Colonoscopy prep? Thinking of Kim

Jingles from here as well.

Jingles here, too.

Hoosier Jingles!!!
Tell Dad he has lots of feisty (tomato-loving) horsewomen in his corner :tickled_pink:

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I am keeping you and your family in my thoughts. I hope pain control is achieved by now.

Still in the hospital but he has been comfortable since this morning when they switched from morphine to Percocet. Waiting for the results of the MRI and for the oncologist to come talk to us then we can hopefully go home. I feel like i have been on coal watch for a month.

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Thinking good thoughts for you Laurierace…hoping dad is more comfortable.

Lots of jingles for you and you and your dad.

Sending jingles, and hugs to you both.

Hugs to you, Laurie.


Sending jingles to you both. Glad to hear that the.percocet is helping.


Sorry to hear about your dad. How’s he doing this evening. Any update on where the pain might be coming from?

{{*}} for you, your dad and the rest of your family. I’ll be thinking of all of you this evening.

Looks like his back pain was most likely caused by sitting on his crappy couch all day that day instead of any of the terrifying other possibilities so we are tossing it and getting him a lift chair.


That’s great! So glad it was not more serious.

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Yeah it is kind of stupid in retrospect but there were so many life threatening things the pain could have been coming from that they had to check everything. It broke my freaking heart though because this is the first time he was visibly scared. He walked into the ER and when they asked why he was there he said I probably have bone cancer and broke a bone in my back. He is terrified he has bone cancer too which we keep telling him he doesn’t, he has colon cancer that has spread to his liver and a couple of places on his ribs.

When they came with the morphine he said he didn’t want it because he didn’t want to get addicted. He has never had any pain meds in his life. I told him there was no way he was getting through this without help and that help is going to have to be pain meds so you might as well start now. He laid his head back and shut his eyes and said ok. Right there my heart just broke in half. It turned out to be a false alarm but was a glimpse of things to come that has shaken us all.


I’m so sorry. I’m sorry he was scared and how hard it is for you too. Cancer just sucks. It takes everything away from the one with it and their families.

My mom was so afraid she’d become addicted to pain meds I think she hurt a lot more than she needed to for a long time.

I hope today is a better day for him and you.

We are going ahead with out plan to head to St Pete for the night and going to my grandma’s favorite restaurant in honor of what would have been her 112th birthday tomorrow. I spent all my summers there with my grandparents so it is sort of a homecoming for us all.


Seeing your parents scared or confused is really heartbreaking. I hope you are both feeling better today and that you have a really nice night out tonight :slight_smile:


Hope your night out is enjoyable & that your Dad gets relief from the liftchair.
My own Dad fought getting the same, but then used the heck out of it!

DH’s Dad was another one who resisted taking morphine (terminal prostate CA) for fear of addiction.
In his case, grandsons got him to use marijuana (no way legal, but… ) & that helped him considerably both with pain & appetite.

Hope the lift chair gives him comfort. My mother had one, too; at first, she thought it was too slow, but eventually she grew to rely on it.

My daddy also didn’t want to get started on the heavy-duty pain meds. I think men of their generation feel that they should just tough things out. and that it shows weakness to need pain medication, and it can be difficult for them to accept help. My father eventually got past that.

My mom had thought she broke her hip, she hadn’t but we were on our way to the ER and she just kept saying “don’t let them give me opiods!”.

My grandma had a lift chair and when he cleaned out her apartment, somehow my parents had the chair to sell at their house. It was handy. My 18 year old dog sorta claimed it as his own and would curl up in it. Lol

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