Charlotte withdrawing from Olympics?

The reason this has blown up so much (besides CD’s massive profile before as an advocate for horse welfare in dressage, her gold medals, and even Valegro’s visiting kids in schools) is because the whip is such a powerful emotional symbol.

When George Morris’s “indiscretions” came to light, most people knew something about them behind the scenes, but the only videos of him online were of putting thumbtacks on saddles and fat-shaming women, not hurting horses. And some of the most horrible horse crimes took place before social media and yet those people still have their “fans.” On the other hand, that woman who kicked dirt at her show horse when he dumped her was vilified, even though the horse wasn’t hurt (well, she did yank his bridle leading him out), because it was on video.

Every non-horse person “understands” whipping is bad. Hell, I am an absolute smurfy cream puff and some friends were aghast to learn I even carried a dressage whip as an aid. It’s a terrible visual image for the sport. (Which again is why I wonder why the woman picked up her camera at that moment.) A lot of my friends who very actively show dressage were even posting testimonials on their FB page that CD’s methods aren’t theirs.


I suspect this is a clip of a much longer video.


“Supporter” is a better word. I have seen a large number of people here and on SM elsewhere saying “I’m not defending what she did in the video BUT” and then going on to list lots of reasons why outright condemnation is uncalled for. Criticizing the rider, debating back and forth whether the whip is actually striking the horse, questioning the motives of the whistleblower, it just seems to me there are plenty of people who will continue to support her career due to these and other mitigating factors.


Could you live with what you are saying if was CD was a man doing this to a child?

This is NOT a mistake as the video clearly shows this was a tool in her toolbox. I do not believe this is the only time she has whipped a defenseless animal due to CD demeanor.

CD has NOT owned up to it. She has said “What happened was completely out of character and does not reflect how I train my horses or coach my pupils”. Do you truly believe this was “out of character” or that she has not “coach”(ed) other pupils this way?


True she can still ride, and teach, but we dont know what clients she has lost or will lose. Can’t imagine her going out giving clinics. Not likely to get offered new horses prior to completion of the investigation.
Her star power is gone for a while… IMO until the cloud clears away, she will lay low and figure out a plan to move forward next year - or whenever the suspension ends.


And yet, there are times when without a whip you can find yourself in serious trouble as an equestrian. (Again, this is no defense of CDJ - this was not her scenario, I am merely talking about the public’s understanding of the whip).

My background is rehabbing troubled horses. I made a mistake once and didn’t have a whip within reaching distance of a horse that had a known balking issue under saddle. Of course, no one was around to assist. I had re-educated this horse slowly and kindly, he was forward on the longe, we had restarted him successfully under saddle with a groundsperson and things were going well. I just…forgot…to have it with me when I got in the tack. Call it a senior moment. But I had gotten up there and dang it, now I was stuck. No spurs either. Just me and my little old body, on this giant horse with a balking issue.

He started to back up, slowly at first, and then he started to accelerate. Pony club kicking was resorted to, because I knew that if I let this horse stop and get off when he was in reverse or stopped, I’d have still yet a bigger problem to face, and this horse had already been a candidate for euthanasia so we didn’t have time to go to -10 on the training scale. Turning him was not a solution, as he had an extremely bendy neck and was an out of balance sort of horse anyway, so turning him could have resulted in a rear or fall. The only solution was forward through whatever means possible. No length of rein to use, and my hand tapping his butt was completely and utterly ineffective.

Thankfully, I got him to finally stop backing up and when he took a step forward I quickly praised him and jumped off.

The situation could have been very very bad. I was in terrible danger. I knew better and I should have had a whip. I really wish the general public would understand the reason some of us carry them.

Again, this is kind of an ancillary topic about what the general public “knows” about whips. NOT anything related to CDJ whatsoever.


Good. Makes me even more proud to own their equipment. There’s no excuses. There’s barely any consequences outside of lost sponsors. She’s barely lost any bigger supporters which makes me question why they’re so quick to forgive that behavior



I am sure the video was much longer - like most of that lesson. But if it all involved that kind of whipping, it would be Out There.

But it seems there must always be a conspiracy of some kind involved - no matter what the topic.


I don’t think there is a conspiracy, I just wish there was more context.


So did Mclain Wards father, there’s a documentary about it, he used a hitman to electrocute horses for insurance money, short memories in sport.


I think, and maybe this is wrongheaded, but I think I can hold all of those things in my head at the same time.

For instance -

I do believe that she should face penalties for her actions, but I don’t believe she should be publicly stoned.

I do believe that the rider wasn’t helping the situation (in terms of letting the horse go forward) but I do understand freezing in fear and/or not understanding what to do.

I do believe that a lot of the whip motions weren’t actually connecting, but I also believe that doesn’t particularly matter as the actions were unfair, and that is the problem whether there is a hit or not.

I do believe that CDJ was wrong, and should face penalties, but I also do question the motives of the leaker of the video.

I believe CDJ was excessive, but I also wonder about the context of the action.

I can hold contrary thoughts like that because I’m a complex being with a big-ol-rational brain. I don’t have to hate someone to hold them accountable, nor do I have to love everything someone does in order to appreciate some of what they do.

I suspect many here are the same. It doesn’t have to be an all good vs. all bad scenario.

Some people don’t live like that, they are considerably more black and white. That’s totally ok, but that’s probably the tension you’re seeing.


Anyone who can find a way to justify that video needs to have a look at them self.


If you’re suggesting I’m speculating that there is more abuse and that is some conspiracy, you could not be more wrong.

You said you wondered why someone ‘picked up her camera at that moment’.

I’m saying I don’t think she did. I think it was a much longer video of the whole lesson and the part with the abuse was clipped out and released on line.

Just saying that don’t think she only filmed this one minute. I think she clipped out this one minute from a longer video of a lesson which probably had no other moments like this or, as you say, those other moments would have been released as well.

No conspiracy at all so please slow your roll there. I fully suspect it was a fairly normal lesson until this happened. It is extremely common to video lessons and training sessions across sports so that the athletes and trainers can look back and see how they did and what they can work on.

Thank you and agreed. What a weird take away from what I wrote!


NOT A DEFENSE – but I’m thinking that horse had been pushed beyond his comfort zone, and was exhibiting dangerous behavior, and CDJ didn’t know what to do. She was not dressed in riding gear (maybe pregnant at the time?) so she was not inclined to get on to help horse get out of that “stuck” place herself. Once again, NOT A DEFENSE – just spitballing a possible explanation.




Sounds like the rider and horse were having problems, and they enlisted CDs help.
If I was riding with CD, dam straight I want people taping every second so I can review it all later.


What do you want to have happen to her?
She is not going to the Olympics. And may never again, although never is a long time.

She has lost her sponsors and standing maybe permanently.

She may end up losing her partnership with Carl Hester, and no guarantee that she’ll get someone else, at least not for a long time, if ever

So what more do you want?

She already took responsibility. Some of you already stated that you don’t believe her:". It’s just a PR stunt. "

We can speculate all we want, but it’s up to the FEI and GB to decide if and how punishment or discipline should be meted out .

For my own part, I think she should definitely not attempt to teach. Especially young riders.
About training horses I don’t know.
We only have a one minute video.
Seeing that video , I probably wouldn’t, but then, she would be out of my reach anyway, so there’s that .


Exactly. I think the whole session was on tape and just the one minute that was germaine to the complaint was released. I love to have sessions recorded too and esp if I have a good coach. It really helps to watch it back.



But what if that was NOT your experience? The trainer had only ever been patient and used kind, effective methods.

I imagine that there are plenty of devastated students out there who have ridden (or currently ride) with CD and are completely floored by this. I’m imagining if I was in such a student’s shoes - you’ve lost your trainer and mentor over an incident that you cannot fathom that trainer having committed.


This forum can be harsh at times but in general it is much less so than other forms of social media, has a narrower user base, and is more moderated. I would bet a lot of money that CDJ has been the target of bullying on social media, all the way up to death threats. I’m not going to go looking because this is as close to social media as I generally can tolerate…

ETA: Deleted a post immediately above this as I realized my comment had already been said.