CA Clique Redux

Merry - I didn’t. That’s all I have to say.

No, no. Seriously. We watch the whole Survivor thing, my hand is free and available and hold-able. He doesn’t hold it. I gracefully touch his arm once or twice and his leg once or twice, indicating that contact is good. Nothing. Nada.

[I] Then, when the show is over, and I’m thinkin’ it is hopeless, he leans over and really plants one on me. Wowsers!! Holy Moley!! Skipped the whole hand-holding thing and went straight for the smooch!

Ladies, the curb chain jingling is finally paying off. [/I]

Now, I must admit that in the middle of the nice smooch, I almost chuckled to myself, thinking of wty or weeble or suave or whomever it was that said I should just grab his hand and tell him the girls in the CA clique said to hold your hand, damn it!! You guys are great!

Gosh Merry is my face red. I’m afraid i don’t know the difference between a paint & a pinto (they don’t call us amateurs for nuthin’) Hopefully Beezer will not take offence. Remind her that i am just a old neophyte (oximoron)

Yes AAJUmper I travel 58 miles one way to Glendale. i am about 5 mintues from the LA Equestrian center. Last week i went to pet Richard Spooner’s horses on the nose (for inspiration).

We are up in the air about shows too. I’ll tell you if the Nasdaq was better, I’d be going to a lot more. but I’ll do the Oaks, Blenheim and Huntington beach plus some Gold Coasts in between. Del Mar and LAEC.

[I] Oh, Merry, Beezer, and Wty, I’m sorry I’ve been incommunicado.

But I was so busy smelling the roses - those would be the dozen South American roses that David sent to me at work - that I just haven’t had time to check the BB. Thanks for missing me, though, you guys. Be honest - you love me!

And thanks for being interested in my life. That makes me feel all warm and fluffy. [/I]

Now, horse related matters: I am starting to look for a shipper to FLY Buster out here. I’ve called two, but both won’t fly him w/o two other horses. (Or they will, but for $8500!!) Anyone know of any other shippers who arrange flights?

P.S. Beezer said so, Beezer said so!

Oh, I may no longer be a queen, but I’ll always be a princess! That’s how I’ve been described, you know, by more than one person: That I look like a “princess on horseback.”

Or was it that I behave like a princess on horseback?

I may have to reconsider my self-image.

Although recently, having finally found myself mounted on a lovely moving, fancy hunter able to place highly in the hacks, I find myself morphing into that roachy-shouldered, ahead of the vertical, “let me just creep along in this half-seat lest my under saddle horse explodes” sort of perched seat. Very un-princesslike. Augh! Me thinks I shant win many more equitation classes.

When we went out to the stable last night, Poncho was walking around unlame and with his foot once again all wrapped up.
I admit we are happy that everything that has caused any lameness problems with the most wonderful Poncho has been fixable as opposed to some awful leg problem or mystery lameness.
I know the saddness is in he is not young, and I hate wasting this wonderful time he has with us being cooped up in a stall.
Atleast his legs don’t swell up from stall rest and as long as you don’t get between his itchy big bum and the wall you are safe in his stall.
You do not want to scratch any of his itches in his stall as he does literally fling his bulky body against yours like a big dog and could hurt you

Merry, which issue of HI has the article showing the transformation of Beezer’s boy?

dmj, that does look like fun. And Merry, the first picture you don’t need a manifying (oops coreene’s word) magnifying glass for. This last one weeeeeeeell… Ah the lovely Equidome in the rain!! Plainly stated, your green horses become broke, if they don’t lose their minds first. Anyone who walks away from that in one piece, has my deepest respect.

Chef you sound like you had fun as well! So Merry, did you do the Equidome as well??

Oh, that’s great about the movie! With all the human drama that I hear the book includes (no, haven’t read it yet) it should make a great film.

Thanks, coreene, for coming to my rescue on that thread! I’m so thin-skinned. It makes me not want to wear my COTH cap.

MHM: You are always welcomed here! Heck, here in California, everyone invades us from all states, countries, planets (?), etc. It’s United Nations day at any given Walmart.

A passport of honorary residency is hereby bestowed upon MHM.

Alf, I’m not exactly “giving up” my tiara. I’ve put it aside, in my closet, in a Nordstrom’s bag, awaiting the proper time to re-ascend to my throne. Until then, I’m humbling myself by living among the commoners. Yes, that’s me, mucking stalls, paste de-worming horses, long-lining 3yr. olds, and putting air in the tires of the horse trailer.

As for the Golf Cart Stakes Class, I think that’s what makes our “sport” smack of elitism the most. I mean, being at Indio and seeing the “Golf Cart Leadline Class”… I wonder, if a pony spooked, pulled back, and jerked the reins out of the groom’s/rider’s hands, would they even bother to go after it on foot? Or would there be a golf cart round-up of the wayward pony?

Go AAJumper. You can do it!! Yayyyyy!!

Remember that we need a FULL debriefing when you get back.

O.k., everyone jingle their curb chains!

Ah, Merry I just had to laugh. let me see if I have this right… They wanted spot to spook, get schooled then be perfect right??? Hopefully Spot took it all in stride (no pun intended)and knows that the folks were just a goofy editor and photographer he should be perfect for Beezer this weekend.

My filly sold today!!! after only 3 .5 weeks. (Why didn’t I do this sooner???) YeHaawwwwwww!!! She’s going to a lovely home where the man will be doing dressage with her then turning her into a broodmare. It will be a nice life for her.

Hopefully it won’t rain this weekend!!

Oh my, our sweet, demure coreene dissed a co-worker’s daughter in earshot of the employees? Not OUR coreene!

Sort of like standing on the rail during a big hack class and remarking, “Gee, look at #642, that horse is DFL (dead freakin’ lame) and the rider is just tootaling along like she thinks she’s on the greatest mover in the world, ha-ha-ha!”

Then the mother and trainer of #642 give you an icey stare as they extract themselves from the space on the rail right next to your elbow.

That would be your Merry’s biggest foot-in-mouth diseased moment.

Merry, those are called Senior Moments, welcome to the club!! Possibly all those times we’ve bounced on our heads is finally showing up? Hang in there, curbs are jingling for you.

Welcome back Mo. Did you end up getting a new puter completely?

Good rusty, you are sounding like your old self. How’s the water doing?Am I a page behind or what??? Geeeeeeeeeeesh!!

[This message was edited by wtywmn4 on Apr. 25, 2001 at 09:18 PM.]

I have held back and held back.
I know I purchased a new Baker sheet for darling Elliot this week, because all the other horses in his new stable have their sheets on, but I have held back from calling Dover.
Because they have, the pad I want for Mother’s Day.
Elliot already has a Burberry cooler and I now sport a Burberry purse.
Hmmmm, Burberry seat covers in the Suburban…might look nice.
We really need that Burberry pad.

Merry glad to see you are breaking away from D rings and trying to be a bit different.
I never thought of the trusty old Eggbutt, I think I have a Stubben one that Bumpkin wore deep in the tack trunk…

I second the peppermint thing NancyL. Leaves breath oh so kissable. The beast is also fond of the butterscotch hard candies…

Please keep chanting Rusty will get that barn. While shaking your curb chains. I haven’t heard yet and I hate waiting.

Happy weekend to all!

Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I have hope that I will find something good! I’ve started looking through ads online and will also go by the tack store this weekend to grab hard-copy publications. I’m looking through United Pegasus, TIER, Horsetrader, Dreamhorse, Horseclassifieds and anything else I can find. I now need some help in how to cull the ads into those that are truly worth investigating. I’ve posted this in another topic; please check it out as you all have much more experience than I do…
Help me here!

That’s the place, TuxWink.

But Beezer – after endless, agonizing self-questioning and analysis – has decided that perhaps THIS Galway Downs show is not the one for her and The Lovely Spot to make their 2001 debut. I dunno … for some reason, the thought of Spot out in a huge open field with nothing between her and the mountains except Beezer and a pelham… Well, let’s just say Beezer doesn’t want to go there. So she is wimping and regrouping, taking aim on a show NEXT weekend that will be in an arena with an actual FENCE around it.
Then on to the next Galway show in a couple of weeks!

But Merry and Hammie, however, will be there on Saturday. So will Beezer – to spectate and schlep and polish Merry’s tiara. Beezer will also no doubt be stationed down in the far corner again to talk Hammie through the scary corner with the starting gate … envision Merry ordering here: “Say something to him so he knows it’s OK to go down there!!”

What’s a show without the snafu’s? We used to put on county-rated hunter shows at the local equestrian park. There weren’t any pre-entries, so we never knew how many people would show up. Sometimes we’d have 20 horses. Then the next time, there would be an endless caravan of trailers snaking up the hill and we’d be in the show office hiding, saying, “Okay, they can stop coming now!” We knew we’d be snowed under.

So, good luck, rusty! It is indeed the volunteers who are usually the flake-outs about mid-afternoon. I’ll jangle my curb chain for you!

Now, since the rolling blackouts have yet to hit my area, I figure I’m due today. So I must sign off and go muck and ride.

I changed barns last night.
I am moving Dear Elliot across the street this weekend to a new barn and trainer.
Mallory and Poncho are staying at the olde stable.
There are no hard feelings and everyone is happy.
I get to ride with more adults with more ring time, and Mallory is staying at the predominately kids barn with a wonderful trainer whom we adore.
Linz is a Gem.
I have to say I am kind of nervous, but excited.

Congratulations Tux, thats wonderful! Now the real fun starts…

A/A just attach it to your helmet. I can see it now, big ole pin with your SN on it. Could this be the start of something new in equine fashion?