Colonoscopy prep? Thinking of Kim

Hope your dad is feeling a bit better and all of you enjoyed your special meal together.

Sending positive thoughts for you and yours.

I’m all for the easy fixes like a lift chair. Glad you had a good time out, glad to hear he’s up and about and I am virtually hand holding you, because this is freaking scary

[B]EXCELLENT !!! :smiley:

  • and even my favorite [/B][B]Miller Lite !!!

Thanks for sharing ~

Jingles & AO continue for your dad & everyone who thinks he’s ‘something special’ ~

((hugs)) girlfriend !!![/B]


@Laurierace that’s one happy smile :slight_smile:

Yeah it was a great weekend. Headed back to the east coast and getting ready for chemo number 2 tomorrow


Laurierace - thinking of you and your dad. I’m really glad you all got spend some happy time together and that it will give you all fortitude for forging ahead.

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Well, I am happy to say that things are going well enough that we are going to be heading home on Saturday morning. My dad will stay down here in Florida for at least another month before he heads home to Iowa if nothing else changes. I love it down here but after all we have been through it will be great to be home.


That’s great news @Laurierace . Safe journey for your trip home and continued jingles for your dad.


Sounds like he is stable for now, good to hear.

Have a safe trip.

Great news! I’m glad things are going well and I hope they continue that way. :slight_smile:

That is great news.

I am so freaking happy! I have never been so happy to go home in my life. I didn’t think I would get to be going home anywhere near this soon and thought when I did get to go it would be because he was either dead or beyond my scope of care. I never dreamed it would be because he didn’t need anyone to care for him at all. I can’t wait to hug my kids and ride my horse! And breed my horse for my dream foal. I know all of life is tentative and I am not in denial but I am celebrating.


ENJOY !!! ALL of the ^

That’s fantastic!

All the best going forward.


@Laurierace so happy for you! Glad that you are pointed in a positive direction. Celebration is definitely in order!!

We left an hour and a half ago, only 914 miles to go!

How many days will it take?


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Maybe your miles are shorter?

Just kidding, very happy for you and your father that all is ok now.

I hope some are learning from all this and getting checked.