CA Clique Redux

How is 8 xrays and nothing? (olde Vet)
Then the new Vet, (the very same Vet who brought Elliot into the world and delivered the Starman seman), found the huge abcess pronto three weeks ago, carved a V into his hoof that makes Poncho now look like a cow.
Put a pad and bar shoe on and Poncho was fine for two weeks, now he is lame again!!

Yup, Regis, I’m going with Pat Blakiston, too.

Gotta love the double bridle on that hunter! And I KNOW I should know this horse’s name if it is indeed a Blakiston Ranch horse…The spots in the blaze seem to jar my memory…

(By the way, doesn’t that look like Mary Gatti behind her in the stands?)

TuxWink, Camelot Riding Club has a lot of Tri-Valley shows. In fact, I just got a prize list for one today. The show is June 10th, and the classes are $18. There are no haul-in fees, no member fees, and no penalty for post entry! You can get show information at
The phone # for the Tri-Valley HSA is (818)896-4753, if you want more info about other Tri-Valley shows. Also, Middle Ranch used to have a lot of schooling shows, including jumpers on the grass.

Merry, I too noticed the extended bill on the COTH cap…I thought maybe it was just my imagination.

Is this RF the same RF who has a sales barn and a rep for doing ANYTHING to get a horse sold? Including depriving it of water for 24 hours, drugging, etc.?

Merry, it’s all the same with those medical personnel…they just don’t understand the horse thing. Except the eye doctor that I’ve been going to for checks on the eye I had the orbital fracture on. His daughter rides at a big name barn in this area, so he couldn’t exactly give me the “you are crazy for riding” lecture.

And yes, Beezer and I have a lot in common I hear, although she got airlifted, right? Beezer, you know how to travel in style, girlfriend!!! I had to travel the peasant way, via paved roads. Gotta love those speed classes!!!

Maybe they had such a good time that they are driving to NY to meet Buster. VBG

As an insomniac east coast poster, I would like to thank the CA clique for keeping me entertained with their posts when all of the sane people of this coast are alseep.

Merry, if there are no eggbutt snaffles in that pile of metal that is beginning to resemble some sort of New Age sculpture (a tribute to Q Coreene, perhaps??), Beezer will buy your COTH hat!

Willem has always been mad about the head of Giddyap Girls anyhow (she boards at our barn), and since they are in love she always has him taste. It’s truly something to see. A few months ago she came up with three bags, marked A, B and C. She had made some adjustments to the recipe, and each bad had a different adjustment.

He sniffed A and refused to eat it. Sniffed B and turned his head away. Sniffed C, very slowly took it, chewed a bit and spat it out (he really does spit things out - I know they’re not meant to be able to spit but he does). So, all those adjustments of the recipe were 86ed. He is just picky enough to rule out the recipes that most horses won’t eat, yet on the other hand has a varied palate.

The Galloping Gourmet, ahahahahaaaaaaa!!!

Then, when she was going to start advertising, she said “I’ve got these ideas, how about blablabla,” and I said “No, how about ‘Four out of five horses prefer Giddyap Girls’ just like the old Trident gum ads?”

Et voila. And Mr Plume appears.

The MO(re) the Merry(er).

but I gotta brag.

I just fixed my laptop, that had been DEAD for six months. Took it apart, installed a new battery, put it all back together, clamping some ribbon cables and plugging in all the ports, and the thing boots and runs windows. Now I have to see if all the parts work. I can’t imagine why they won’t.

But it boots! and it runs. Yeehaw!!

And I’m not a techie. I’m an old, retired ex-lawyer with too much time on my hands in an area where laptop repair doesn’t exist. And I wasn’t going to pay Acer $400 to replace the CMOS battery.

…if she did, all & sundry would be alarmed at what is now a Clydesdale-sized bruise on her leg.

However - due in no small measure to CA CLIQUE good wishes - it feels much better today. Well, good wishes and lossa petrochemicals, but you know what I mean.

We’re all so pleased for you! No one will ever convince us in the CA Clique that the rattling of curb chains doesn’t work – you proved that it does, twice! Once with the acquisition of the property after the nepotism fiasco, and now with the Planning Commission.

Now, onward and upward with the building program.

Cheers, Maggi

I’d never wear a crown - it messes up your hair!

Glad to hear that the Hambolarama redeemed himself and disgraced himself in the same day. I mean, if he must do the latter, it’s a good thing he did the former, too. Maybe we can jingle our curb chain bracelets hard enough to get Merry to post some Hambolarama photos…

Thanks, it’s one of my favorite photos of him. The mane now lays on the “wrong” side (result of a mane pulling job that went horribly wrong and resulted in me getting PO’ed and roaching it, and then spending a few months with a big Trojan horse).

Oh what an idea dublin. But Merry will be hard pressed to give it up, what with being in exile in the kingdom and all. Now she needs it to swat at tourista’s who annoy her.

Oh do it Merry… Yeah multiple choice…

DMJ, it’s just a DIVINE book, isn’t it?! Wonder how many horses they’ll have to play just the one horse in the movie.

So how is your search going??? Let me know what else we can do to amp it up.

BUMPKIN - how is Poncho’s owie???

Just a Lurker: to proclaim your “address/place of residence” click on your user profile. Then scroll down and click “Admin option: edit profile” and re-do your location.

C&C: Lay off rusty’s margaritas! It’s “recession”.

Alf and DMJ: Ah the saga of RF. Amazingly, he’s got a lot of people who just shrug about his untoward business dealings. He’s kind of the Clinton of the horse world. I personally can’t stand the guy. I didn’t like him when I was 16, and I don’t like him at 46! But yeah, he can sell horses. I, however, refused to let one of ours go there even overnight.

I’m so glad the visions of the Hambolarama amuse and entertain you guys! He’s really quite lovely to ride. He just glides along. He’s very supple. Even Beezer remarked that when she climbed aboard for a moment, he felt like a “round bay Gumby”. To me, that’s a good thing!

Note to Beezer: I did not stack the jumps in the center of the arena so I could practice lead changes. I did it so I could ground drive (i.e. “dirt ski”) the 3 yr. old Hanoverian filly without being drug through an oxer in the event that she bolted off.

Now, a 2-week show with a grass course for Alf and her big-moving horse? Hmmm… you’ve missed Indio, my dear. But there are 5 day ones at the Oaks and Ride America.

Thanks Wtny and AAJumper, I really appreciate the jangling curb chains.

The tack trunk was a stroke of luck A gal at the barn just bought it and then decided she didn’t want to ride anymore. Wow

Does anyone know where you can get a good deal on Van Teal shirts

Daytimedrama, we’d never kick you out…we’re all going to come hang out at your place in Malibu in the summer when it’s too hot everywhere else!

Sounds like a great date Elizabeth! I like strolling around 3rd Street Promenade, but it’s been a while since I’ve done that. Oh, by the way, since you are in Santa Monica, you absolutely have to go to Cirque Du Soleil at the pier…it should be there this fall. As for the “to call or not to call” dilemma, I’d call and thank him for the nice evening, and mention something about looking at barns…that would possibly encourage him to offer an invite to his place!

Merry, I agree with you…us old married folks have to live vicariously through our single friends! I’m having my 8 year anniversary in June…the time sure flies!

Wtywmn, I am actually coming up north in a couple of weeks, but I have vowed never to lay sod again!!! We’re gonna drive up to visit my friend in Santa Rosa, then drive the coast to Eureka, then head to Redding. The real goal of this trip is to meet my dad in Weed and pick up an old Triumph motorcycle. Well, at least my hubby’s motorcycle obsession keeps him from complaining about my horse obsession!

So does anyone have any suggestions for good B&B’s in the Mendicino/Fort Bragg/Westport areas?