Colonoscopy prep? Thinking of Kim

{{Laurierace}} My thoughts are with you and your dad (and your family).

[I]here with you ~

may this be a day of rest & recovery for all ~ [/I]

Whatever you guys are doing is working, please keep it up!


I do believe in the power of positive thinking and positive energy.

More than happy to keep it up!

hoping some sunshine finds you and your family today ~

Not a whole lot of sun but he is having a very good day and my daughter is flying in for the weekend and we are going to Disney tomorrow so it’s good for the moment.


Hang in there Laurie – jingling like mad for you and your family.

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Sending positive thoughts for all concerned.

I hope you had a wonderful day at Disney!! That place has a way of helping you put your cares aside for a bit. Hope you were all able to do just that. Praying for strength for your dad and your whole family!

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Jingling and thinking of you and your family

Jingles from the still frozen North

I’ve been trying to find you on the forums. I hope this will reach you.

Thinking of you, and hoping for the best for your Dad and all of you (his people)

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Thinking of you, your dad, and your family.

as another COTHer said, ‘sitting with you’ this afternoon from afar. continued jingles and sending your family all my positive thoughts.


So basically the concensus was we would hit my dad full blast with the first dose of chemo because it was so likely to mess up his end stage multiple myeloma that it would be the only one we would get. They had us all prepared for him to crash and have to be hospitalized for at least a short time afterwards. So we sat around and watched him like a broodmare who is streaming milk and nothing happened more or less. His blood sugar did spike to a crazy number but it came down the next morning. I told him last night that if this next round goes as well I am heading home to Maryland. Not sure if that will jinx it or not but I need to go hug my mare and my kids at some point.
Oh and staying on topic, I have to go home and get a colonoscopy since we went from no family history to end stage of two different cancers in a matter of a few weeks.


Always happy for good news, that he sailed thru the treatment.

Yes, get checked, you can’t get checked enough when you are at risk.

Until you get back to your family, cyberhugs will have to do {{HUG}}


That’s a positive update! I hope the next round goes just as well if not better.

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Not sure where if anywhere I am posting updates on my dad but for sure not on Kim’s thread. We spent most of the night in the ER for back pain. So far they can’t figure out why he went from zero pain to pain that is uncontrollable with morphine so they admitted him for testing and pain management.

I’m so sorry he’s experiencing so much pain – I hope they can get it under control quickly. You are facing such a rapidly shifting landscape, and that’s really tough. Hang in there.

Jingling for your father.