Colonoscopy prep? Thinking of Kim

Not really, I believe just before 50, which is when the cancer was found the first time.

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Things are starting to get very scary here. Jingles needed please.


Big kimberwick jingles. Please keep us updated.

Sending positive thoughts.

Jingling for you and DH.

I know that generally refers to a husband but those are my dad’s initials so works in this case.

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We keep getting bad news at every turn. Next week is make it break so please keep the jingles coming.

Thinking of you and your father, and that the situation improves.

@Laurierace sending jingles and positive thoughts your way

Sorry, I misunderstood, thought it was your DH.

Jingles work anyway, I think, even if not always getting it all right.

Hoping this next week brings you better news.


As many Jingles as I can muster are on the way to you and your family, Laurierace.

My brother the CPA in California is so sufficiently spooked about this that he is boarding a red eye as we speak in the heart of tax season. So far so good but next week is scary.

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Wishing you strength when your dad needs it, and wishing for you to find strength in others when you need it. Speaking as someone who has been there, you WILL get through this. Jingles for your dad, you, your brother and all of your loved ones.


Oh Laurierace, so sorry to hear all this news that doesn’t sound encouraging.

I will add your dad to my ‘personal thoughts’ list and hope for more encouraging news this coming week,


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Jingles for your dad for good news.


(^^ I have no idea what those symbols really are, but I see them as jingling curb chains)


Apparently there have only been 3 people with this double whammy and all of them are dead but first course of chemo is going in as we speak.

Every person is different.
Maybe this approach he is under will work for him, you never know.


{{Laurierace}} and also for your dad.

Think positive and believe that the chemo will work its magic.

You and your dad will be much in my thoughts!

How does one keep the cheese from slipping clear off their cracker? Super glue? Valium? Mine is dangling most of the way off the edge.