My ever so beloved teenaged Arab gelding is having issues with dehydration from the trip, & not being willing to drink the literally unfit for human consumptopn well water here.
Jerry the shipper was really terrific in being totally up front with me in telling me that the Arab had only drank a 1/2 bucket of water the entire trip. So needless to say he arrived somewhat dehydrated. But at least Jerry telling me what went on allows me to far better know exactly where I stand with the situation.
The well water here suffers from oil company pollution from where they inject salt water down the (oil well) hole in order to lift up every last possible drop of oil they can out of the hole. (Oil floats on water ya know. Floats even better on salt water.) Gee, as an ex oil company employee I more than understand exactly how the process works. In fact I’d bet money I even have a book on “Hydraulic Lifiting” in my possession that I packed & drug all the way to Texas with me from life in one of my different incarnations this lifetime. I now more than understand exactly how hydraulic lifting can & does contaminate far & wide. :mad: I was informed this afternoon the well water here literally is not certified for human consumption. Well, that sure explains a LOT! I had tasted the dire saltiness, though at least I know know I am not nuts for having thought there was a slight lingering oil taste to it. (If you have ever worked the oil fileds, you know exactly the taste I mean!) Then add the naturally occurring high iron to it all too, & we are talking some very messed up well water. :eek:
Little wonder my Arab has been refusing to drink the trough water!
I am now literally driving to hand haul in jugs clean water to him, but I still have to get through this dehydration/minor colic issue as he is not exactly gulping down the clean water either at this point. :no:
This horse has traveled thousands of miles with my hauling him, & he is also the horse that NEVER gets sick until he nearly died from anterior enteritus right about this time last year. banging my head against a wall
So, any Jingles you can send my Arab’s way would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
(Geezuz, I would say someone just shoot me, though with all the cr@p I have literally been through lately it just might happen. arghhh)