Colonoscopy prep? Thinking of Kim

Takes about 15 hours if we don’t hit any traffic

Sending smooth journey jingles your way

Indelicate question for those that have had colonoscopies - how is the morning of it? I have the suprep prep and take 1 bottle the night before and 1 the morning of. I’m supposed to feed the horses that morning and was wondering if I’ll be able to if I get up early enough to be done before I take the am dose?

I just don’t know what to expect as far as running to the bathroom 10 hrs after first dose.


I don’t know with that one last dose in the morning???
Can you ask someone else to feed for you?

Don’t know with your prep, but with mine, I fed horses early also.

A neighbor came over to drive for me, is required someone does.
We had to drive almost 1 hour to get there.
I wondered what to do if I had to use the bathroom while on the road.
In reality, since I was so very clean, I didn’t have any left to need to void.

I could have asked my neighbor to feed and clean for me, but I was fine for that, just did it earlier.

I don’t know with that one last bottle in the morning?
Maybe your appointment is later in the afternoon?
Mine was first thing in the morning, was there at 7 am.

Mine is at 9:45, so if I get up early enough I should be ok. Thanks. Bluey.

Best I remember, with my preps, been checked several times, after I took it, I had to go within ten minutes and after a few times, that was it, no more.

Not like you have to keep going and going after the first go round, especially since you will be so clean there should not be any more left to go but what the last dose put in.

Then, everyone is different, so provide in case you do have to go more.


Nothing is too indelicate to ask. And bless you for getting this done.


I fed the horses and turned them out the morning of mine…I was pretty much done at that point. :wink:

I decided to get someone to feed for me. I re-read my paperwork and have to take the am dose at 4:30. I would have to get up and go feed at 3:30 and that’s just a little too early for me. Lol


On another note, my dad is starting his fourth treatment this morning. He is still sailing through them and if that continues he got permission to drive back to Iowa with his tomatoes in May so he is happy. Thanks for helping us get to this point.


Awesome!!! I’m so glad he’s doing so well with his treatments and feeling good.

Having something to look forward is good for the spirit, so I hope his tomatoes are knock outs this year! : )


@Laurierace , excellent news!

It’s always one day at a time, one foot in front of the other and celebrate every single good day :slight_smile:


Great news about your dad!

I finally got a good doctor that took my mother’s passing away from cancer seriously. Most were so nonchalant about it, and she was diagnosed around the age I am now. I am considered to be quite young for a colonoscopy but my new doctor gave me a referral and completely understood why I wanted to be proactive. Her cancer spread everywhere and was “unclassified” at the end, but began in the ovaries and intestines. So a yearly pelvic exam and regular colonscopies should be in the plans for me!

Not that I’m terribly excited nor will I enjoy these procedures, but it will give me piece of mind if all comes back ok and is better than the alternatives. I’ll be so relieved to get it done. As things slow down (academia), I’m aiming for June/July.


Good for you to be persistent and mindful of your health history to keep pushing! Give us an update once you’ve gotten your results please :slight_smile:

None of us look forward to the prep or procedure but, yes, a good report from the Dr when it’s over is worth it.

Got an appt with my GI doc in June and this will be a topic of conversation with her assistant… getting it scheduled (not my first). A bit of a pain in dealing with getting there and back but her office really helped last time find a ride that insurance covered that picked me+w/c up and took me back home again.


Get the procedure. Friends 33 year old son , stage 4 colon cancer. doctor kept saying he had hemorrhoids!

@CanteringCarrot, glad you found someone that agreed with you!

@Laurierace, that’s fantastic news!

So glad to hear of everyone being proactive – I’m sure Kim would be proud of us! @CanteringCarrot, me too – waiting for end of term craziness to die down before scheduling mine.

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One of my longest tenured friend (oldest friend doesn’t seem right since I am not talking about age) was diagnosed with colon cancer last week. He was scheduled to have it removed yesterday but we now know his has also spread to his liver just like my dad so he is starting with chemo instead. It sucks that I now know way more than anyone should ever know about this that isn’t a doctor but at least I have been able to share my knowledge with him so he knows what to expect each step.
I have been trying to schedule a colonoscopy for myself ever since I got home so almost a month now. I am in paperwork limbo. I am going to go into their office tomorrow and tell them I am not leaving until they give me whatever they need and I have an appointment on their books. The not knowing part is scary.


Knowledge is power @Laurierace whatever the answer, having one helps a person plan how to play the hand you have been dealt.