CA Clique Redux

Oh my gosh, perhaps that’s what’s wrong with my Fancy Boy! He loves those stupid Nicker Nibbles! He goes ape over them, unlike any other horse cookie. And I swear he’s been a wanker ever since I’ve been giving them to him!

Let’s do some laboratory research. What’s really in those things???

Sorry, rusty, I did the good old ass-u-me with the time of the planning commission meeting and it rose up to bit me big time.

At least I found out the correct time soon enough to start the curb chain rattling before the meeting starts, increasing to a deafening roar at 1:30.

Good luck – knock 'em dead. Be sure to post the meeting results as soon as you can.

Cheers, Maggi

Oh Weeble, I’m so sorry. She was as lucky to have you in her life as you were to have her in yours.

Having recently switched disciplines (ahem), I am now the proud owner of 10 completely unsuitable western saddle pads. My lack of knowledge on the proper reining saddle fit has induced a wild spree of mindless internet shopping and 5 trips to Broken Horn in one week.

e-bay anyone?

Pat Blackiston?

I forgot I had some pictures that were sent to me via e-mail before I bought Africa. Here’s a little headshot, just so you can have a face with a name.

uh oh… my friend just sent her mare to an “RF”'s barn to be sold…here’s hoping it is not the RF of whom you speak!

And Suave…having a funny mental image here, as I have never seen your ex trainer ride anything but a golf cart…

weeble: next time you see Andrea, tell her Cindy says “hi,” and that you know me from the BB. That’ll crack her up! I’ve known her since she was Mike Neilsen’s assistant. I’m her Voice of Reason in girlfriend matters!

Oh, AAJumper, were you riding the Lovely Spot? What’s that you say, dashing toward the timers over the last oxer in a speed round? Holy Batman, sounds like my sister!

Last time I went to the ER via a show (got ill, not horse injury) the nurses were ripping off my pajamas (came from the hotel) and they were just apalled at how skinny my legs were and that they were bruised and had scabs on them, LOL! I’m like dying in pain, and they’re thinking I’m some battered, anemic thing. I kept telling them, “I ride horses!”

Where IS elizabeth? She is quite tardy reporting to her computer this morning. Hmmm.

rusty, we understand. that’s the good thing about this group - we’re low maintenance. if all you can offer is a snort and a wave, we’ll take it.

get some rest and we’ll see you soon!

I swear, I have no eggbutt snaffles! They’re the only thing missing from my collection. I used to think they were ugly, but what could be ugly on my Bay Prince?

Coreene, I’m with ya’, babe, but with me I’m kicking off my Cole Hawn leather moccasins, turning on Earth, Wind and Fire, jangling my curb chain, and dancing as only a child raised in a Baptist household can dance (in private, where no one else can stare!).

I’ve spent most of my morning AT WORK, I must point out, catching up on the clique. I don’t even know where to begin.

Welcome to the club, Trick of the Trade! Very cute horse. Ditto the cuteness of the bay jumper with the eyeballs coming out of his head.

For whoever said I should buy Merry some cookbook for her “belated birthday gift” (sorry, thought I would remember who it was but that was soooo many pages ago), allow me to point out that Merry already GOT her b-day present from me, and it beat a cookbook, didn’t it Merry??

Elizabeth, you should take Merry’s advice on the dating thing. She knows aaaaaalllll about that kinda thing.

Love the idea of camping out in a horse trailer, rusty. And Dublin, we may indeed have a match! In fact, Mr. Beezer went to dinner the other night with one of the Jays … Hovdey or Privman, can’t remember … but I know he knows Jay Hovdey. Will keep you posted … btw, he rather fancies Millennium Wind – and since he was one of the only ones who pegged Ferdinand, Sunny’s Halo, Gato Del Dol and several others, I’ve gotten to where I listen to him. And believe me, that’s rare.

Merry neglected to tell the group just how good the Tiggster was during his outing. Though he really wants to know how Willem got his job as a taster-horse. He thinks that job and “pet” are perfect job descriptions for him.

I may not be from the sunshine state, but i’ve been with you all for awhile, mind if I post every so often? So glad to see that you are trying to stay together.

Oh, Elizabeth…have fun tonight!

Weeble, if my schedule permits I just might be able to deliver the carrot Margaritas myself. Any excuse to go to a show. Good Luck

That is wonderful news. Maybe I can make it up to the barn warming in September - wearing my COTH cap, of course (assuming it ever arrives…)

Thank you to all of you for your kind words. I know I’m not alone…so many of us have had to go through these kinds of experiences and I know you all can understand.

On a lighter note, thank goodness we have great tales like “The Adventures of Merry and Hammy” to keep us on an even keel. Just think, in a year or two we’ll be hearing about the two of them taking the hunter ring by storm (and I mean that in a good way). By then, Wty et al will have shortened their reins, (or lengthened their arms) and we will all continue through our trials and tribulations with these loveable furry beasts.

Merry, I am seriously on the hunt for a horse-sized tiara so you and Hammie will no longer need to fight over having just one.

Your picture showed up great Coreene! What a beautiful shot

Well said Coreene!! E-mails are very appropriate for that sort of thing! Or one could even start thier own thread. Like, “You know what they say about Men and Sheep”!!

Well, perhaps I change the wrong thing – my signature rather than my location. This is another test to see if I can get it right. I’m sure any good horse person could.