

The only connection I can make (at least for now…) is that I used to work for a company that was headquartered in Irvine, on Barranca Parkway. Is that anywhere near you???

No hot tubbing allowed Bumpkin??? We use gas to heat the pool, although our electic bill has really jumped from having to run the filter daily, for four hours.

Hmmm…icky and rainy, eh? I’ll have to call up my dad, who lives in Olympia, and make sure to tell him what a lovely day it was here!

Did we not all discuss here on this very thread my compulsion towards bit buying?

But when I saw my precious Bay Prince had a little rub mark by the corner of his mouth from his big loose-ring snaffle, his mommy just had to get him an eggbutt snaffle so he wouldn’t get pinched again. And not just any eggbutt, but a fancy one, with nearly round cheekpieces…

I swear, it didn’t look gold in the Dover catalog!It’s one of those Korsteel Klasse bits that are “allergy free, no nickel.” Well, let me tell you, they must’ve replaced the nickel with brass, because this sucker is gold!I mean, you know those decorative snaffle bits they put on belts, shoes and purses? This is a giant one of them!

I suppose I can use it at home, in lessons, and on warm-up days at shows. (“Pssst… Look at Cindy. What sort of bit does she have on her horse? It looks exotic. It’s… it’s… made of GOLD!”)

Wow, that’ll psyche out the competition.

See Merry tromping off to tack store this weekend in search of another pretty eggbutt in the traditional SILVER tone…

Okay, done ranting now.

So Merry, where are you judging? Wty hoping that the cult won’t be disallowed to show under their leader. Curbs jingling, horses leaping and bounding, sounds like a fun show to me!
Ah lead changes, well I gave up on them. Way too stressful! For some unknown reason they can all do them, but not when asked. Trainer says do it this way, right. Horse says not in a million years, when I am damn good and ready. Which in essence means you canter the corners, with the efficency of a Mack truck. Lovely to look at, even better to try and ride. So Merry, how much do you count off for this?

The Trader Joe’s biscotti - chocolate with almonds and dipped in chocolate - is quite the yummy experience. I do love those something fierce.

But when it comes to chocolate, for me nothing will beat Leonidas!

Thankfully Suave, you are out of there. The saddest thing is that this, imature, piece of work, alias “trainer”, is resorting to these tactics. When people stoop to putting their burdens on children, I get incensed. Am like everyone else, what goes around, comes around. And it does!!! We just have to be patient.

A/A curbs are jingling, for you and Cypress. See, her owie was kissed, so have a GREAT show!Merry, Merry where for art tho? Sorry, springing the clocks ahead has thrown poor wty off balance. We need breakfst margaritas, rusty???

Suave, where are you going for Pilates? I can’t find anyone near my house.

On the CA Clique Unites thread, VTRider apparently thinks the only horse show held in California is the Oaks!!! Anyone who wants to enlighten her, feel free…

And I owe it all to bumpkin, who encouraged me to come out of lurkerdom about a year ago!

I still remember how nervous I was making my first post - not that that’s a problem for me now…

Merry and Beezer - best of luck at the show. Collective CA Clique curb chains will be jingling
for Hammie and Spot to be on their very best behavior!!

Suave, I went to just now, and it was in Dutch and French!

I am glad that all our deep thoughts got that hat to Beezer in time!!
Having a very bad day before the show is a good omen Merry!! Now, haha, you should know that by now.
I have those locks you set the numbers to, I love them, they even make a brass one. I am going to have to pick one up at Target for my new Warners Celebrity Edition trunk I ordered when you refused, haha, to send me your newly discovered trunk.

Ah heck, I say, “Plumes for all the horses!” Doesn’t every girl want to be a princess, and every horse want to be a circus horse… at least once? An equine version of “dress-up and prance!”

oh, dear God. A half hour. A half hour until he picks me up. Oh, somebody, SAY SOMETHING. I am breaking out into a cold sweat!!

(Say something soothing, like “oh elizabeth, this is what you have been waiting for. you have such fun with this guy. and tonight will be even more fun. your FIRST date! isn’t he much better than the pimple-backed, bad-decorating, small p&n&* mama’s boy?”)

to make this horse related, the girl who rides my horse back on the east coast says he refuses to canter. bad Buster. bad bad Buster!

Okay, wiping the dust from 30 minutes of long-lining the Hanoverian Cow-beast off my face and sitting down to type…

Chef, I love your Grace! I’ll bet she’s a blast to jump! Probably blasts off the ground, eh? She looks like she doesn’t want to touch anything. Very cute.

Heidi, Tuxwink, AAJumper… what can I say? I wouldn’t last a single day with such repulsive menfolk. Can you imagine what the “sock” man must be like to live with on a daily basis? I’m just so isolated in my own little ranchette/freelance writing world. It’s a big deal for me to venture out to Home Depot to buy potting soil and a rake!

Elizabeth: take a deep breath…time has a way of working these things out. You sound like me, though, no patience for time, you want to know what will happen NOW!

Bumpkin: I’ve no doubt we know lots of the same people. I graduated in the early '70’s, my good friends dad worked in Reagan’s cabinet. (state and later, national). Even though we ended up at different high schools many of us went to the same junior high. (JS, by any chance?) We may be working on another six degrees here.