CA Clique Redux

Shopping??? Did I hear shopping? Wty’s ears are instantly pricked at this word. Suave that is soooo the BEST!. You are more than moved on, you are already on the “Eastside”!!!

Curbs will jingle softly for the show this weekend!! We know it will be fun!

Remember you are a Rules girl he sounds very nice

Today I barebacked then made a pilgrimage down to “Big Mary’s” with daughter in tow for a hackamore and some Breyer stuff. It was a beautiful day too bad they called off the show but I guess the drainage problem is pretty bad there.

Wow didn’t know about Showpark sounds really awful

I’m still working on my white paper and have absolutely no inspiration I’d better get back to it. Just wanted to drop in and say “Hi”

If any of you care to know, or not, my computer fried during our last storm. Tornado alley, that’s where I live!!! Next time I’ll remember to unplug the thing! Ha!

Dublin, I saw “Hamlet” with KB…Loved it. I too felt it was entirely overlooked. What were those critic’s thinking?

Justalurker, how’s it coming with the MCJ gossip?

Glad to be back!

Coreene - we simply cannot wait a whole year to feast our eyes upon the plumed wonder!!

You know of course we are expecting pictures!! And perhaps a video?

Phew. This new topic ends the withdrawal symptoms I had been suffering over lack of California news.

Inquiring minds want to know why there have been so many negative comments directed at the Funeral thread but barely a murmur made about the Ask Canter thread – which has become a bit much IMHO.

AA, stick to your guns, girl! The CA Clique will not stand for one of it’s own getting jerked around!

Elizabeth, our recently-lotioned fingers are crossed for you. (this wind dries out everything!)

Tuxwink, I agree with everyone else, horses are like men, the best ones appear when you least expect it. (and at least for men, usually when you look like hell)

Viney, congratulations…anyone that can do more than push buttons on the computer has my undying admiration.

Finally, Merry, I am really disappointed. For a moment I thought you said you were envisioning jamaican rum doing something spectacular during the Derby on Saturday, and then I realized you were talking about the horse! Thought the clique was heading in a different direction than margaritas for the Derby party. Oh well…

Oh, pish-posh, this talk just cracks me up!

I’ve bellyached for a pretty hunter that’d win prizes in the hacks for a couple of years, and now I’m suffering angst because he swaps leads on the flat but not yet on course.

Hey, coreene, stick a leech on that bruise and let it suck the clotted blood out. You can even name it. “Oh, this is my pet leech, Alfred.”

Beezer, if The Lovely Spot gets a little strong at Galway Downs, just head due east for about 1/4 mile and you’ll end up on the training track. Eventually you’ll stop.

elizabeth: Go ahead and play, but don’t take the Breyer’s into the bathtub with you. The glue melts and they start taking on water. Just ask Beezer. That’s what she did with MINE! Waterlogged them all!

Merry - Grace will gladly pose for any Arab World photo shoots…we will just have to give her a new new name like…
Grace’s Desert Wind Ala Kazam Sherif

You don’t know what iceplant is? Sheesh, first you didn’t know about koi!

Okay, iceplant is a fairly exotic plant, grown only from imported Icelandic seed. It is sown into native California sandy soil and it protects the hillsides from erosion. The name “iceplant” comes from having to soak the seeds overnight in ice water in order to stimulate them to germinate when put in the ground.

Chef: Oh, sorry, but Beezer and I are passing on Coto this weekend for Ride America. You see, we’re just dying to tempt Fate once more, since the last time we showed down there we were both taken away, on subsequent days, by the same paramedic team!The 3 days down there, schooling each other and staying together in a motel room, is just ripe with possibilities for amusement.

Taryn: You win the “Make Merry laugh after she just got off the phone with the IRS after she discovered she’s supposed to be paying self-employment tax.” Your story about the multiple trips in search of appropriate saddle pads just struck a nerve. I do the same thing with bits. Or did you already know that?

Coreene: Your photo is gorgeous. [I]sigh[/I] I can already tell that SAM (Swarthy Arabian Man) would go for you quicker than a thirsty beduoin diving into an oasis. Alas, the voluptuous blond trumps a skinny, short-haired tomboy anyday. But can I still have Mr. Spock?

Bumpkin: Aha, I figured the ol’ drimmel and drilling would find more pus. Poncho should feel better soon.

Suave: But the question is, do your horses match your trainer’s golf cart?

Oh, and how many horses do we have at El Ranchito? If I said, “Too many” would that be sarcastic? Okay, we have 8, ranging from the orphan yearling to the lawn ornament mare.

Why, that is a perfect example of the “over the head” release that was so popular in those times, only to be replaced by the automatic, and later the crest release. I, however, have practiced this old style release many times, and I am hoping it makes a comeback!!!

My hats arrived last night! I bought one of each, because I’m passing one on to a friend. Couldn’t decide from the photos which to keep, but I think it will be the suede billed one. The other will be in Scotland at the Burgie 3DE (fortunately NOT canceled) atop my friend Ed, who does not have a BB “handle” but I am sure will be happy to chat to all.

So if you happen to be wandering through the British Isles at a horsey event (when the others start back up) and you see a sweet Scotsman with a COTH hat, he’s Ed.

I say to RF.

Next year for Indio. Horse was really too green to go to WEF or Indio (and I was short of money!!!). Of course, as soon as all the winter circuits ended, my darling decided that he really wasn’t particularly green anymore, just “less experienced” than some, LOL.

I’ve heard The Oaks is nice…maybe I’ll go for that. Too bad it’s a bit more than a jaunt down the road! I’ll wear my tiara and see if I can challenge Merry for ultimate princess status.

Anyway, thanks for the suggestions!

Oops. Sorry about the directions thing.

So, I’m guessing this is yet one more example of why I’m never the one doing the driving on any of our equestrian-related road trips?

Must admit I get a chuckle out of the time I drove through… where were we, in Virginia? Or was it Maryland? Where’s Baltimore? Anyway, it was this lovely, cobblestoned historical section, and with QHSM in the backseat and Beezer riding shotgun, I suddenly realized I was going 50 MPH on a one-way street. But it was a lovely, cobblestoned street…

Not to be confused with the other white paper that I know many of us refer to as Charmin. It’s basically an modified business plan in 27 words or less (no more than 7 pages. and I am still having a severe case of writers block

Merry: FYI It seems that 1 possibly 2 of the assistant trainers have now left

You’re thinking of Ian McKellen’s Richard III (another great actor, and his version of Richard III was definitely unique and compelling…)

“Of course, that’s only my opinion. I could be wrong.” - Dennis Miller

Well… I ordered the pretty, nearly circular-ring eggbutt snaffle, but I actually hung up and re-dialed 3 times because I was on the verge of spending more $! When the sales gal said, “And your next item?” I was kind of embarrassed to admit that the bit was it! But I paid for 2-day air shipping… an extra $9.00. Doesn’t that count for something???You see, I must have it in time for the little county show that’s a prep for the BIG county show. I simply cannot break my streak of under saddle wins, and Hammie will just look so handsome in his new bit! (I know, you can all gag now).

Beezer is correct. I used to whine at QHSM, but I’m attempting to wean myself. Now, when the Hanoverian Cow Beast comes home from being broke out, QHSM will be back on line, because I ain’t buyin’ nuthin’ for that one! Although, since she’s really kinda cute and a really pretty mover, I shall force myself to show it.

Heidi, both Beezer and I are joining forces against QHSM to get her to cough up a new horse trailer. We figure it’ll be our last huge Mom expenditure. Well, that and the trip to The Great White North for the Spruce Meadows Masters in September. ***Oh yes, we’ll be flying out of John Wayne airport this time, where the take-off path closely mirrors that of the NASA space shuttle. How will QHSM take to that steep ascent? Don’t even get me started…

elizabeth, I’m beginning to think you work at some sort of Scientology Law Firm. What do you mean you’re in charge of the summer program? You mean you guys hang out together on weekends, too?

OMG Merry, you have me rolling!!! I can just imagine the look on Linda Hough’s face when that happened. Did she say anything to you??

Banana’s?? It seems all our imported horses in the barn, just love banana’s. They have to be taught to eat carrots. Is this a european thing? Oh now she remembers. Someone told wty that banana’s are cheap in europe, and have become the preferred treat for equines.

elizabeth, okay girlfriend, our curbs are jingling. Your guy friends are probably right on! We await the out come… Imagining elizabeth gently reaching for David’s hand. He not knowing, pulls back ever so slightly, grabbing she says, “give me that, damn it” Listen, we are going to hold hands. The entire clique is supporting this. David, befuddled looks inquiringly at his date. Clique, what has he gotten into?

[This message was edited by wtywmn4 on May. 01, 2001 at 08:35 AM.]

Ooooh, Suave, does this require a secret e-mail?

“Oh no, Max, not the Cone of Silence! No! Don’t lower the Cone of Silence!!!”

Trainer splits: I get it, you mean the way clients split the trainer’s hotel & meals, etc. at away shows. LOL, I knew one dressage-riding friend who went to Del Mar for five days and got a bill for over $1,000, too, for her trainer’s splits. And there were a lot of other clients that went. Turned out her split was not only paying for the trainer, but also his assistant, the barn manager, and the barn’s own video crew (only in California, eh?). And naturally, they stayed at the Hilton! She left, too.

I suppose The T you’re referring to is UNO WHO. So, this person now sees “themself” on the same level of oh, say Hap Hansen or Mary Gatti? Top flight, impeccable A circuit reputation, with moolah bucks clients? Gee, I would’ve never put The T on that level.