CA Clique Redux

AAJumper, thanks for the offer to mention my possible move (again) to your trainer. Hold off though, please, for now. I am still thinking this through in my mind. Should I come now. . . or wait out the hot season. . . .? (Also, I am in charge of the summer program at my law firm, so almost every weekend this summer is spoken for - BBQ’s, Catalina, etc., etc.)

Once I make up my mind, though, I will TOTALLY ask you to “grease the skids” with your trainer. Thank you for being so kind in offering!!

With respect to the fully-training point, your trainer is SO cool. When I spoke with her in January, I noted that Buster likely would be lame for the first three weeks or so that he is there, due to the long trip and his bad hocks/hooves, so she was absolutely willing to let me spend the first month out of the lesson/training program. I would still keep him on the grooming program, but we would give him the first month without the lesson/training since he likely wouldn’t be rideable. Your trainer was GREAT about it!

Now, the important stuff: Merry, I totally concur with AAJumper - it is an economic inefficiency to order just a BIT from Dover. You need to order at least three or four things, totally roughly $200, to truly make the shipping charge worthwhile. I’m not advising you to shop, shop, shop. . . I’m just giving you sound economic advice. We wouldn’t want to be economically inefficient, now would we??

Hey Y’all. I’ve just been catching up on the boards as I have spent the last 24 hours or so catching up on my SAT tutorial.

Coreene’s Willum is too cute. Hell, I’d even give him my burrito even if he didn’t beg me for it Willum, do you want fries with that?

Did someone mention bananas??? Hmmm…Maybe I should put together a fruit cocktail for Suave Poo. A little potassium might be a good thing

A costume sounds good. May I be the Yellow Plume or how about this…

I agree…I totally need my horse fix after a bad day at work. And I’ve been having LOTS of those. Talk about demanding clients…email me if anyone is interested in knowing details…you may know these clients.

Merry, I agree…no more rain. Our arena doesn’t have french drains either, but we need them! A cover would be nice too! Can we do some sort of sunshine dance to encourage the rain gods to stay up in Canada???

AAJumper begins spinning in circles, jangling curb chains and singing off key, in hopes of encouraging the rain gods to stay in Canada.

Oh, and SuaveReno, if you make it out to LAEC, just look around the jumper arena area for a big giant seal brown TB, no markings, with her tongue obsessively spinning her rolly bit. No wait, no need to look, just listen for lots of metal clinking. She’s loud about it…really loud. “I’m jumpin’…spinthebitspinthebitspinbit
…gotta jump… spinthebitspinthebitspinthebit …jump the jumps… spinthebitspinthebitspinthebit” Or look for the blonde trainer in her early 30’s yelling at her student “don’t lean…sit away…let’s do that again, there was another step there…do that again, that was one too many…STOP shoving!!!” Depending on her mood, she may be wearing a baseball hat hat says “NO WHINING”. LOL…Shannon (my new barnmate who lurks here sometimes) if you are reading this, you are NOT to repeat this to our trainer!!!

We’re going up to Ft. Bragg this weekend as well… (via Garberville, self-proclaimed ‘Gateway to the Redwoods’, where my husband has to first take 3 depositions.) We’re leaving early tomorrow morning, so I will have to catch up on the CA Clique goings on late Sunday… Ya’ll be good, okay???

Coreene: Tell Willem to look purdy for his picture - are you going to pose him with the bunnies??? LOL

bumpkin: hope the dog show goes well, talk to you Monday morning!!

Yikes Suave, you have quite a drive from work to the barn! I used to have about a 1.5 hour drive from downtown LA to Moorpark. Now I don’t have a long drive (only 10 minutes from work to home, 30 minutes from work to barn) but I work with crazy people. Ah, the tradeoffs. But I used to work 6:15 to 3:45 (9 hour day, every other Friday off) so that I could get out to ride at a decent hour.

Hmmm…when do we all get to see Levely Spot, Beezer? Any plans of going to Blenheim in July? Do you go to LAEC at all? I wonder if I’ll get to Showpark at all this year, what with all the indecisive people at my barn. It’s not looking promising. And besides, I have waterskiing to fit in during the summer as well!

I have a feeling that “gold tone” is the way many of the new metal bits are going to be.
Like I said I saw a wall of them at the local tack shop and my KK Herm Sprenger full cheek has a gold mouthpiece.

The Chemist!

Dumber than a brick? Merry, how you dooooo go on! Nice description, another cow beast, poor cousin. Wty can just see how she describes her clique to others. Oh well, they’re good people, well maybe, but…

Suave you could put our SN’s on the side of the hat. People would just keep walking around us to read all the things on it. Good luck if you’re showing, that should be great fun, especially since the new T knows how to ride and is doing it.

elizabeth, if you are still trying to get Buster west, Will Calder is taking a load back to Devon. He will be coming back after he drops them off. A friend is having her 3yr old come back with him. And he does have room. E-mail me if you want his number etc…

[This message was edited by wtywmn4 on May. 12, 2001 at 08:02 AM.]

Hey, dmj, I’m already going blind. Can you either get bigger photos or e-mail me a magnifying glass? Looks like you were having fun, though!

coreene: Yes, I’ve had those wonderful moments, too, where you think, “Right now, my horse and I are awesome!” Then they promptly do something doofus-y like trip. As for peeing, my Bay Prince will NOT pee at a show unless he’s in a stall. I’ve tried everything. He’d rather get stiff and cranky than pee in public.

As for the three-ring circus in the Equidome: I thought I was a die-hard when it came to showing! I just had to LOL about trying to jump a course while nearly intersecting with a crashing rider, complete with sound effects!

I think I have nearly exhausted my lifetime allotment of rising at 5:00 am for horse shows. I believe I have two, maybe three such adventures left in me.

I read that it is in development at Universal Studies; also, that there was a bidding war between various studios for the movie rights. It is to be directed by Gary Ross, Oscar nominated writer of the movies Big and Dave
and producer/writer/director of Pleasantville. All good movies, IMHO!!

In a chat transcript with author Laura Hillenbrand on ESPN, she said that a screenplay is currently being written, and that the movie itself is about 1 1/2 years away from being on screen. Considering the book is has been #1 on the New York Times bestseller list for several weeks, and currently the #9 bestseller on Amazon, I would be surprised if it doesn’t get made…

BTW, tux, you can buy it for $14.97 on Amazon, and they will have it to you in 2-3 days!!

I’ve seen it in action mostly at WEF- the winner who gets to the ring on time with the most ponies intact gets to keep his job.

(Abject apologies for posting from out of state.)

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWW A/A thats awful Well, tell them a few of your lovey work events and they will instantly know your goals!! Best of luck, and we have those curbs jingling for you.

Suave, you mean the fish Dome? Where water flows in but never out? Always thought that mud wrestling could have been a winner there. Good thinking, put those yellow cuties in your truck, to ward off those rain spirits. Its beautiful today sun is coming up. But those rain weather whatevers are making noises for the weekend. Am always reminded of “LA Story” evertime I see these people now

Ahem Merry, some of us do get up early.

Oh, I can’t imagine going on a job interview! Yuck-o-rama! I’d have to go out and buy an entire wardrobe, since I guess I couldn’t arrive in jeans and a polo shirt… well, what if it’s a clean, new polo shirt? And I wore coordinating gemstone earrings? From QVC, no less!

You go, girls! I’m jangling my curb chain for you!

I actually “worked” today. sigh You know what that amounted to? It’s an amusing story. Please read:

So the magazine editor shows up with this British photographer at my mom’s place to take pictures for articles I’ve written and for some interviews I’ve done…

We begin with QHSM chastising me at the top of her lungs because I’ve decorated the jumps with pots of her blooming geraniums. “Cynthia, those plants are my pride and joy! My pride and joy!” I was sooo embarrassed.

Next, I begin riding the Ham Meister. He is going to be the poster boy for the gymnastic exercise suggested by this grand prix jumper gal I interviewed. Mind you, Hammie is miffed because his routine is disrupted and there are strangers at his house. But he’s actually very good through the cavaletti and the grid. So then we push our luck and we figure we can shoot some flatwork pics.

But now, Hammie’s sister, the Hanoverian Cow-Beast begins snorting like a freakin’ Hoover vacuum in her stall! I mean, going looney!I have no idea why she found the proceedings so upsetting. But she got Hammie all wigged out, so we had to put him away, turn out the filly in a paddock, and knock the dust off my cousin’s horse and use him for the flatwork photos.

Ah, then the Lovely Spot gets her turn before the camera! Next they want pictures of a horse spooking, being schooled, and then being good. “Paging the Lovely Spot to the stage…” So I get on her and tell the photographer, “I’ll ride her by this group of jump standards in the corner, and she’ll spook, so be ready to shoot.” Well, Spot spooked, but not enough! So he sends someone to go hide behind the pine tree with a noise maker and then when I rode by this time… … he got his shot! Poor Spot! By then my sister was there, and I heard her say, “And I’m supposed to ride this thing in jumpers at Galway Downs this weekend? The only thing between me and San Diego will be a pelham bit.”

Such is my life as a freelance writer.

Reminds me of the time a coworker and I were in the kitchen referring to another coworker’s daughter as a ho and other off-color things (all true, of course, but ouch), and of course everyone heard…

So Coreene when you put on the blanket where do you wear it to get the mud off???

Feel better soon Dublin. Chicken soup is the real penicillin for what ails you!! Just let us know if we can bring you anything. We’ll have drop it off.

Now I know why we shouldn’t spend too much time on this BB. Just got off the phone, well yesterday, with Dover. That subliminal “call Dover” worked. Was thinking, I just got their new catalogue and I love the spring sheet collection, hmmmm. Since hippo woman has used up her allotment. So now…since my credit card is NO LONGERat $0, I want to thank Merry personally for that afternoon of shopping

Six degrees of seperation my patoot!

elizabeth, since we’re taking numbers, to join your staff. Are there any more openings for your clique/cult memebers? Sounds like a nice place to work. weeble & I work very well together. We will behave…

Try peppermints for treats instead of horse cookies. Most horses love them, and so does the farrier. He would rather face “peppermint breath” than carrot slobber. The farrier always gets a few too (if that would simply work for payment!).

I did get an odd look from the vet one day: “what did you feed him?” as he floated the horsie teeth.

Just bought a 5 lb bag at Office Depot --$6.99 – they don’t spoil like carrots and are a lot cheaper than horse cookies.

Ummmm, ummmmmmm,ummmmmmm. wty whispers the mantra as the rest chant for rusty. Get the barn rusty…Echoing A/A strawberry banana here…

Guess I have been lucky, my trainer has always broken everything down. No guessing, no surprises. Let’s you know up front what the expenses will be. Also, if you need a break, you can feed & muck your own, get your horse ready, and still be with the barn. I on the other hand, would much prefer someone else making her pretty. Where’s my spainish dictionary? She’s a puerco! Much too much work.

Merry, of course Californians are waaaaay cool! Actually your neighbor was probably reading the thread about the Koi pond and decided not to have a fish factory next door.

Hoo ha, elizabeth, the ice has been broken! I’m assuming you kissed back so that little barrier has been broached. As Merry said, getting beyond the first kiss allows things to progress without that barrier standing between you. Both of you can just forget about the surprise of and your involuntary (and much regretted) reaction to the first attempt at a kiss. So, on with relationship building.

Cheers, Maggi

Sounds central to me
It is only a 12 hour drive one way