CA Clique Redux

rusty, curb chains are gently jingling and will increase in intensity, culminating with a horrendous clatter Monday evening. As you know, it will work, but I suppose it’s best to be well prepared, too.

Cheers, Maggi

Or, instead of the finger, a great big [B]“Screw you and the horse you rode in on!!!”[/B]

Okay … not really but sometimes it feels go to just fantasize about it for a bit. I did once, in my salad days, depart with a Take This Job And Shove It (and I’m not even a CW fan!).

Happy birthday, Rusty!

GREAT SUGGESTION: buy them for youself for your birthday!!!

Alas, Princess Beezer (I LIKE the sound of that!!) doesn’t have a tiara. Merry’s glommed onto hers and she’s not about to let go. Beezer does, however, have access to Merry’s scepter; Merry sometimes lets Beezer schlep her scepter at shows (ha! alliteration! ) Will that work as the trivia prize??

Memo to Merry: Beezer is not, she repeats NOT, going to re-set the jumps in the former Koi pond YET again, only to have you pile them all up in the center just so you can practice lead changes/figure eights/airs above the ground/ WHATEVER on Hammie, Duke of 'Tude. Beezer was NOT amused last night when she arrived to jump Katey’s Critter for her and discovered that, once again, there were NO jumps. Alas, QHSM got the brunt of Beezer’s wrath. It was not pretty … QHSM had some lame excuse about your lungeing horses. But Beezer knows the truth! She could clearly see the ruts in the arena from Hammie’s schooling session.

Maggie, it just flames me when they keep doing that. Showing lame horses, that is. But - and maybe this is another good question for Merry - what were the judges thinking? And, too, what is the horrid alternative? If you pull them to one side and say “scratch this horse because he’s lame,” and it happens a few times, what becomes of the horse?

Linda West (owner of Linda’s Feed) in Norco is our long-time bud. Linda used to ride with Judy Martin and Diane Grod. Now she does some sort of western thing. Beezer, QHSM and I shop there all the time.

As for Beezer’s downsizing, I’m just beginning to start working again with her 4yr. old, awaiting official veterinary “okay” to proceed with training. If he doesn’t prove to be a suitable mount for Beezer, I just thought he may have to be “morphed” into something more desireable.

I’ve been thinking about those Wap’s Spots or whatever they’re called back east. They’re appaloosa/TB cross hunters. I interviewed the lady who raises them a couple of years ago. Those appys are really attractive, big, quiet and jump with really nice style. I can just see Beezer astride one of those, cruising around both hunter and jumper courses.

Having just gotten this email, figured everyone would appreciate it!!!

One day in heaven, Saint Peter, Saint Paul and Saint John were standing around near the horse paddocks watching the horses frolic. “I am certainly: bored,” stated John.
“Me too,” Paul chimed in. Peter stood and watched the horses.
“I know!” Peter began. “Why don’t we have a horse
Paul and John thought that the idea was great except for one small detail that Paul pointed out. “Who are we to compete against, Peter?” Paul asked.
The trio pondered a moment when Peter realized the answer. “We will call up Satan and invite him to the horse show. I mean, we have all of the finest horses here in heaven, all of the World and National Champions are here. His stable is ridden with the spoiled, difficult and mean horses. We are certain to win at the show!”
And so the trio calls up Satan on the other realm
communication lines and invited him to their horse show. Satan laughed and asked why they would want to be humiliated like that, because he would certainly beat them.
Peter, Paul and John did not understand. “What do you mean Satan?” Peter asked. “We have all of the National and World Champion horses in our stable in heaven. How could you possibly beat us?”
Satan paused a moment and then laughed. “Have you
forgotten so soon gentlemen? I have all the judges!”

Since we have been waaaaaay too solemn, this is tongue and cheek. Sent by a judge!!

Oh great, now you made me feel sad Merry. Well, just think you might never had Hambola (alias jaws) the wonder horse if you hadn’t sold her. So now, duck those snappers, you’ll be like Muhammed Ali, dodging, ducking, doesn’t it feel good to get the blood flowing?

Now since we need to send Spotty the wonder WB to rusty, who’s in for a road trip?

Oh Tuxwink, almost congratulations!! Thats great, let us know what the horses name is, or email us. We will try and find out what ever we can for you.

It rained here last night…in fact, I rode in the rain yesterday evening! But it’s clearing up a bit now, so I’m headed out to ride!

It’s been my ‘fortune’ to have had three wonderfully gross bosses. The first is the chairman of one of the biggest animation studios in the world. Let’s just say that his flatulence was as animated as anything we ever produced.

Second was a scratcher, who ate with his mouth open, spraying his dinner companions with food.
We once had an important lunch meeting in Cannes with the head of the SciFi Channel. It was unseasonably warm and he decided that he’d cool himself by taking off his socks and depositing them on the table, between the parma ham and salad nicoise. Once our lunch was, thankfully, over, we pay and leave when we hear a waitress calling out behind us, “monsieur, monsieur, you forgot your socks!”.

The chairman of the aforementioned company also had a penchant for stripping down nekkid at any and every social opportunity, including Christmas parties. Call me odd but the sight of red pubic hair is not necessarily ‘appealing’.

I think I win. What do I get besides pity?

Now you are getting me all worked up! That was exceptionally kind of her (and of you)…thank you!

Wondering if I have anything to add to your masterpiece compilation of paths being crossed…hmmm…it is hard with all of our top secret aliases!

Since you put it that way, I’ll let it go. Just curious to know, is “Daniel’s” still open? I love that place. Mr. Mo and I frequent “Cipriani’s” too. (We can’t stand Windows On The World). Just a difference in taste I suppose, no hard feelings eh?!

Merry, sorry to hear about your not so great day with Hammie.

I guess it’s what’s laughingly called “getting mileage.” I promise it will be better next time though you won’t have the funny little incidents to tell us about.

Cheers, Maggi

Suave dear, I hope that you had a hard hat on with the straw hat on your ride!!!
You know us oldies but goodies should not tempt fate in any way!!!
Mo, like you I have never watched the soaps either, even when I did not have my 15 hour a week “Horse Fund”, job and lived off my Trophy Wife status and Trust Fund, haha

Suave, glad to hear you made the move. That is a drag that your trainer had to be so immature about the whole thing. So since you will be at the same facility, I guess you’ll run into her once in a while? Yikes. :eek At least you can have the peace of mind to know that you tried to make the “break up” as pleasant as possible. And based on the reaction you got, you made a good decsion to leave!

Thanks to everyone for the well wishes for Miss Cypress. I will pass them along to her.

Bumpkin, I just checked out your “Elliot” topic on the H/J Forum. Isn’t it great to find Elliot’s sibling’s doing so well!! If only he knew! He sounds like a gem! Especially since you are having so much fun with him! That’s great!

I will jingle my curb chain for Poncho to heal up soon.

Okay, you guys beat me to Robin Serfass. I’ll take this one:

Could be Fleet Apple because of the breast collar, but hmmm, Regis, because it looks like a man, and I think I recognize those cordovan field boots, I’ll say River Train and Kenny sigh Nordstrom. And that’s my final answer!

Mo, Taryn will see the part re you working for Mark Leone and think “Oh, Coreene’s off.” I had always thought he would be the perfect husband. A) taller than me, B) cutie and C) gone a lot. Oh YEAH, and the horse thing!

<<elizabeth is sad that she didn’t know suavereno had an interview today. elizabeth cannot jingle her curb chain if she isn’t given advance notice. elizabeth, however, is VERY excited that suavereno had an OLYMPIC interview. you GO girl!! keep us posted.>>

Oh, and by the way, before I sign off for the “road trip to horse show hell”, I’d like to add that Taryn, your horse is very fancy and cute. If and when I ever do indeed part with the Spotted WB Beast, I’m planning on buying myself some sort of big, rangy appaloosa or palomino or buckskin that Beezer can romp around in on low jumpers. For myself on said horse, I shall purchase a silver-encrusted western saddle and bridle and cruise up and down the trails in town, becoming the gossip krone of my neighborhood.

Tuxwink: I’m so happy for you! But please, just say “NO” to show bows! As for your outfit, how about spiffing it up with a pastel pink shirt? Or something bold like one of the burgundy shirts? They’d look nice with a black coat.

Sorry, must go watch an old episode of Star Trek and then load up my truck.