CA Clique Redux

Here’s classes we could add! Mini’s to our show of shows! A herd of feral mini’s running around. Well the neighbors had to hear me hooting & howling over that Beezer.

Let’s see the list now reads: Golf Cart Divisions, Hack & whack, and then the uncontroled flight of the mini’s??? Now there’s a show people might pay to come to. Have to admit they are adorable. Went to one show, they literally pick them up and put them where they want them. Something to be said for that. Hmmm, can you see Merry even remotely trying to do that with the Hambola?

When will this wind subside? 20 MPH gales remind Dave that he loves to run. Really fast.

So Corinne, I’m guessing your parents have internet access, hence the out of the blue Saturday posting?

The garden is beautiful, I especially love the fragrant jasmine.

My husband is also a David!!! Must be something about that name…

AA Jumper, do you like microbrewed bear? (I like wine, but ADORE craft beers, none of that Bud crap for me, thankyouverymuch…!!) (Although I do appreciate Budweiser’s showjumping sponsorship.) If so, besides North Coast Brewery, there’s Bear Republic Brewing Company in Healdsburg, just north of Santa Rosa – excellent beer and food, and a nice location alongside a creek.

“Of course, that’s only my opinion. I could be wrong.” - Dennis Miller

[This message was edited by dublin on Apr. 24, 2001 at 03:58 PM.]

My best friend (and roomate in college), her uncle, went to high school with Bruce Springsteen! Said he was a total nerd! Is’nt that typical? Then as it turns out our old barn manager sold his horse to Bruce. Funny!

My husband dated one of the Kennedy girl’s! He was also good friends with Cary Elwis (sp?) in college.

I went through a decade when my doctors suspected me of suffering from a gamut of diseases, ranging from food poisoning, to Crohns, IBS, to MS. I was either unable to absorb food, and hence 20 pounds underweight, or suffering from numb body parts and on the verge of a heart attack at 24.

Through a simple blood test, I was eventually diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. It took four years, two years of Inderal, hospitalization, horrific fears when I was pregnant with my second child, and an irradiation in the process, but eventually I grew to cherish the feeling of normalcy. Simple but so wonderfully comforting to know that one can eat what one wants without pain and hospitalization; that one can venture to the mall without fainting and dropping a child in the water fountain.

Health, and the feeling of healthfulness is something to be cherished.

Very cool gold bits??? Oh Suave Reno must have one being Queen of the Impulse Buyers And a yellow plume to go

Today, someone at the barn asked me if Reno was a hunter or an EQ horse. To wit (with apologoes to Elizabeth)I replied, “We can be whatever you want us to be.”. At the old barn they thought he wasan EQ horse, at the new barn they think he’s more of a hunter. He’s not a toe pointer, but he puts in a very smooth, even round (even when I don’t). Is there a definition. Can he be like a CERTS and do both

“Jangle, jangle, sip, sip for Rusty” You’re Margaritas are the best. Say if we all meet at Pebble, Rusty you need to bring the blender And Elisabeth, you need to bring your soon to be significant other! the rest of us can either brign a dip or their significant other perhaps with the lure of golf

Wty should we take a road trip to where Merry is judging? I’ll bring the blender and the carrots.

Trader Joe’s is the best!!!
I get the Vitamin C from there for the dogs and horses.
Along with so many other great things.

Thanks Wtywmn…we are basically just going to school at the show though. My trainer is going to ride Cypress too, to see why I feel she is harder for me to ride in the arena as opposed to the warmup ring. I’m 99.99% sure she is the same, and I’m just having mental problems!

AAJumper chants to self…“do not obsess about the distance, do not obsess about the distance…”

Yesterday my trainer’s ex was at the barn and he couldn’t resist helping me fix my bad position. He’s tough though…really really picky and notices everything. My trainer felt sorry for me…she said that since he couldn’t teach her (her horse was lame) that I was on the hook. But it was really good…I have a lot of work to do on my position. Yikes! I was inspired to ride today (usually I don’t ride on Sunday, but the hubby was working) and practice my “new” position. Someday I’ll automatically ride with my hands properly raised, arched back, bent elbows, and pelvis properly tipped on the saddle so as to not sit on the back of my butt, someday… sigh…

Yesterday was my birthday too! Hope you had a good one!!

Uh oh, sounds to me like VTrider has been indulging in moonshine. Or is she stuck up in them thar hills?

That is very kind of you.
Wish us luck this eve as we are bracing ourselves for some big wind storm.
With all the huge Fir trees on our property something always happens

When I went there it was in English. AA Jumper put down Rusty’s carrot margaritas! LOL!

Try another one Also try

Sheeze! Let’s keep this one going if we are shut down than we can move to a new thread.

Erin keep it open please

Correen: You’re guy is sooooo cute. I especially loved when he caught sight of you and just nickered. That is just the coolest thing. And he a handsome devil too. Purple plumes would work but he needs someting like a fake (politically correct) ermine saddle pad or no wait Manolo shin and ankle boots.

That’s it! The height of elegance shin and ankle boots by Manolo Blanik. The riders that are really cool (as long as you look the part!)have them. Here’s another new division Au Coulture EQ what do you think???

I once received a first place award for being the best dressed at a horse show. It was at the old Laguna Niguel Equestrian Center and there were scads of western riders and i was the only one there in a (borrowed) riding habit. Needless to say I won

elizabeth, he’s probably just as nervous as you are. I’ve been married for close to 12 years but if memory serves me correctly, the idea is to have fun. Relax girlie. He’s a human being, you’re a human being; he has a head and two arms (right?), you have a head and two arms. You have a lot in common. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself. There are many more dates in your life - enjoy each for what they are.

Merry wrote: <BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>I wouldn’t last a single day with such repulsive menfolk. Can you imagine what the “sock” man must be like to live with on a daily basis?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It occurs to me that you have (conveniently) forgotten what YOUR room looked like during your teenage years. I believe QHSM even approached the feds about the possibility of the site qualifying for a superfund cleanup.

Rio Americano!!!
You must know Betsy Woods and how about Spencer Williams?
Cindy Cutter?
dang I have to leave for work soon,

“Geesh vineyridge,” elizabeth says defensively, smoothing her poodle skirt and fiddling with the laces on her saddle shoes, “maybe I still am in the 1950’s.”

No, seriously, vineyridge, you are right. Thanks for the advice and the gentle encouragement. I will see David Thursday night (we are watching the final episode of Survivor - is anyone else??), and if he doesn’t hold my hand, I’ll hold HIS!!

AAJumper and NancyL, do people in CA not have solar covers for their pools, which heat the pools so that you don’t NEED a heater? Or is putting on and taking off the cover too much trouble? $15,000? That just HURTS!

Tux, I agree with what AAJumper said. Sometimes you just have to kiss a bunch of frogs, too. How will you know the RIGHT horse if you don’t get to meet lots of WRONG horses?? Keep the faith, Tux!

AAJumper, you go girl!! YAY!! As soon as you make that surreptitious (sp?) Starbucks call, let us know how it goes. Yippee!!

<<And NO, Merry, just b/c AAJumper has good news does NOT mean you can buy Hammie another new bit as part of the celebration routine!>>

Now, I’m off to shave my legs and loofah relevant body parts as tonight is my Survivor finale-watching date! Jingle, ladies, jingle!