CA Clique Redux

Bumpkin, Thanks for the words of encouragement.

Okay people, our leader is under fire here. elizabeth crawl out from under that desk. Rusty, start your blenders. A/A enough with the ice plants already, this is war!! The spring thaw has hit north of the border, they’re coming out of their hibernating homes. Curbs jingling…We are ready heidikins, and if you don’t believe us, just read who won the Oscar!!

What a nice mother’s day gift I hope to see your pictures when you have them.

AAJumper: How silly of me, “Hunt Coats, Hunt Coats, we don’t wear no stinkin’ Hunt Coats” you must of said. To be honest, I wish we could show in chaps and golf shirts.

Merry: Do you remember when everyone who schooling in hiking boots or clunky tire tread shoes instead of paddocks?

Gee…I’m blushing!!!

If I can brag a bit more, I’m currently 731st out of 18,960 players of the Kentucky Derby Fantasy Challenge - I’ve moved up from 5,470th from the first week of the contest. Last year I was really lucky and finished 65th out of 11,307 participants, and won a nice embroidered Kentucky Derby 126 sweatshirt! It is a lot of fun to participate in. (Wish I had that same kind of luck when it comes to betting at Bay Meadows…)

SuaveReno, of the 4 possible answers to your John French question, the LEAST likely would be that they were dating… ( as they say on Seinfeld, ‘not that there’s anything wrong with that’)

“Of course, that’s only my opinion. I could be wrong.” - Dennis Miller

I will definitely get pictures next week of the 6 foot tall dressage trainer riding my 15 hand reining horse in a western saddle, whilst wearing her tall boots. I must say he is progressing nicely, has a high retention level, and I’ve ridden him twice this week! And I didn’t cry!!!

Corinne, you would not believe what I saw Mr. Hot Pants Western Trainer doing to one of his horses, althought I’m sure it won’t surprize you.

Ah elizabeth, I think that was on page 14 or possibly 15? Resting in her loungamatic, slowly she sips on what will be the last chicky pippy margarita. Farewell yea purple concoction, scrumpious frothy drink. rusty, you are the Beethoven of bar keeps, or blender keeps as the case may be. Ahhh, this should be a lovely relaxing weekend. Mr Wty is out digging, raking and planting. All while wty sits and sips

And so it goes, another day in the kingdom. weeble come home soon, we miss you! Merry, you will enlighten us on “Adventures at in-law land”?
coreene has proved invaluable. Updates concerning the WC promptly posted, hopefully she is feeling better. A/A your lovely mare, her owie, is it almost healed? Suave for you a peaceful and uneventful weekend!! rusty, a blenderless weekend, or how bout we make one up for you? Beezer, maybe just once, the fences won’t be piled in the middle of the ring? Dublin have a wonderful ride, and enjoy the weather. Curbs are gently jingling in the light breeze…

Oh, Wty, thanks! I’m flattered. Print it off and use it 'til your heart’s content!

You know, the way you referred to Hambolarama as a pre-teen seems pretty darn accurate. Merry? Beezer? Can you speak to that?

AAJumper, congrats on having successfully completed interview #1! Yay for you.

Merry I have had the same foot in mouth disease. Its worse when the judge places that number first. I think it might be afairly common disease at horse shows.

But really, does anyone recall Mrs. Scott? Old Philadelphia society woman (Grace Kelly portrayed her in the movie " The Philadelphia story"). She died a few years back, out in her fields feeding her cattle. She was 90 something (96?). She slipped and fell and hit her head I believe. Now that’s the way to go!!

Mo…In NYC a lettuce leaf and a bottle of water is about 50 $$ Not hard to rack up those numbers with a group out for dinner! She isn’t exaggerating…just telling it like it is…welcome to the “Empire” State.Land of taxes and Hilarious…


Millenium Wind’s owners live here!!!
So of course he is the local favourite

Now we have three chants going? She rolls her wrist to hear the soothing sounds of the cult’s 18kt curb chain bracelet. Thinking back to the QVC debacle, is always good for a laugh, and oh my, very entertaining.

So Merry, since you will be doing a lovely interuptation of the Flying Walenska’s tomorrow, we will keep the chant going thru out the day for you.

Merry, Merry oh so brave, keep her seated on that lovely bay… He is bay isn’t he? Wty ceremoniously sprinkes more show sheen on the ground.

Margueritas? Mint Margaritas? Mint Julips? Derby Pie? Chips and Salsa and Fish Tacos? This reminds me of a visit to New York where I tried what must have been all of the ethnic specialities in one day and got really sick in the Oak Room (or was it the Blue Room) of the Algonquin Hotel.

I pitied the next user of the stall in the ladies.

Be warned. I don’t hold my liquor or my food well.

I love parties. If an Apple shaped old lady with white hair with a deep Southern accent, a strange sense of humor, and a story telling fool shows up by some Cliquer’s California poolside, you’ll know it’s me. I’m loading the pimpmobile now.

Want some REAL barbeque? OR I just made some cheese straws and could offer them up to the party gods.

You see, you guys, you’re on more, shall I say, “seasoned” horses! I long to be showing at the Oaks, LAEC, Pebble Beach, Del Mar National, etc., but I have four-yr. old, so I can only pedal so far so fast this year, okay? But I’ll be there in spirit with you!

Meanwhile, I’m slinking off to school LEAD CHANGES. We have them totally while cantering over a “course” of ground poles. It’s like no big whoop. Now I’ll add an actual fence. Wish me luck. Jangle those curb chains…

Merry hears not only jangling, but the subtle strains of the Toreador/Matador theme in the background as she pulls on her paddock boots and zips up her schooling chaps to engage battle with El Hambola…

Sad news to report.

Once again, tragedy strikes the horse world. Jennifer Freeman, the wife of professional horseman Ronnie Freeman was killed on impact, when she lost control of her car and went off the road on what has been described as a dangerous, twisting canyon road. The accident occured within a mile or so from their home in Silverado. This story takes even a more tragic twist. Ronnie and Jennifer were returning from dinner, in separate cars, and Ronnie following moments behind was the first on the scene, almost as the accident happened. It’s a scenario that makes this one of the saddest and most tragic stories I’ve heard. I wish I could tell you more, but I didn’t know Ronnie that well, and had never met Jennifer. Michelle Parker, who was clean Saturday night in the Grand Prix of Del Mar rides for the Ronnie Freeman Stables. My prayers, and I know the prayers of the equestrian community, go out to Ronnie and all of Jennifer’s family.

Definitely hold the alcohol on that one

Chef: You and i might be neighbors I live in Irvine too

If I change barns again, maybe we could carpool

I’m jingeling girl, I’m jingeling

Well I got this ICQ thing and I just have to figure out how it works. Most of this computer stuff is way too complex for my brain. Heck, I have a hard time counting the strides between fences

[This message was edited by SuaveReno on Apr. 14, 2001 at 07:19 AM.]

Everyone except Beezer, go look at Jair’s hat thread. It’s a scream. Beezer, I’m SURE yours will arrive today, since mine came yesterday and we’re - in the great USA scheme of things - practically neighbors.

But what will set the Californian-owned caps apart from the others??? Aside, of course, from putting spinners on top of them.

I was looking through a stallion directory and found a lovely pic of him he’s wonderful