CA Clique Redux

It’s a very real and serious disease. Classic symptoms include a huge assortment of bits hidden in a trunk, an obsession with the newest bits to appear in the catalogs, and a whopping credit card balance. In the advanced stages, sufferers will buy an expensive bit, try it once, and bury the bit and the receipt in the back yard.

Please do not make fun of us- our horses do that enough already.

The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day. We could n’t use the pool because the pool cover that heats it had to stay off. It isn’t pretty and there were people coming to look at the house today.
So we took the kid and did the family thing at Train Town, and then went and looked at new living accomodations,travel trailers and RVs.

This could prove to be a very interesting summer. Living in an RV or travel trailer with a 2yr old child. This is Mr. Rusty’s idea of living accomadations while we are building something more permanent, like a modular, until we can really build a house.

I guess you can’t fault a man that thinks the barn ought to go in first.

My suggestion was a three horse slant with living quarters. If we don’t use the horse part right away it would make a good play room for our daughter. Then later on we could take it to shows. Then we would have to get a new truck so one could haul the house and onc=e could haul the old four horse. It never ends does it?

Who was at the show in Monterrey (I think that’s where it was - above San Jose but below SF…) this past weekend? Showgrounds up on a hill with several rings - lots of XC fences, etc…

I was watching, but saw no one with COTHBB in bright letters anywhere on their beings, and no caps…And, of course, I did NOT watch any hunters! (Watched the last “open” jumper class in the ring on top of the hill.)

Looked like fun and a nice show.

Oh yes! We should do this rusty Plus our lovely equine friends can come along. They would love having Carrot Margaritas, especially with all those lovely yummies thrown in! Wty jingles her curb…

Oh, I like the thumbprint cookies I make from scratch: you can either put a giant Ghiradelli chocolate chip in the center or a blop of your favorite jam. My girlfriend gave me the recipe, saying, “Basically it’s sugar held together with butter.”

Yes, the Tigger photos/article are in magazine issues of Horse Illustrated. You can actually see what I look like, along with el ranchito. The website I write for, totally unrelated, is

Now, onto a far more stimulating topic…although I haven’t yet read the other thread on this very topic, I must mention, ladies, that I saw last night, The Mummy sequel. Alas, I have been unfaithful to my boy toy, Brendan Fraser. I spent the entire movie lusting after the swarthy, tattooed, long-haired Arab-type comrade… The fact that he portrayed a chaste, monk of sorts only made him more appealing. sigh And here I was, sitting next to Mr. Merry, holding his hand and thinking, “Maybe he’d look good in a long black robe…”

Well today was a new day, I got up early went over to the barn just to check on things and found my stall gate up Reno peacefully munching his breakfast and Umberto getting ready for the Oaks. They keep the place so organized and I am just not used to it I wish I could keep my house as organized

My daughter developed a headache and didn;t want to go to the barn today so I said, "Ok, if you want to let this other nonsence get you down stay here…but if you want jump those caveleti’s, put your breaches on, suck it up and get in the car…but not before you brush your teeth

Quick question. (Tengo una pregunta) in an EQ class over fences, where should your hands be? At the martingale? 12 inches above the martingale? How much of a release on the mouth should you have? I worked on my aids, getting Reno to be more responsive to my leg, it was soo great. They actually explained why you do something as opposed to just telling you to do it. I wanted to work on it today but Reno has a loose shoe so we were grounded. Kari BTW had a great time today jumping caveleti’s. Everyone heard what happened and were very kind to her. She jumped and had a great time after all

AA Jumper: Since I changed barns, I won’t be at LAEC this weekend. I have to sit down and figure out which shows I gonna do. i think tho’ we could be on the same schedule for many of them. I am just not sure which classes I’ll be in

Merry we want tales of the Hammie and the ham sandwich. Were you in a hack and snack class


Well, I love the brick breeches and have always thought brown boots were da bomb. Why can’t everyone just do a Buck The System Day and all come out in brick and brown???

Loving it, loving it. And that show bow mentioned on another thread would make you go airborne like Sister Bertrille on The Flying Nun.

Beezer, between you and Merry, I can rest assured that I will never die unnoticed. You two will notice!! xoxox Thanks. That makes me feel all warm and fuzzy (I was actually away on business Monday and today, in San Jose. Now I know where Sunnyvale is - doesn’t one of us live there?)

And, coreene, for Pete’s sake - I’m Catholic. The details don’t get very gory. So don’t rain on the parade! How 'bout when you get to a post from me, close your eyes and scroll down? Then the ladies who have been happily married for years who are now living (in the words of Merry) vicariously through my new romance can read on!

[I] The weekend was FABULOUS. I am being “romanced” out of my little mind. He got us a room overlooking the ocean - the FREAKIN’ ocean. It was beautiful beyond words. I fell asleep hearing the waves, and I woke up hearing the waves. And I saw DOLPHINS frolicking among the surfers. Woo hoo!!

I suggest you all go out and purchase dresses to wear to the wedding now. Or, in the case of Beezer, to keep it fun for you, go purchase a saddle pad in a fabric or pattern that resembles the fabric or pattern of a dress you might wear to my wedding. . . . [/I]

Glad to hear everyone is doing well - I’m glad the shows went well with the El Ranchito crowd. I am very glad, rusty, that your approval process is moving along. Perhaps, to really grease the skids, you could agree to do a skate board park/riding arena combination. As long as we all pass right hand to right hand, it should work out nicely.

Wty, thanks for the shipping tip - I will look into it.

Was there an update I missed on whether Poncho was sound yet? Oh, and - hello - Tux - PICTURES! (Congrats to you!!)

Email me too, pleeeeease. Cause Suave your friend needs to get an attorney and fast. She won’t see that money and if she knows who bought the horse, she needs to track down the sales end of it. Sorry, but Ms. Ex-T has never changed her spots and this is par for the course!

wty knows that horse deals, such as KL’s are known as fraud. Having learned that lesson the hardest of ways. One would hope we could police ourselves, but this never seems to happen.

A/A, you did say you posted at too, right? Duh, having brain death. Way too many of those peeps in my system. curbs, jingling softly, A/A a job pleeeease! Oh heck, one of those chicky pippy margarita’s rusty.

[This message was edited by wtywmn4 on Apr. 12, 2001 at 08:19 AM.]

I tried to start a new topic last night, but it isn’t here this morning. I guess infopop didn’t want to post it

Oh well, The neighbors decided to appeal the planning commission ruling. Now I have to go through another hearing. More delays.

I think he would like a plume to go along with the silver studded dressage bridle and the Kippy Slinky show shirt and rhinestone studded pad and Hoof Black-ed feet. And then he could have royal purple plumes.

So Suave call me at work and I’ll buy ya lunch this week.

Oh, Elizabeth, this is what you’ve been waiting for, yadda, yadda.

Elizabeth it’s he who should be nervous about taking you out. We all know he’ll be luckyif he’s good enough for you.

Have a wonderful time and RELAX! You look great, by the way.

AA Jumper that God your boss has left maybe the place will be a little more palatable. I’m just thank-ful i don’t have to do the drive to Glendale anymore On not hearing regarding the other job opportunity, sometimes these things may take awhile depending on which level of management the hiring decisions are kicked up to.

Here’s the latest for me. I have had 3 interviews with this one firm and they now want to send me to a company shrink to see if I am ideally suited for their company. What a hoot

I always am a little suspicious of companies that need to do stuff like this. I mean I’ve only been in my industry for 22 years. That’s gotta tell you something…hmmmm may not be a good thing Oh well I’ll just have to take my Prozac and suck it up and go

Chef: Grace is darling! Love her color! Is that the ring at El Toro? The footing looks great!

I didn’t see Kenneth Branaugh as Hamlet. But I saw a very old film of John Barrymore who was for a time considered the greatest Hamlet ever performed (c 1921). Of course the acting styles were very different in those days. By today’s standards, he might be accussed of chewing a lot of scenery!

Bumpkin, I too am late for work. Will e-mail you later.

rusty: Ah, nothing like family togetherness! But frankly, I commend you on your suggestion for a horse trailer with living quarters!

wtywmn: Oh my gosh, you have hep. C? That’s a tough one to deal with. I went through a couple of years of monthly infusions of I.V. gamma globulin, and I was always conscious of possibly getting hepatitis. I hope you’re doing well.

elizabeth: Okay, I’ll weigh in on the man thing. He obviously likes you, because he’s spending time with you. But you mentioned a church retreat. Maybe David is just morally conflicted. He may have strong feelings for you, but he’s keeping them under wraps. Flashing back to my one and only date with the very shy, deeply Catholic Tony S. of my Disneyland days…(Scared him off!) I’d just give ol’ Dave some clues, like during a good laugh about something, reach over and rub his upper arm, or if you happen to congratulate him about something, give him an enthusiastic hug. But if you just suddenly leap on top of him and put a lip-lock on his face, he may run for the hills, figuring you’ve “been around the barn” a few too many times.

AAJumper & Bumpkin: We use gas for our outdoor, built-in barbecue. Now, if we could only figure out a way to use gas to run the computer!

Now, finally, Trick of the Trade: Welcome! Should we play a game and guess which Orange County stable was the site of that photograph of your cute horse? I say Serrano Creek.

Please detail what exactly you want and how much your price range is and how old and how tall bla bla bla and we can all help you hunt. How fun! Like going to South Coast Plaza, only much much better.

OUCH Coreene! That sounds really painful! I hope you heal quickly!

My old horse used to really like Apple Wafers, although I have no idea why…they look like they taste like chalk.

The best! You all have me salivating big time. Love those Bon Bon’s. They even come in mint too!! The thumb print cookies, hmmmmm…Is there any other place that has chocolate covered everythings besides TJ’s? It sounds like we’re chocolate deprived?? So Merry, are you willing to share this recipe with the rest of your clique?

Let’s hope rusty’s trek is good! Vilems better, ja vowl! Chef has had a ball in Lost Wages. Hopefully, not literally The full moon is about to subside, and NO I don’t care what you have been told. It really does have an affect. So things may fall back in sinct?

I am so sorry

I can certainly sympathize…

SuaveReno…sounds like you and your daughter are well on your way to making a better home at your new barn. Some people can be so rotten, can’t they? I cartainly can’t sympathize with you because I have been with my trainer for about 15 years. (But maybe that because I am afraid to leave? LOL!) I have to assume the trainer you moved to is the one that I rode for last summer…and they are fabulous!

Merry - we are all expecting the full report on the pig roast - I mean Hammie’s show.

AA Jumper - I’ll see you this Sunday!