CA Clique Redux

Right, Bumpkin, what does that say about me? That I’m the open line of gossip/communication about “whatever happened to_________?” but I wouldn’t recognize them if I saw them?

Maybe we should start a multiple choice or matching game! Now THAT I could do!

I couldn’t have said it better myself, Coreene…

“Of course, that’s just my opinion. I could be wrong.” - Dennis Miller

This post is first and foremost to test my newly fabricated description of where I am in the great state of California. It may be a bit much, but I have to see it in real life.

Second, I actually dragged my over the hill body to the barn today to watch some lessons and see some of the new horses being worked. I’ll probably have to go to bed at 8:30 tonight as I’m bushed beyond belief, but it was such fun to see them.

My next act is to gather information on MCJ for Moo, but that task will start on Saturday.

Hmmm. The big update to my profile didn’t seem to take. Perhaps I have to exit the BB and come back later???

Congrats on the purchase of the new trunk Suave! Now you have to get the show sheet, scrim, etc etc. Good luck at the show this weekend! The clique will be jangling the curb chains!

even though th junior clique is getting roudy, please ddon’t kick me out, I remember my roots as a CA clique member!

“Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, Darling!” JD;Heathers

My room was always a shambles, and my loving Mother kept it very clean, telling me that atleast she didn’t have to clean the tack or horse
Of course that has followed through to my adult life, my kennels, tack, horse are spotless, Elliot’s and Poncho’s rugs are sent out almost weekly for cleaning.
But the house and grounds!!! Simply frightful
The only thing I miss from leaving a real full time job is a housekeeper

I just went to to order Willem a blue and white plume for the top of his bridle. The plume was $5.00 and they wanted $25.00 to send it.


So now I’ll buy the plume in person next year. Darn it!

I probably would have slept with him on the first date. My reputation for getting drunk at wakes and having it off with the waiters probably let you know that already. Ahahahahahaha!!!

Thank goodness you weren’t Right On Top Of It, Maggi. I keep waiting for our next one and am a complete wreck at the mere thought. I had to breathe into a paper bag during the Loma Prieta one, and I was living in England at the time and watching it on teevee.

Re the plume, I have decided to bite the big one and just go ahead and pay the shipping…can’t wait until next year.

Since she can’t officially drink on the job, it would be an inconspicuous place to store gin, tonic, limes and ice. She could hide it behind the real food.

“I wonder if they would notice me sneaking in bottles of Bolly,” she says to herself. “And why do I keep talking to myself?”

I stayed up until 2 AM last night finishing Seabiscuit, weeping into my pillow after he won the Santa Anita. I was a complete wreck.

I’ll bring the digital camera tonight to see if we can catch momma bunnie in action. Perhaps we will even capture Willem trying to mount Dave!

Sigh. I don’t mean “lopes” literally! I mean, Hammie has this great big elastic stride; he doesn’t have to gallop around … he just kinda rocking-horse canters … you know – lopes!! So Merry is always bragging about how she doesn’t have to hurry to make her counts and how easy he gets all the strides … really, it’s QUITE disgusting, this bragging.

And, yes, jangle those curb chains loud and long for Beezer. She is going to attempt to take the wild pinto WB beastie to do jumpers the day after Hammie tries to get his lead changes. But given the fact that because of all the rain said beastie has not been shown since November and because of Beezer’s recently pulled suspensory she has not JUMPED in more than two weeks … well, as I said, start jangling those curb chains now. (Methinks we’ll be dropping down a division or two. )

Merry are we going to see some articles by you in Arabian Horse World?
You could go to the Middle East and interview "Middle Eastern Horsemen and How They …Tackle Dry Skin,… Grooming Techniques During Sand Storms,… How To Get Your Rig Out of A Hidden Quick Sand…Changing Trailer Tires On The Road To Mecca…Quick Bridle Tassle Cleaning When You Are Low On Water…
Sorry I couldn’t think of more humourous titles, but maybe your editor will send you on those ideas!! hahaha

[This message was edited by Bumpkin on May. 08, 2001 at 10:23 AM.]

Happy Birthday dear Merry, happy birthday to you…The Hamster still loves you, happy birthday to you. Bet you never even invited him to your party! No wonder he was so unhappy. So, how old are we?

A/A isn’t there a play " The Ice Plant Cometh"? Sorry, just had to do that. They do however take over eveything! Lovely suculents, great flowers drought resistant beauties.

elizabeth, love legalese. All these years we were speaking in an educated forked tongue and didn’t know it?

Sounds like EVERYONE need lots of curb chain jinggling as well as the “horse stomped on my foot” dance! I will be doing both for everyone! And happy B-day to the May B-day…we have so many in my family and barn we just do a mass party in May.

Merry: Are you going to the Coto de Caza show next weekend by any chance? I think I am going to be taking Grace and would love to meet! That goes for anyone that may happen to be going. I have not been to Coto since I was 12 years old! and somehow, 14 years later, I will be jumping smaller jumps…go figure!

I personally believe they are looking to see if there is a ground line on the opposite side of the jump because it’s jumped in the opposite direction in their second of back to back rounds.

Beezer still has no hat. This does not please or amuse her. It has just made her very, very bitter.

Beezer, knowing that Rocky the crazed Labrador would NEVER dare steal Merry’s COTH cap, instead sics him on AAJumper. “Nothing personal, you understand,” Beezer says as she gives the Lab the command — “Rocky! Go hunt cap!” — “but if I don’t get one of those dang hats it just ain’t gonna be pretty!”

DMJ: You are right some trainers usually rides their golf carts as oppossed to a horse. They originated the term desk-jockey due to the time they spends on non-productive activities! LOL! And there are many more out there that do soooooo the AHSA, PCHSA, OCHSA and ROTC have put together a new division for those of us who prefer the stability of those gentle machines as opossed to the four legged. Some of the classes are:

Electric and non-electric Division with appropriate age groups:

Working Golf-cart under saddle
Working golf-cart
A/O Golf-Carts
Golf Cart Puisance
Comformation Golf Cart
Model Golf-Cart
Golf Cart Grand Prix, Mini Prix and so forth
Golf Cart medal classes

Don’t forget the scooter classes!

More Rusty’s Margaritas pleeeze

[This message was edited by SuaveReno on Apr. 14, 2001 at 07:28 AM.]

[This message was edited by SuaveReno on Apr. 14, 2001 at 07:30 AM.]

PEOPLE. PLEASE pay attention now! If we have learned NOTHING ELSE from our BB relationship, it is that Merry is not … repeat after me, NOT … to be trusted when it comes to giving directions. Beezer knows this very well from experience. Do not even get Beezer STARTED on this subject.

So. Before you all hop in your car to head to Thrifty Horse, disregard Merry’s directions. Because you would find yourselves endlessly circling in dazed confusion if you tried to follow them. (Been there, done that. )

Thrifty Horse is on TUSTIN Avenue in Orange (yes, that would be the city thereof), between Katella and Chapman. Katella and Chapman are parallel to each other; they do not intersect. The store is in a rundown strip mall but there is a sign on the street for it. It is worth the trip … as long as you get the correct directions.

Adopted. I swear I am. And one of these days … they’re gonna admit it.

[This message was edited by Beezer, Royal Princess to Queen Merry on Apr. 18, 2001 at 04:55 PM.]

Merry, it was pouring??? Today? Or was that yesterday? It was gorgeous here today. We got nailed Friday afternoon-evening. But it’s been clear since then, and we were able to ride in our big arena today. Yay!

Hey guys…gotta love this forecast, eh???

OMG…what if I hear something about that job tomorrow. What if they don’t call…or worse…what if they make me an offer??? They didn’t exactly say I’d have to work a lot of OT, but some OT when required. I’d have to find out approximately how much/how often. I can do a little here and there (paid of course) but not all the time. I have my priorities!!! But the company has a really good reputation and is very well known in the engineering industry. Oh well, I’ll just have to wait and see what happens. Maybe nothing!!!

Oh my word. Willem’s go out at the end of blanket season. They’re probably charging me extra for this …