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Dressage attire guidelines

the difference is subtle :joy:

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Bear in mind that I didn’t say where I will wear them. :grin:

Unless it’s an outright plaid befitting a carnival barker, I don’t see how a traditional tweed can be too loud. Yet I never conceived of Wonder Woman riding boots, so what do I know.

And what about the pads? So, no dayglo colors. Got ya’. But pads can have “a sheen” providing it’s not a “reflective” sheen. And maybe they can have some glitter, as long as the glitter effect is not “really prominent.”

Is that a volunteer position? Glitter Quotient Inspector? :thinking:


I remember when crystal browbands were becoming popular. There was one gray ( white) horse wearing a 4 row crystal brow band what was so sparkly in the sun, it was almost difficult to look at the head. It is possible to be too sparkly


Ridiculously written and subjective. Purple and fuchsia is ok, but brown tweed is not? What???



When I looked at the images for pads I was so confused when it came to the sparkle factor. The only difference between the one allowed pad and the one not allowed pad was
 the number of crystals maybe?

This (white on the right) is allowed
But this is not allowed?

Is there a number per square inch of crystals that is allowed and the black pad some how exceeded it?
Having crystals all along the ends does not exceed it (the blue pad above)?


I believe the problem is the size of the design. I don’t know if it’s specified anywhere, but a design that takes up 50% of the visible pad in a contrasting color, glitter or not, wasn’t permitted before and I’m guessing it’s still not now.

I bought some Romfh breeches in gray - and the pic showed lovely gray breeches
when they cam, they came with a bright blue full seat! That was not in the pic. I figured I would never wear them in a show as I am not of the type to pull that off, but would keep them for schooling. Looks like they are illegal anyway!!


Does it say that the seat can not be a contrasting color?

Edit to add:
While looking to seat about contrasting seat colors I saw this and I have to ask, how is this OK and considered discrete and tasteful?

But this is “borderline”?


White breeches very often had contrasting seats and that was Ok

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So, I rode in a USDF show wearing this shirt with and without a jacket. The judges did not say anything. Is it a bold pattern?


When, in 2021 or 2022? Honestly, I would email them and ask.

Some of us own that purple coat
 and sadly wish our old age body still fit into it


I think it was 2019, before Covid.

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I misread the guide
the top of the page says “Bright colors not allowed”, but then in tiny print on the bottom, it says 6-10 are not bright colors and ARE allowed. Number 7 looks very similar to my gray breeches. Sorry.

I still don’t know if I want a bright blue rear end at a show.


These rules are so absurd. If they want to allow colors etc, then they should just go all out. Drawing what appear to be arbitrary and contrary to what I would consider good taste rules just seems to be rules for the sake of rules.


Completely agree. I was more confused after reading this “clarifying” guideline. They need to either be all in for “nontraditional” colors or not allow them at all. This in-between space is confusing as hell.

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I’m all for relaxing the rules some, but I feel like way they’re written and being interpreted so far they’re mostly just going to cause stress for the TD and show the judges which competitors can afford $1500 custom purple boots to match the trim on their coat and their conservatively colored purple saddle pad.


 Yes? :flushed:

Regardless, it is ADORABLE and on sale! I think I’ll buy one for showing my Paint when it’s godawful hot down in Phoenix. (Needless to say, there ain’t no Glitter Police at my shows).

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Before these rules then? Best to email them.

Any more clarity on whether polo shirts allowed? Lol