CA Clique Redux

Elizabeth asked: <BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>You know, the way you referred to Hambolarama as a pre-teen seems pretty darn accurate. Merry? Beezer? Can you speak to that?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Beezer will field this one. Oh yes, he’s a pre-teen all right. Complete with the 'tude. He’s also a spoiled, 'tude-toting pre-teen who has everyone trained to say, as they walk by his stall with arm raised defensively, “Don’t you bit me!” But, on the plus side, he is very, very pretty, a lovely mover, and a real neck- and back-cracker over a fence. Methinks Merry’s eq over fences days are behind her if he keeps this up.

Merry told AA: <BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>I’m not sure you should take that job! Uck! Being told to pretty much just expect OT? Staying until the work just gets done, whenever that is? How rude of them! You’ve got horses to ride!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> … Wait! That’s Beezer’s job you just described!! But in fairness, mine DO understand about the horses. I’m not sure there are many bosses I could call at home and say, sorry, I need today off because I have to get Tigger to the vet … and have her respond, without missing a beat, “But of course. I hope he’s OK.”

You guys are great.
Now I am going to watch Everyone Loves Raymond (while my cream puff filling cools).

Good morning! I had to go check on one of my horses that Had a slight colic yesterday. He is fine.
The owner of the barns son was painting the barn yesterday, he locked my horses in the lower Hot barn with out ventilation or water and it was in the 90’s.
If I had not gone up there in the early afternoon he probably wouldn’t have let them out in their paddocks.
Alot of people wonder why I want my own place.

Well, I’m sure it’s the same in California, not in the midwest (mind you), that one can eat a very light meal for an exuberant amount of money.
The Russian Tea room in NYC, just one example, where you can rack up the bucks for a tiny amount of food. Delicious food, but very,very light.

So, all I’m saying is that if a law Firm foots the bill for a large party at a very (VERY) (as Elizabeth puts it), nice resturant in down town Manhatten, the total $ would and should exceed the amount she stated.

Merry, did you see the Iron Chef show where the challenger was from Calf. and he won!?

Ahhhh…I have to quit living in the past

BTW…I tried bananas today and Reno spit them out. he looked at me and said “No Like!”

I’ll try the burrito next.

happy Cinco de Mayo all. A Rusty margarita to all!

Rusty wants to thank everyone that chanted for me. I found out earlier today that they awarded the concession for the barn to another bidder, that already has a concession with them. That is why the district awarded it to them, I wish they had told me how much emphasis they put on that, and I would not have wasted my time or energy. Oh well some thing better will come along, and I hope soon.

Corrine: Glad to hear Willum is doing much better. Gastric goingson are so worrisome. Sometimes I wonder if eating the grass on the berm at the OCFG’s will upset poor Suave’s tummy. You are indeed lucky that you haven’t had many problemos for the vet to unravel.

Merry you are indeed a Queen to put up with bugs. Sometimes I watch a show on the animal planet about the bug guy and I tell you it make s my flesh crawl.

Here’s a tidbit. The Golf Cart Queen stormed into are arena complaining about several things.

  1. The horses grazing on the berm and 2. someone at her barn suggested to one of her Rico" clients that she might enjoy our barn best" I swear it wasn’t me…

My most humble apologies to wtny. It’s nice to know that you understand

Anyway, took a header off Suave today as he was playing and I decided I couldn’t cope. Thank God for all the soft footing Egad these old bones

Take out an ad Suave! Make a huge production of it.

Do I sense a new neighbor? I’d loooove to catch a ride on your fancy mare!

Merry, a new pair of chaps from Leather 'N Spice??? I am so jealous!!! I got my first pair of custom chaps from them 6 years ago, and I want a new pair!!! Karen is so nice…we always go over and chat with her when we see her at shows. I love her collection of Brighton belts for sale, and my trainer likes to buy the Ariat shoes from her. I got a nice Van Teal coat from her for half price last year! And I absolutely love going with people to pick out custom chaps…in fact, a girl at my barn is going to order some over Memorial Day weekend!!! I love to shop vicariously!

Ahh, Julie Smith and Periwinkle!

She looks almost totally the same, only with “blond” hair (like I should talk, although I switched to a much browner shade, ha-ha!).

This is fun, Suave! Give us some more! But try not to include the NAMES with the photo title!

Oh I hate that!!!
We have had some problems with various parks up here.
Everything is becoming a soccer field!!
If it wasn’t for the Lake Washington Saddle Club, I swear, Bridle Trails State Park, a real JEWEL to the horseman of the area would be gone.
Keep up the good work!!!

Rusty and wtywmn, here is the site:

It’s sponsored by Churchill Downs, and you can link to it each year through their website:

Basically, you pick twelve horses from those eligible for the Kentucky Derby, two jockeys, and two trainers to make up your “stable”.

My horses this year are: Point Given (my star so far) , A P Valentine, Dollar Bill, Global Gait, Hero’s Tribute, Holiday Thunder, Meetyouatthebrig,
Millenium Wind, Monarchos, Palmeiro, Startac and Street Cry. My trainers are Bob Baffert and John Ward, and my jockeys are Jerry Bailey and Gary Stevens.

You get points for how well the horses, jockeys and trainers in your stable do in 30 races, the first in mid-February, running through the Derby itself. You get more points for the bigger (Grade I and II)stakes races, such as the Santa Anita Derby and Wood Memorial, etc.

Right now, I have 108 points. The leader in the contest has 149. (I think a lot of the top people are serious betters, which I am definitely not, so I’m pretty happy at how well I’ve done both years…)

It’s been fun to participate in. Maybe we could get a bunch of CA clique members to play next year!!

[This message was edited by dublin on Apr. 10, 2001 at 12:35 PM.]

[This message was edited by dublin on Apr. 11, 2001 at 01:41 PM.]

Thanks, Bumpkin!

By the way, you guys should go over to the H/J forum and respond to the thread on the Oaks. Someone wants to know who trains there, etc. and I’m rather out of the loop as far as Joan is concerned.

Rusty, have you hired a dowser or is your water person drilling willy nilly? I’ve heard good things about dowsing. It’s sort of like the horse communicators, though; I think you have to believe in them.

What are the chances? Has water been found nearby? I’m keeping my fingers and toes crossed and am rattling my curb chain loudly!

Cheers, Maggi

Suave if you showed dogs, then you are well prepared to handle what you are going through with the ExT
Good luck tomorrow!!

Elizabeth, how can you drop Mr. Shatner, just like that? Think of all the saddlebreds he could buy you!

OK, I am going to sidetrack to conversation for a sec. Chek out the pictures N2Jumpers took of me and Grace last night. Isn’t she cute? Not bad for a 1/2 Arab, eh?

AND you went to high school with Michelle Pfeiffer! How cool is that??

The only semi-famous person at my high school was Mac Wilkins, who went on to win a gold medal in the discus at the 1976 Olympics. Totally gorgeous, student body president, a star in both basketball and track, dated the Homecoming Queen, truly the BMOC at our school…I had a massive crush on him, but being a lowly sophomore when he was a senior, he didn’t even know I existed. sigh He was in a second period math class with me, which followed my first period swimming class, in the fall, in Oregon, held at a stinky indoor pool on campus, with an even stinkier locker room. (Totally yucky, to say the least!) This was before the era of blow dryers, so picture me with dripping long hair and no makeup sprinting from one end of a large campus to the other in order to get to my next class. And then the total embarassment of looking like you-know-what sitting next to my hearthrob… Talk about feeling like a total dork!!

In college, I was in the same dorm as 1) Dey Young (sister of the actress Leigh Taylor Young), whose later show biz career consisted of starring in ‘Rock ‘n’ Roll High School’ and playing the saleswoman who was a total b**ch to Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman…now she’s married to David Ladd
and living the Beverly Hills lifestyle; and 2) a girl who went on to become O. J. Simpson’s jury consultant…

Anyone else go to high school or college with anyone even remotely famous???

Does anyone else have a problem with squirrels eating their flower bulbs?
I swear I planted tons of those bulbs, and now I am finding half eaten flower blubs all over the place while I am mowing the yards.
The JRT’s never use to dig them up, so I can only imagine it is the pesky squirrels.

Great memories and pictures.
Since Cinco de Mayo is coming up I am warming up the blenders. I have to have something to do to keep my mind off of the planning commission hearin g for my barn. It is going to be Mon. at 1:30PM. So please think positive thoughts and jingle the curb chains. This is one of the last major hurdles between me and my new barn. Some of the neighbors are not happy about the fact that I want to teach there and board a few horses. Even though the barn is over a quarter of a mile away from the nearest house nad we don’t drive by any of the other houses on the street. Can any one tell that I am a little anxious about this?

Would hambonie like a carrot or apple Margartita?
If I start making Carrot Margaitas will they be the next great horse treat? Maybe we could even say they are healthy for you.