CA Clique Redux

Can’t a judge DQ a horse?
Or give the whole class a lower placing?

Ironically just after I posted the link the site was suspended due to lack of bandwidth. (Rhymes with sandwidth??)

You’ve got a fine analytical mind young lady. What a clever trick

Is anyone going to the Coto OCHSA show in a few weeks let me know if you are.

Taryn: Good luck on your hay quest

Keep em coming.

In regards to the book, I got mine at

Beezer actually had a great lesson on the Lovely Spot yesterday. I predicted it, since when I lunged her on Friday the mare raced around at the end of the line like a freakin’ maniac! So she had all the yippies out!

Hammie got all his changes, too. But Beezer about fell off her saddle laughing at a few of his antics. Oops, must go to church. It is Easter, you know…

Trailer over to Merry’s and have a show at her place!
You enter, she judges!!
Perhaps the British photographer can come and then Merry can write an article on how to put on a small show

A lucrative book deal?

Never will I watch QVC, reread old HORSES though…
Lets see, I went to school with Barbie Benton, who was Barbie Klien in HS, she was old Hugh Hefner’s girlfriend in the 70’s
And there was a herd of Olympic Medal winning swimmers at our HS because Sherm Shevor was their coach and owned the swim club in our neighborhood.
You always knew which ones were swimmers as back then they had green tinged hair, haha
His daughter, Shelly, was horse crazy though and a group of us had a Saddle Club.

So many things became clear … Mr SoEasy has had Crohn’s disease for as long as I have known him (um … married almost 25 yrs!) He lives on lomotil, flagyl?, and sometimes pred … not fun at all.

What the heck is going on with Infopopped?

It’s pretty amazing when I call Beezer at her work and we’re staring at two distinctly different lists of thread topics! I thought the Cal Clique thread had vanished… into Canada…or some other forbidden zone.

So, elizabeth, have you shaved your legs, plucked your eyebrows and exfoliated your face yet, in preparation for tomorrow night?

rusty, knock 'em dead at the meeting— well, not literally— although you have my permission as your former Queen to bop any city officials on the head with a riding crop if they give you a bad time.

AAJumper, just to get your potential new bosses a proper mindset, toss into your next conversation something like, “Oh, excuse me, I have to bend down and pick up my spurs that I dropped. I was taking off my riding gloves and they slipped out of my hand…”

Beezer and I would love to post photos, but alas, we have no scanner! (Or does Mr. Beezer have one at home? If so, is it “sacred”, meaning it cannot be touched by anyone female?).

Wow Merry i feel for you First the show day’s little inconveniences (like a lead change ) to a teary QHSM. Look on the bright side another special moment of quality time with QHSM. So where’s Rusty with those Margaritas (carrot ones for the health conscious )

Loved your accounting of your day and I feel your pain (Horse Show Support Group Talk )

Seriously lead changes have always been my nemisis…Hello, my name is SuaveReno and I have a tough time with lead changes…In fact I had a wonderful round at one show…except for those lead changes Lead changes, LEAD CHANGES, we don’t need no stinkin lead changes…

I’m getting silly on Rusty’s carrot margaritas WTG girl!

Just rolling in from another weekend in Vegas. Coreene…so happy Wilhem is back to his old self! What would those bunnies do w/o him? I searched long and hard for horse sized plumes for the clique to don at the next show, without success…sorry gals.

Of course I spent big bucks in vegas acting like I was about to win the lotto, only to come home to an e-mail from the lady who I thought was going to buy my horse, saying she decided to go another route. So back to square one.

However, the trip to Vegas for my sister’s Bachelorette was lots of fun. We got into a sufficient amount of trouble to call it a success and lost a sufficient amount of money to call it a trip to Vegas.

Suave, glad you made the move. Sorry it didn’t happen the way you wanted, but you’re right, don’t burn any bridges.

Does Cypress have a fav boyfriend, that could kiss her owie? Poor girl, those hematomas aren’t pleasant.Wty jangles her curb, soothing sounds for wellness.
Curbs jingling, we chant in unison for Merry. Winner, winner, winner. Hammie behave!!! Merry, light on the leg.

Mo my circumstances have changed since we last talked about that horse. I don’t have anyone for her right now, but I will keep her in mind when and if things change.

Bumpkin I am sorry to hear that Poncho is still a little lame, I am jingling my curb chain for him and Mallory.

Suave could you please explain Pilates to those of us that are clueless.

Every on e thank you for the birthday wishes.

Rexford is correct. It is the sainted Fleet apple with DiAnne Mitchell in the irons

AA Jumper! OMG! You just gave me a reality check AAhhhh!!! I am old as dirt and after my lesson today, I do not have game (or should I say leg!). I am starting from the basics all over again

Ahh you youngsters…I remember when it cost 3 dollars to braid the mane and 5 dollars for a tail. Horse show entries were $5. except medal classes were $10. and Indio was a week!!!

Excuse me, I need to go take my teeth out…

Coreene, I worked for Mark for a year, maybe year and a half, (believe me that’s long for me). It was fantastic!! He’s really, really nice!!
And bald… do you like bald men? You wouldn’t know, he always wear’s a ball cap. I hated to leave, but had too. I got to ride Legato, (Peter’s mount for this past olympics!), I also got to ride his stallion Artos!! Ohh, that horse was so well schooled he’s like butter in your hands. Also many other really nice horses that were coming up thru the ranks. It was a fantastic experiance, and he’s a wonderful employer!! Nothing bad about Mark (no dirty gossip) like there is with so many top trainers. So keep on dreaming girl!! He’s a good dream!! He is however married to my friend (back then) Jane. I have’nt talked to her since I moved out here, but you’d like her too. She’s really sweet.

Oh no, Suave, you mean the client sold her horse, so she’s has no horse, but no $ either? Me thinks she needs the number of an attorney!

Gee, do we know of any attorneys in California?

Kind of reminds of the famous (infamous?) well known So. Cal H/J trainer who more than once sold his clients’ horses while they were out of town. That’s right, and the horses weren’t even on the market! They just came home from vacation and found-- voila!-- their horses had been sold. In one case, the client took said trainer to court and won a judgment against him.

Let’s play: “Guess which trainer!”
Ante up people. Who do you think did this?Initials only, please!

I’ve always liked black coats the best. Must be a dressage thing, but even in my Olden Days Of Showing In HJ, I always preferred black. And, like Chef, I have a very soft spot for canary breeches.

Remember a few years ago when “they” tried to introduce pale canary in the dressage world? Anyone? Anyone? Loved that because it was a little less HARSH than white, which makes my zaftig thighs even more pronounced.

So, what are you suggesting, Wty, that I cannot manuever my Hambola around? That he has his own mind? That after being around horses for 30 years I’ve come full circle to resembling an 8-yr. old child with an overgrown Shetland pony? Wait… you could be onto something…

I’ve seen the cutest little cart with a mini pulling it. The lady in the cart looked a trifle too large to be pulled around by a mini, but what do I know? I think a four-in-hand or a six-up of mini’s, pulling me around in my royal coach sounds absolutely dreamy! They could all be grays, and have turquoise ostrich feather plumes on top of their heads, and wear black harnesses with silver studs on their headstalls! Ooooh!

What’s an Asian Canadian doing using “y’all” in a sentence as if born to it?

Is the Old Confederacy (Mississippi just voted to retain the Confederate Battle Flag as part of our newly official state flag) spreading the tendrils of our dialect as far NORTH as Canada? Y’all is such a handy concept that I’m not surprised it has traveled, but I’d never have thought that someone who puts a “u” in “airborne” would succumb to its seductive attraction.

Heidi, now that Sumo Toddler is a California transplant, you’ll never get him back to the Tundra.

To make this horse related, I just realized today that Duncan’s color is officially Sooty Bay. Duh!

anyone could beat my Exacto-Man, but Heidi your stories are truly amazing! I’ve been racking my brain, trying to remember another gross out incident, but non can compare to, uh, “red” and “ped” I did have another architect throw a Dilbert book at me for no good reason…ironic, eh?

In other news, my PPE didn’t go well (on the CA Mystery Horse) so I am not the happy horse owner I thought I would be at this time. Oh well, it just means something better is about to come along…

I’m off to Copper Meadows this weekend for an event with my lease horse!