I’ll tell you one story that does make sense, at least to me… a hydrid of what both SR and BC are saying.
There was a lot of drugging. ALL the ground level people (SR/SS/BC/VC) were either in on it or at least acquiesced. As long as everyone was chummy, the drugging happened and lots of blues were won.
For whatever reason (maybe over the YR event, maybe over drugging, maybe over something else) a rift developed between SR/SS/BP on one side and BC on the other. Now a lot of people were worried BC would tattle on what was going on. So pressure was put on BC that if she tattled, they’d drop VC. The drugging continued because, well, apparently it was needed to be competitive. BC knew if she wanted to continue to have VC ride, she had to take the fall. So she tried to when the testers came. Only the USEF is apparently not that naive. And now BC is telling mostly the truth (omitting her participation) and SR is telling mostly the truth (saying the drugging happened but blaming it on BC)… and there you have it.
Speculation. But it’s a story that rings true to me.[/QUOTE]
My question might have been answered in the intervening pages – but when exactly was it announced that Clearway was moving to Andre, who would be helping Tori with her equitation, and that Betsee’s hunters were moving from SS to some sort of netherland which consisted of Betsee owning and Tori riding and ??? training (was it SR who took over the training when Betsee and Scott parted ways?) Were these 2 events simultaneous?
I have never heard of Scott Rivett (not that it means anything), but I would have thought that his name might have come up in conjunction with the split and reassignment of the horse’s training and care. (Maybe it did but I did not notice.)
As a comment: I have had 2 very sick horses who were given a lot of IV shots. It was my impression that any one shot would not be likely to blow a vein; it was the totality of shots which created an increased chance of ruining a vein.
Another comment: After the “Humble” episode at Devon, wasn’t there a rule change that prohibited giving ANY shots within 12 hours of showing? If the horses were given a huge amount of GABA the day/night before, which clearly violated the drug rule, then subsequently given a much smaller amount of GABA right before showing, which violated both the drug rule and the 12 hour rule, why would BC bring the timing and amount up if it was more damning?
Also: When/why would BC be in Europe while Tori was home? It seems backwards to me.