CA Clique Redux

Did you not hear of the lady in Calif (bay area perhaps?) whose first PG&E bill after heating her new pool was around … $15,000?

Seems a “systems error” kept them from sending her the bill for a few months, so they added up a bit! No error on the dollar amount however!

Don’t forget, most of the heating around here is done with natural gas, not electricity. Natural gas prices soared over the winter.

She said “I would have turned off the pool heater had I known it would cost so much. I didn’t notice that there were no natural gas charges on my bill”. Wouldn’t a normal person look at that part of the bill after turning on a pool heater for the first time?

TuxWink – so sorry. That sounds like quite the disheartening experience – but chalk it up to “not meant to be”.

Try That is where I got my greenie from (you can find pics of him if you go back a few pages). I don’t know precisely what you are looking for, but they are a TB rescue and have project horses.

Good luck!!

Way Cool. Coreene and I will wear our Manolo’s (your bruise willing, your cute baby was a stinker? I’ve never seen a horse nicker as much as he does when he sees you. Well then, No more nicker nibbles for him ) Bring the 18k curb chains and rust breeches for old time sake

“Come here and peel me a grape with your, ah, sword.”

Now pardon me while I go take a cold shower BEFORE I go muck stalls.

Weeb’s we are sooooo glad you’re home. And so terribly sorry about your mare . This is the hardest thing to do ever!! Having her baby, hopefully, will let you know she’s still here.

MHM, you must have a wonderful collection of something that you’re not telling us about.

Opps Here it is

I shall wear it this weekend.

Tuxwink: So, I guess the upcoming Paddock show would be out, since it’s $25. a class and yes, there are fees up the wazoo. You know, the ETI shows in Palos Verdes/Rolling Hills are very nice. They should be on their monthly schedule. Look in the back of the Horsetrader for those and other possible shows.

Now elizabeth, just to confuse matters more, I dated my husband for a total of 5 weeks and we’ve been happily married for 18 years. I couldn’t imagine life without him. Oh wait, yes I can.
It involves my settling the paperwork, cashing in his investments and buying a little, secluded ranchette in Temecula, complete with the Nordic stable boy.

And by the way, Beezer, I take offense at your suggestion that I won’t be ready to leave for Ride America Friday by 10:30! I have had everything packed for a week, you know!

Your wish is my command, my liege! I have changed my address to reflect the truth, I’m sure much to the Canadian’s dismay.

By the way, weeble puts in her request for a stuffed Tigger to replace the one she got over 25 years ago. The current one isn’t looking too “bouncy”.

Suave, my hat didn’t come off (to my knowledge), but it was unapproved, thus the concussion. I have it on video (I have yet to watch it) and I was knocked out instantly, then kicked in the eye when my horse got up. The helmets with the stripe at the GPA’s and they didn’t used to be approved. Now Dover is advertising that they are approved, so I’m really not sure what is going on with that. Oh, and the jump was fairly small…only a 3’ oxer, but it was a speed class, end of the course, and I was flat out galloping. Dumb dumb dumb…I know.

I didn’t have to ask for pain medication in the hospital…it seems every time I woke up they were injecting more drugs into the IV, and then I’d be asleep again! Do you think they were trying to tell me something??? Oh, I also demanded pillows. My trainer and my friend were in the room, and asked them “is she always like this???” They never really told me how they answered that question…

[This message was edited by AAJumper on Apr. 16, 2001 at 11:42 PM.]

I’m still thinkin’ Pebble Beach sounds like a possibility, at least if I can ever get my sister and the Lovely Spot into a show ring this year! Gosh, it’s starting to give me a complex. Every show Beezer plans on going to gets rained out! Today, the weather is gorgeous again. Guess she’s not meant to make her 2001 debut until, oh, July?!?

Hey, maybe we can just ship Sumo Toddler around from place to place. I’m not sure, though. How long can you sustain a child on a diet of Taco Bell, Rubio’s fish tacos and strawberry shortcake? Oh wait, that’s what half of California’s schoolchildren eat daily…

Yes, now where is that elizabeth? I wonder if they kissed???

Just wanted to say Hi to every one. My brain has been fried so this is about all I can write tonight.

  1. wear curb chain bracelets
  2. kick off shoes (preferably Manolos)
  3. put on Aretha Franklin
  4. dance

There. Orange County Anti-Rain Dance.

Oh I forgot about Apple Froth!!!
Hmmm maybe I should give Elliot the apple with the banana, close stall door.
I know the people who clean the aisle are prob not happy with the residue he leaves, leaning ever so far out of his stall, looking like he has rabies.

“I’m sure that if we find some nice Manolos, you can use them instead of Dorothy’s red shoes and they’ll be your good luck charm into the higher divisions.”

Then they both laugh and head up to Troquet for a good boozer over lunch while they decide how to become A/Os.

Well, I as tactfully as possible told the HR woman that they aren’t even matching what I am currently making. But she knew that…that is why she went on and on for 20 minutes telling me about the benefits before she gave me the salary.

Uh, listen lady, I’m on my cell phone paying $0.25/minutes and it’s windy and cold out here…can we talk bottom line here???

LOL…that’s what I was thinking. What I was saying was…

Uh huh…okay, uh huh…

After telling her that they are offering me less than I am making, I had to hear her ramble about how the numbers all added up to the same amount yearly. I’m thinking…

Sheesh, I’m an engineer. I spent hours a day number crunching. Don’t you think I can figure out that you are trying to trick me into believing I would be making the same amount??? I have a spreadsheet…I know how to use it. I also know that I have show bills and horse payments, and horse bills, all due during the year, not at the end of it.

It reminded me of buying my car. But we are GIVING you the rust protection undercoating for FREE. So you are getting much better deal from us, even though you are paying $1100 over invoice rather than $500 over invoice. Hmmm…looks like invisible undercoating for $600 to me…

Don’t get me wrong, I was polite, but she said that she felt it was unlikely that she’d be able to get the higher ups to increase the base salary. But she was going to call me next week, as she knows I will be out of town until next Tuesday night.

So I show up here, I get a good paycheck, I can do whatever I want…I will learn to avoid the poop, in more ways than one.

On a good note, Cypress was really good last night! We jumped fairly high, and did some stuff that makes me think okay, I cannot screw up!!! One stride combinations are not my friend, and we had to do a bending line to a combination that rode right into the rail, and the first jump in the combination was the evil solid panel!!! I hate solid looking stuff, and for it to be the first jump makes the whole thing double yuck. But Cypress was acting like hey woman, just chill and let me take care of this…we’re doing the bending 6 NOT 7, so hang on!!! We’ve also discovered that it makes her neurotic when I carry a crop. We think it fries her brain and makes her unable to focus. Poor thing.

Oh my…I have really rambled haven’t I???

So we just postpone the road trip for a month, gives us more time to plan…and save!

Merry, good luck with the Ham-ster (hamster?) this weekend, and Coreene, hope you’re feeling better.

Weeble is off to Pebble Beach to rub elbows with the beautiful people. For Weeble, that usually includes lots of bowing, scraping, and saying “Oh sorry, did I hit you with my elbow?” Weeble is not one of the beautiful people, just a lowly amateur, but is going anyway.

Rusty, save me a carrot margarita!


Congrats on your success! And I loved the part about your carrying a curb chain.

Oh, Weeble. You have my deepest sympathy. The loss of a dear, special friend is always so very hard. You are in our thoughts.

Rusty … do you think you could sue the folks that denied you the barn for loss of business? Just a (vindictive) thought. Maybe Elizabeth, our resident lawyer, knows.

Ah, yes … Merry vs. Hammie at the horse show, round three. Good thing Merry used Super Glue on her tiara, 'cause Hammie was sure making a bid for it! But she left out the best part: In that “fabulous” Low AA round, she started cussing at him … “You little a$$%@^e! Get your fat a$$ over THERE!” Parents around the ring were seen covering the ears of their children. (Beezer must also point out that, yes, once again Merry was crop-less when her and Hammie’s little altercation took place. Beezer is beginning to think Merry rather likes smacking Hammie with her hand. )

I’ve never tried posting a photo before - let’s hope I can - if so here’s Willem.

PS: okay, is a photo showing? My computer said it is, and it is not showing up…

[This message was edited by coreene on May. 11, 2001 at 05:37 PM.]