CA Clique Redux

Suave Reno, I don’t know whether to say congratulations or sorry about your downsizing. Now you have more time to ride. The last time I was down sized I had a party it was the best thing that ever happened to me. So with curb chain jingling and blender whirling, what type of Margarita would you like?
P.S. WHat is the link to the web site ?

merry: Though the bill may be a little outsized, think of it as prevention from melanoma - and that’s a biggie, believe me! You must wear it at the Ride America show to show how privileged you are to have received one of the first caps to reach the West Coast!

NancyL: Boy, thank heaven someone else thinks as I do and are into cautioning elizabeth to go at this marvelous courtship slowly. We all are aware that 20/20 hindsight isn’t what you want in a romance.

TuxWink: Africa’s head shot is beautiful! I can’t wait to see the rest of her. You absolutely, positively must wear your COTH hat so the rest of the boarders can come up to you and personally congratulate you on finally getting Africa. Although I won’t be there, the rest of us will be so pleased for you and will know you’re a happy new owner. How else can we root for you if we don’t know who you are? And, it will be a great way to make new friends.

beezer: I hope and pray your COTH hat gets here before the weekend, else merry will show you up. But, I’m betting you’ll get it before you two leave for Ride America. It certainly would be embarrassing to have merry wearing one and you without.

thanks wty. I went back and looked.

So the chestnut horse who goes in and out of the house with you, waits in the car while you run into the grocery store, knocks on the bathroom door when you’ve been in there too long just to see what you are are doing, etc. is your four-year-old? (didn’t you say he is oddly attached to you, Beezer? He can’t do anything without you? Tell us more about him. Can we call him “Fred”?)

Reason number 9 why elizabeth is happy to be in Southern California:
Fresh Strawberries

At the farmer’s market near work yesterday, I got three pints of fresh strawberries. Oh, they are wonderful!! In upstate New York, we couldn’t get these until about July!

So, does anyone know for how long I can get these yummy berries??

[This message was edited by elizabeth on Apr. 20, 2001 at 11:17 AM.]

Maggi, he is a car wholesaler. Roughly, as I understand it, he buys cars from lease places, from dealers, etc., and he then sells the cars to auctions, to other dealers, etc. He doesn’t do retail - only to other businesses. He buys and sells about 15-20 cars a week - about 60-80 a month.

The “business failure” was not really a failure. Several years ago, he realized he wanted to grow his business, whereas the guy he was partners with did not want to go into debt and work like a dog and grow the business. So David offered the guy the opportunity to buy him (David) out, and, in the process, had to deal with the trauma of the partnership split-up. As I understand it, it was not pretty, nor was it easy.

Then David had to rebuild on his own from scratch. As he explains it, he was able to do it, and he now does so well, b/c he is one of only a few reputable guys in the area doing what he does. It seems that most guys in his wholesaling position are not particularly honest or astute businessmen.

[I] Now, are you ready to hear me share something really stupid, Maggi? And will you listen without totally leaping on me? Ok, then read on: As you likely know, I am a lawyer. At the outset, I was concerned, b/c I don’t think David went to college. And that bothered me.

I am not sure why it bothered me - am I a snob? was I afraid of what my colleagues at the law firm would think? was I unwilling to let go of the notion that I would someday marry someone like Arthur Levitt (former Chairman of the SEC) or Christopher Flowers (big hot-shot on Wall Street)? All of the above?

I don’t know, but I grappled with that concern for quite some time. And I am SO NOT PROUD for having had that snobby, petty concern, so please do not tell me how small I am. I am fully aware of it. Now that I have spent more time with David, I feel better. He is so so so smart. Every time he opens his mouth about his business, he impresses me more. And HE has opera tickets - not me. I’ve become a culture moron since entering college (whereupon my parents stopped forcing me to go to things that are “good for me”). I don’t know . . . . does anyone have anything to share with the group on this topic? [/I]

[I] elizabeth pulls up in front of the old folks home in her 1992 Acura Integra (“no reason to get rid of a perfectly good car,” she snips to her husband David). though elizabeth has just turned 83, she still dresses impeccably, except for the yellow egg yolk drizzled down the front of her cardigan.

as she hauls her formerly lithe body up the stairs of the old folks home, returning the waves of beezer, merry, QHSM, coreene, AAJumper, rusty, wytwmn, suave, et al, elizabeth thinks “today is the day the girls will sign their wills. it’s funny - the instant these women die, their old retired horses will become millionaires. except for Beezer’s horse - why Beezer wants to leave everything to her JRTs is beyond me.”

elizabeth queries why exactly bumpkin’s will had to be drafted to include a provision that her horses’s blankets be washed once a week, but. . . to each her own. then again, that provision is no more odd than the provision in AAJumper’s will that mandates her husband plant sod every spring (AAJumper’s husband somehow remained frozen in time at the age of 35, with the body of a 35 year old fireman. . . the shoulders. . . the biceps. . . the quads. . . ahhh, I digress. at least he comes and visits her in the old folks home twice a week. that’s really all he can do, given the overtime he is working to pay for the landscaping they did back in 2001). [/I]

hahaha, you have 38 we have 101 we beat the CA ppl easy! lol jk. you have a cool thread too

ErinB from Florida never ever give cpr to a lizard

Thanks, Dublin and Coreene. (And you aren’t crazy, Dublin … Merry posted the Linda Hough story, but I was the one attached to Beezer’s reins.)

He really was a special, special guy. And still greatly missed. Our little ranch has never been quite the same without him around, stirring up trouble. Like the night he got out and then proceeded to liberate much of the rest of the herd before we uncovered the plot… Funny thing is, he was so much a part of my life for so long, that even now when I go to a county fair and see the cotton candy stands, my immediate impulse is to go buy some for him.

Definitely shopping is on my list as well as the margaritas and Mint Julip. BTW, I don’t think I’ve ever had a Julip? I don’t think it can beat Rusty’s margaritas

You are riding at 8:30 a.m., Merry? Dear God, woman, no wonder Hammie kicks out periodically!

You might as well yank him from the warmth of his stall in the dead of night and ride him then!

Poor Hamburger . . . I mean “Hambola”!

Thank you for posting that, Dublin. How very sad.


She is still a mystery! Funny that some of you are speaking of leaving your trainers. I have not spoken to Melissa in quite a few months, so I guess you can say “I left my trainer too.” She came out to my place in January to check out my colt (who is by her stallion, who was supposed to be IJF nominated). That’s the last time I talked to her. Mr. Mo and I are still quite upset with the “stunts” she pulled on us. That’s life, ain’t it grand?! I don’t mean to sound negative, but I just don’t know what to do.

I recall you saying that Gene Lewis was one of her mentors.
I wonder if he brought her to Indio, or if they met there.
I always thought his farm/training center in NV was up towards Reno, not LV.
Will let you know if I happen across anything else

Maybe bonus check goes to fancy show horse, althought I do not want to encourage more than a friendly sibling rivalry

Hey, Got an idea. Set yourself up as a non-profit and I’ll donate the Lexie filly and take the write off

What would you call your non-profit

Willem and Dave should be hosting their own late night ‘neigh’ show - not only are they wonderfully handsome, they’re such adorable goofs.

A good massage rusty, this invariably relaxs our somewhat over taxed bodes! Then a lovely evening in your loungeamatic, with a nice chardonnay.

Why Merry, it almost sounds as if dear Tigger doesn’t want to be ridden by other than his mommy?? Keeps self destructing when anyone else even comes near…

Ah sod, how I love to see it laid!! Mr wty does this every spring, similar to the swallows coming back to Capistrano. Off we go, Home Depot, pick up whats needed. Back to the abode, start replacing what the terrista has destroyed…Yes, such a Calif. spring thing…

Okay, so here’s a little dish. Did our clique/cult know that the infamous RF married money? I mean alot of it…The minute that lottery winner was proclaimed, it seems, like a blood hound, the nose was on the trail. True love? Well, in a sense…

Northern California strawberries currently available at $1.00/pint…no kidding, full flat for $10.00. To answer the availability question we have them here through most of the summer. To make this horse related, there are strawberry stands on the way to the barn.

that takes care of the fruit issue, now for all of you job hunting I feel for you, it’s definitely one of my least favorite tasks in life. Curbs jingling for all of you.

Elizabeth, I married a non-college graduate and almost 25 years later we’re still going strong. He may not have had the “book-larnin’” but he’s definitely smart, funny, has had a successful business for many years (that he started with $200)and is a great father. We love each other’s company and have great conversations even after all this time. Let’s face it, I found that way more attractive than a framed diploma. Not knocking college educated men, but it’s not the test to judge a relationship by. (with that poor grammar, you might be questioning my diploma)

Merry, the best Hamlet is MEL GIBSON! Well, maybe not overall but he has a way cuter bum than Olivier or Jacobi. That must count for something…especially for those that live vicariously

Beezer, so glad Mr. Beezer isn’t the loser. (I’m sure you are too) And please don’t stop going to horse shows, I’m looking forward to you and the Lovely Spot and Merry and Hammie at Pebble this summer.

AA, curbs jingling for that job…hang in there.

That about covers it, I think

dublin, sorry! I get to blame my Kevin/Kenneth slip-up on coreene! She threw out that reference to Kevin Bacon, and I had just watched “Hollow Man” (insert thumbs down icon here) and with my calcified brain tissue, confused the two names.

Suave, your little poem made me cry…
elizabeth, your little story made me laugh…

SH’s ratty helmet: Oh please, you guys! You really think it was a good luck charm? That’s a romantic notion, but having rubbed elbows with SH, I just tend to think she was too ch… er, ah, “not of the mind to venture into a tackstore and purchase a new one.”

rusty: I’m so glad you checked on your horses! Yes, yet another example of why it’s nice to have your own place.

The last time I was in New York on a business trip, albeit three years ago, a dinner for four rang in at $800. And to think, I thought we were pretty restrained that night.

In San Francisco, we’ve enjoyed some absolutely wonderful dinners at Cypress Club and Moose’s. Also really liked Lulu’s in SOMA.

When I used to venture to Cannes for the tv markets, had some really wonderful meals, but they were, surprisingly ‘cheap’ by comparison. Machou remains among my favourite restaurant in the world.

My ever-favourite, though, is Ballymaloe House in Middleton, County Cork, Ireland. Egads ahoy. The last time we were there for the week, Hans gained 15 pounds.