CA Clique Redux

When was it that you all lost Beezer?

Oh, Rusty! I’m so sorry about your disappointment. Did they give you any tips on what you could do differently … other than saying get a concession with them? And isn’t that kind of Catch-22 just SO infuriating?? As in, you could have had the barn from us if only you had a barn from us … sigh.

Oh Suave, don’t you know that after the age of 30 taking a header is simply against our cult’s religion? It’s sacrilege, I say!

Coreene: Sorry I didn’t post earlier about your Willem’s colic bout. It is indeed so scary and nothing to mess with. We have 2 strategies while awaiting the vet (who fortunately, in Horsetown USA, lives locally): 1. lunge at the jog; and 2. put horse in trailer. Both seem to promote spontaneous passing of gas and pooping, which with simple gas colic can relieve symptoms. Come to think of it, if I run around in circles and go for a long ride in a car, I suffer the same effects…

Thankfully, the “Bug People” have left. But not until they and my husband commandeered my computer so they could surf the Internet and look up information on DEET-based insect repellents. They’ve been arguing over whether or not they’re slowly poisoning themselves on their forays into the jungle.

It was hard leaving my first trainer…I’d outgrown her in a way, and we both knew it (I think she did anyway!). Luckily, she was moving to another barn that was an extra 10 minutes away or so, and since I was already driving all the way from downtown LA, it was the perfect excuse. I told her in person, though, and I would recommend that if you don’t want to have a hostile relationship with the person in the future…you know, that awkward moment when you run into each other at a show and pretend you don’t know one another. I can’t exactly remember what happened when I left my last trainer because a bunch of us left all at once, and basically told her that we wanted to ride with her business partner instead of her. I can’t remember what was said, but it was really uncomfortable for a few months, because they still sort of had the business together. Finally we moved to another barn, but we do still say hello when we see each other at shows.

How very sad for Ronnie and family. Our prayers are with them at this difficult time.

I have that issue haha.
There is is photo in the back of them walking away and she has on knee socks without her boots.

Poncho has that same bridle. Passier.

Don’t you just LOVE bureaucrats like that Parks and Recs guy??? They always act like they know better than anyone else on any issue…

On another subject, I think bumpkin’s suggestion of an article on/with Judith Spreckles is a great idea! She’d probably be surprised at the HORSES magazine fan club we have going on here (and what old issues sell for on e-bay…!!!)

“Of course, that’s just my opinion. I could be wrong.” - Dennis Miller

Merry, Suave’s ex-trainer, and her bestest bud John together on the Matterhorn… yee haw
Talk about an E ticket attraction!!

“Of course, that’s only my opinion. I could be wrong.” - Dennis Miller

HI BB’ers First of all I looove the pics of Dave and Africa and will look forward to pics of Willum and Dave, a dynamic duo! With plumes???

Coreene: How did my friend do at your show this past weekend I hope she did well, she is a very nice lady and i think she might be looking for a new place to hang her tack

Bumpkin: Thanks for the heads up on the 10 ways to leave your trainer thread. I will definitely go check it out believe me I have more than a few ways

I would definitely love to do a few little shows along the way to practice my new seat and so forth. At times like this I wish I had a truck and trailer Hey Merry: if there’s ever any room in your trailer…let me know…I’ll pay I would like to get in a few smaller shows before the Oaks in July, at which I will proudly wear my Coth Cap or you could recognize me by the classes I have pinned on my huntcoat (along with my name)

I was in Ojai the first part of this week and it was absolutely lovely. It kinda reminded me of what Laguna Beach used to be like umteen years ago. I was existing on a 1000 calorie a day diet until I crept across the street for a sorbet in a waffle cone and a “salted” bag of popcorn

I kept muttering as I detoxed from the junk food I love to consume, “I’m doing this for my riding”. Needless to say, when I got home, I promptly consumed a bag of chips No willpower

Merry, that is how I’ve heard the story goes about BP as well. What a major bummer!!! She’s really nice too…that is where Cypress came from originally. Well, she was at her barn to be sold anyway.

My legs are dead today. I took a lesson in 2 point practically the whole time. UGH! Not fun after the sod festival yesterday. And it wasn’t just a little bit of sod…it was 1160 sq feet of sod!!! My backyard will be complete one of these days. Tomorrow I plant more plants, after I get home from my trail ride. Woo hoo! I’m having so much fun with Miss Cypress on trail this springtime!

Oh NancyL, I know who you mean. Thats better than any soap opera ever written. Is the ex-girlfriend still with the ex-wife trainer?

Suave, you go girl!!! Strawberry margaritas are being blended by rusty…Curbs jingling.

The clique/cult starts singing “Here comes da judge” as Merry prepares her cards for tomorrows judging.

Not the best with her knees but I am shocked she can get her fat a$$ over something this big!

AAJumper waves hand frantically…“oh me, me!!! I’ve been to school with famous people!!!”

I went to high school with Jennifer Flavin (Sylvester Stallone’s (sp??) current wife). She was a year older than me and had her PE locker right next to mine. I also went to elementary and junior high school with Lisa Bonet (used to be spelled Boney) and rode the bus with her. She was in the highly gifted magnet program! She was a blast on the bus…always having a good time. I also went to high school with Jamie Farr’s son. Oh, and my cousin was in the movie Audrey Rose…she played the girl, Ivy. She was also in a mini-series called The Chisolms…and I got to be an extra, singing “Rock of Ages”!!!

Okay, so here is my REALLY big news…the company I interviewed with called me back!!! Apparently some of the vice-presidents in their Irvine office are very interested in my former experience working for the Federal government. They have some really big contracts with them…major cash cow! So they are going to call me to set up a time when we can talk on the phone. I guess they want to ask me more specific technical type questions about my former job. Woo hoo!!! I would love to get back into the big projects that I used to do. I’m so excited! Thank you to everyone for the curb jangling…it worked!!!

On a side note… I am SO bored because this company is unable to provide me with enough work!!! Maybe I should cut back on the caffiene!

Ah, weight and shape.

I am, alas, not built as an eq rider at the best of times (although I did quite well in Those Junior Years). But I must say that the Shapely Breech, which you can get both through 18-24 and Dover (Dover stocks Longs, too, which 18-24 doesn’t), feels like it is custom made for the tres hourglass figure.

So, my darling Bumpkin, you will love them.

Alas, you will not find them is puke hunter ring green (which is actually a color I quite like). My lost pair was regular length and fit better than most Longs, and the one I ordered is Long. I know they do full seat and regular, but alas my legs are so fat and my knees knock a bit so I must bypass full seat lest my thighs stick together and I flip myself over in the HCPEC parking lot.

I do have some very nice side-zip puke green breeches in 34L which any of my fellow BBers may have [B]free of charge[/B] if they like, given that I have decided to wear only black. And several full seat new breeches, in white and black, brand new in 32L and 34L. They were some overstock that a friend had and she gave them to me, and I laughed hysterically when looking at the 32L because I wear 36L.

Freebies. What a concept! They are at my house and I am housesitting, still, for the Queen Mother and my dad, so I will get over there in a week or so and grab them should anyone want them.

Thanks everyone! Suave, that class was either the schooling jumpers or the A/A Jumpers…I think maybe schooling. That was week 2 when we were in the ring by the campers. By weeks 5 and 6 they switched the AA ring and we were in the oval ring by the bathroom. I swear that oval ring is my bad luck ring!!!

I will jingle my curb chain for you Rusty!!! Those planning commissions can be such a pain, but you will get through with flying colors!!! A quarter mile is a long way, and no one should have any right to complain!!!

OMG…I gotta sign off…I’m missing BattleBots!!!

LOL Rusty…I’m having visions of that Juice Man guy who did all those infomercials with that Juicer. He’d pour all sorts of weird things into the juice machine and then drink it!

Aha, rusty, so the city meets Monday night. We were wondering. Just remember: we’re all jinglin’ for you!

Oh and Suave, I just saw the Horse Illustrated issue. Gee, I wonder if I should ask Calvin Klein for an endorsement fee for so vividly displaying their jeans?

Merry said:
Beezer is correct. I will not venture into the glorious AHSA-rated arenas until I’m fairly certain of being able to maintain my princess-on-horseback status. After all, I don’t want anyone yanking the crown off my head!

Ah, this is what schooling shows should be about. Then, when you and Hambola make your debut at the first big show, everyone will marvel and there will be lots of “who is that fantastic horse and where did he come from?” questions voiced on the rail. You can smile, re-adjust your crown, bask in the adulation, and take all the credit.

Cheers, Maggi

A friend of mine that makes thenm is going to teach me how to make them. I already have the leather. I think I will call her and bug her about it.

I think that would be perfectly acceptable, Princess Show Scepter Schlepper!!